Valdis Dombrovskis in Washington D.C., United-States

Lincoln Memorial in Washington
date October 17, 2019 - October 20, 2019
city Washington D.C., United States
location Washington D.C., United States (20h00-20h30 CET) Show location
station EbS
attending V. (Valdis) Dombrovskis i, K. (Kristalina) Georgieva i et al.
organisation European Commission (EC) i

Valdis Dombrovskis in Washington D.C., United-States: meets Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council; meets Jeffrey C. Sprecher, Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange; meets Oksana Markarova, Ukraine Finance Minister; launches the International Platform on Sustainable Finance; attends the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) introductory session; delivers a keynote speech at the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and COP25 Reception.


European Commission (EC)

The European Commission is the executive body of the EU and runs its day-to-day business. It is made up of the College of Commissioners, 27 European Commissioners, one for each member state, who are each responsible for one or several policy areas. In addition, the 'Commission' also refers to the entire administrative body that supports the Commissioners, consisting of the Directorates-General and the Services.

The European Commission is the sole EU body capable of proposing new legislation. The Commission also performs an oversight function, monitoring whether European legislation is properly implemented in the member states. In the event of non-compliance, the Commission can coerce a member state to comply by starting a legal procedure at the European Court of Justice.


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