Electoral reform of the EP and contaminated sites on the agenda of expert meetings

Source: Slovak presidency of the EU (Slovak presidency) i, published on Thursday, August 25 2016.

The Slovak Presidency of the Council i of the EU i continues with further important events, in particular events at the highest political level such as the informal meeting of the 27 heads of state or government, the informal meeting of foreign affairs ministers (Gymnich) and the informal meeting of economic and financial affairs ministers (ECOFIN). Interesting and important meetings will also take place at expert level, their number reaching almost 40 in September. Here is a selection of the most interesting that are due to take place shortly.

Informal Meeting of the Working Party on General Affairs

The upcoming meeting will be held on 22 and 23 September under the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. The delegates from 28 Member States i and EU institutions representatives will exchange views on the state of play of the EU with the members of the European Affairs Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. They will also discuss one of the main topics on the agenda - a proposal of the European Parliament (EP i) on the reform of European electoral law.

The Working Party on General Affairs deals mainly with an interinstitutional agenda focusing on the EU triangle (Council of the EU i, European Commission i, European Parliament) and its activities as regards EU citizens and entities acting at European level. It decides on the setting of common rules for the EP elections, on conditions for the functioning of European political parties or on lobby organisations and associations operating at EU level.

Informal Meeting of the Trade Policy Committee - Services and Investment

An informal meeting of experts on services and investment from the EU Member States will take place on 29 and 30 September under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy. The services experts will address in particular the issue of digital trade in services, which constitutes an important part of the bilateral free trade agreements between the EU and third countries but which is also a part of the forthcoming multilateral Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).

Investment experts from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD i) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will be presenting the topic of removing barriers to investment, in particular reducing the administrative burden on investors. The barriers can be removed while simultaneously promoting and protecting the investment, which is a standard part of international investment agreements.

International Conference on 'Reconciling work and family life in a changing society'

A conference organised by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic will be held on 20 and 21 September with up to 160 experts participating. The conference is aimed at an expert discussion between relevant actors across the EU on current needs in the context of reconciling work, family and private life. The agenda of the conference is divided into separate thematic sessions, such as flexible forms of work, women’s participation in the labour market, innovative solutions in the field of social care or care for elderly family members and other dependent persons.

The examples of good practice linking work and family life should showcase possible solutions and existing possibilities in this area. Each thematic session will consist of three presentations by two Member States, the European Commission and one domestic representative followed by a debate. The conference will be opened by the Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Ján Richter, and a representative of the European Commission.

International Conference 'Contaminated Sites'

The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic is organising a conference to share knowledge, scientific expertise, innovation and ideas of experts from state, scientific and research organisations. It will take place on 12 and 13 September and will look at the issue of contaminated sites which pose a problem beyond the EU Member States. The conference will focus mainly on the issue of the existing and forthcoming legislation and the new strategies and programmes to address the matters in question.

The experts will also discuss the methodology of creating summaries and identifying contaminated sites, their geological survey and risk analysis. An important part of the conference will be the exchange of experience and knowledge on methods and technologies for remediation of contaminated sites.

Informal Meeting of the Budget Committee

The meeting organised by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic will be held on 15 September and will feature two key topics: 'Staff of the EU institutions - estimated evolution of pensions and pension expenditure' and 'Cohesion Policy 2014-2020. A slow start, its impact and the payments profile'. Both topics will be presented by the European Commission officials with the participation of the representatives of the 28 EU Member States, the European institutions, the General Secretariat of the Council i and the Legal Service of the Council of the EU.

The aim of the meeting is to ensure a good exchange of views and a lively debate on the future of pensions and pension expenditure as regards the staff of the EU institutions, as well as to get a preliminary vision of the cohesion policy's direction at a time of new challenges.