COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (General Affairs), Brussels - Main contents
date | March 21, 2023 |
city | Brussels, Belgium |
organisation | General Affairs Council (GAC) i |
Council of the European Union
Brussels, 17 March 2023 (OR. en)
7450/23 OJ CONS 16
Europa building, Brussels
21 March 2023 (09:30)
Format 1+3 (+2 in listening room)
1.Adoption of the agenda
2.Approval of "A" items
Non-legislative list 7451/23
Non-legislative activities
3.Preparation of the European Council on 23-24 March 2023: 6080/23
Conclusions Exchange of views
4.EU-UK relations
a)Council Decision on the EU position to be taken in the 7235/23 Joint Consultative Working Group established under the (*) 7098/23 + ADD 1 EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement as regards the amendment
of its rules of procedure (Legal basis: Article 50(2) TEU, in conjunction with Article 218(9) TFEU) Adoption
b)Council Decision on the EU position to be taken in the 7236/23 Joint Committee established under the EU-UK (*) 7099/23 + ADD 1 Withdrawal Agreement as regards a decision to be
adopted, and recommendations and joint and unilateral declarations to be made (Legal basis: Article 50(2) TEU, in conjunction with Article 218(9) TFEU) Adoption
5.European Semester a) Synthesis report on Council contributions on the 2023 6525/1/23 REV 1 European Semester Exchange of views
b)Updated roadmap on the European Semester 2023 13683/1/22 REV 1 Presentation by the Presidency
c)Draft 2023 recommendation on the economic policy of the 5041/23 euro area 5042/23 Transmission to the European Council
6.Annual rule of law dialogue: country-specific discussion 6826/23
Exchange of views
7.Any other business
Item based on a Commission proposal
(*) Item on which a vote may be requested
The General Affairs Council (GAC) consists of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the European Union. The Council covers topics that affect more than one policy area; for example negotiations on enlargement, negotiations on the multi-annual financial framework and the preparation of institutional and administrative matters.
This Council prepares - along with the president of the European Council and with the European Commission - the meetings of the European Council. This Council deals with matters it is entrusted to by the European Council. GAC also coordinates work on policies by the other council formations.