Video Parliament agenda: Poland new media law, Mutual defence clause, Dutch EU presidency & Digital Single Market

Source: viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, published on Friday, January 15 2016.

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Poland’s new media law keeps stirring up controversy and MEPs are to debate the state of the Rule of Law and freedom of expression restriction with Polish PM Szydło, the Dutch Presidency and the Commission on Tuesday. ‘We should work with the Polish government, not against it’ urges James Holtum, ECR Group spokesperson. On Wednesday, the Dutch PM Rutte will face MEPs’ questions and concerns with respect to the new Council Presidency’s top priorities. In late November, in the wake of the tragic events in Paris, France invoked the mutual defence clause to ask EU Member States to help it in its fight against ISIS. Said demand will be debated by MEPs and EU HR/VP Mogherini on Tuesday, followed by a vote on Thursday. Finally, on Tuesday, MEPs will push the adoption of the 16 Digital Single Market initiatives announced last year by the Commission.