European Return Fund 2008-2013 – Hungary

Source: European Commission (EC) i, published on Monday, December 1 2008.

The Commission has adopted the multiannual programme under the European Return Fund 2008-2013 for Hungary for an estimated amount of € 12 million, together with the first annual programme (2008).

Vice President Jacques BARROT i in charge of the Justice, Freedom and Security portfolio, welcomed the adoption of the multiannual programme for the implementation of the European Return Fund in Hungary. "With the approval of this multiannual programme, Hungary has shown its commitment towards an integrated and balanced system of return management. Hungary will step up its efforts to improve the conditions of return for all categories of returnees, promote voluntary return and the cooperation with other Member States."

Hungary has chosen to implement all four of the Fund's strategic priorities:

  • Development of a strategic approach to return management;
  • Cooperation between Member States in return management;
  • Specific innovative (inter)national tools for return management;
  • Support for Community standards and best practices on return management.

Among the projects financed in the 2008 annual programme in Hungary are:

  • Ensuring measures to satisfy the special needs of persons requiring special treatment, providing social and psychological assistance and counselling before departure;
  • Assisted voluntary return programmes for certain groups of migrants, such as Kosovo Albanians;
  • Organisation of land joint return operations with neighbouring countries.



The European Return Fund is one of the four financial instruments of the General Programme on "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows" which encourages a fair share of responsibilities between Member States arising from the introduction of integrated management of the external borders and from the implementation of common policies on asylum and immigration. The other three Funds are: the European Fund for the Integration of Third country nationals, the External Borders Fund and the European Refugee Fund.

The European Return Fund establishes a financial solidarity mechanism to support the efforts of Member States to improve the management of return in all its dimensions through the use of the concept of integrated return management, with a preference to voluntary return and with a view to supporting a fair and effective implementation of common standards on return. The Fund will also support joint return actions including several Member States.

The overall budget of this Fund for 2008-2013 is € 676 million, distributed as follows:

  • € 632,9 million distributed among Member States on the basis of objective criteria, i.e. the number of third country nationals subject or having been subject to return measures;
  • € 43,1 million (7% of the total annual resources each year as from 2009) directly managed by the Commission and dedicated to Community actions.

For more information on the activities of Vice-President Barrot, please see: