Inspection of road transport companies in Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Belgium supported by European Labour Authority - Main contents
News ELA 16 December 2021
Inspection of road transport companies in Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Belgium supported by European Labour Authority
Italian, Romanian, Slovak and Belgian enforcement authorities cooperated in a concerted inspection on 3 December 2021 that focused on transport companies with branches in all four Member States. The results will be exchanged between the participating Member States to establish whether possible violations of posting rules, working and employment conditions, health and safety or establishment rules occurred.
Drivers and company representatives were interviewed during the inspection. Most of the interviewees were linked to a road transport company in Ravenna, Italy, which was the main target of this inspection.
During the inspection, each Member States’ Control Officers inspected documents concerning working conditions. This included wages, working time, driving and resting times, and adherence to the rules relating to stable establishment. Additional checks were carried out on employment contracts, provision of services and the rules concerning posting of workers.
The Italian inspectors checked whether the ADR provisions (the carriage of dangerous goods by road transport) were complied with. Further checks were also carried out on the companies’ premises available for the drivers’ rest periods, basic needs and preparation of meals.
The action was carried out simultaneously in the four Member States which allowed for efficient information exchange and checks in all participating countries’ databases. Close cooperation between labour, tax authorities and police ensured that all important aspects were controlled.
ELA, in close cooperation with its National Liaison Officers, assisted in the collection of the necessary information for the inspection, and facilitated contacts between the national authorities to prepare and carry out the inspection. It also provided interpretation services for the inspection in Italy.
National Liaison Officers from Italy and Romania participated as observers in their respective countries during onsite inspections. A Romanian Embassy representative was also present during the inspection in Italy.
In 2022, ELA will focus on the enforcement of social aspects of legislation in the sector of international road transport. In that regard, ELA is working in close cooperation with the Member States and key enforcement stakeholders to facilitate concerted and joint inspections with a view to ensuring fair working conditions for drivers, detect irregularities and fight abuses.
ELA provides Member States with operational support and assistance in the preparation, coordination, and follow-up of concerted and joint inspections, including by facilitating exchange of information, translation of case-specific documentation and interpretation. ELA also supports cross-border inspections by covering travel and accommodation expenses of participating authorities.