Opening: plenary asked to vote supplementary budget to avert cash shortfall

Source: President of the European Parliament (EP President) i, published on Monday, October 21 2013.

The European Commission will run out of funds to make payments in November unless Parliament approves a €2.7 billion supplementary and amending budget this week, President Schulz i told MEPs. Mr Schulz reported that he had been warned of the impending cash shortfall by Commission President José Manuel Barroso i, this morning.

He suggested that if the Council could deliver a supplementary budget proposal in time, then the Budgets Committee could check it on Tuesday evening and if appropriate recommend putting it to a plenary vote on Wednesday or Thursday.

He noted that Parliament had previously been prepared to approve this supplementary and amending budget (N° 6). The Council itself had taken a different view at the time, but now wanted it approved via the urgent procedure, he added.