Initiation au démantèlement des installations nucléaires, Chusclan

date November 19, 2019 - November 22, 2019
city Chusclan, France
organisation Joint Research Centre (JRC) i

Le cours a pour objectif de décrire le processus général du démantèlement et les principaux aspects de la réglementation; d'identifier les différentes techniques, procédés et méthodologies mis en œuvre et de se situer dans les exigences et les contraintes en matière de sûreté, sécurité, environnement et radioprotection.

Pour toute information et inscription consulter le site de l'INSTN


Joint Research Centre (JRC)

This directorate-general provides the Commission with scientific advice and technical support in order to help formulate, implement and monitor a wide range of policies of the European Union. If requested it will advise the Council, Parliament and the member-states.

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) also conducts scientific research. In several centres throughout Europe a broad range of topics are researched, most of it focused on areas that respond to the major challenges that face the EU policy makers. Its main areas of research are nuclear energy, economics, sustainable development, security issues and crisis-management and developing common reference materials and measurements.


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