Committee on EU authorisation procedure for pesticides (PEST)

The Special Committee on EU authorisation procedure for pesticdes (PEST) has the responsibility of investigating how pesticides are admitted to the European market.

The special committee is a response to concerns raised about the risk posed by the herbicide substance glyphosate. The herbicide had its marketing licence renewed by EU member states for five years in November 2017.

The special committee is to assess:

  • the authorisation procedure for pesticides in the EU
  • potential failures in how substances are scientifically evaluated and approved
  • the role of the European Commission in renewing the glyphosate licence
  • possible conflicts of interest in the approval procedure
  • the role of EU agencies, and whether they are adequately staffed and financed to fulfil their obligations

The term of the special committee, which will have 30 members, is nine months. It will deliver a final report of its factual findings and recommendations, to be approved by the full House.