MEPs welcome the decision to set up a temporary committee on alleged CIA flights and detention camps in Europe

Thursday, December 15 2005

Justitie en binnenlandse zaken - 15-12-2005 - 12:12

MEPs adopted a resolution expressing the European Parliament's wish to conduct "its own parliamentary inquiry" on the alleged CIA flights and detention camps in Europe, "which should at a minimum be conducted through a temporary Committee". The text was adopted just a day after the Conference of Presidents of the political groups agreed to set up in principle a temporary ad-hoc committee 'on the alleged use by the CIA of European countries for the illegal transport and detention of prisoners'.

The draft mandate and the composition of this committee will be determined by the Conference of Presidents at its first meeting on 9 January and will be put to the vote at Parliament's plenary session of January in Strasbourg.

MEPs call for the temporary committee to examine whether the CIA has been involved in 'extraordinary rendition' and transport of 'ghost detainees' " within the EU territory "; whether such practices are legal according to EU law [1] on fundamental rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU-US agreement on extradition; whether EU citizens were among the detainees; and whether Member States were involved or complicit in the illegal deprivation of liberty of individuals.

Furthermore, if investigations being carried by the Council of Europe or national governments confirm the allegations that any Member State has given assistance, the Parliament will be " committed to opening the procedure under Article 7 TEU ", which foresees a sanctions mechanism when there is a serious and persistent breach by a Member State of the same rights. Its application would lead to the loss of certain rights for a given Member State, including the right to vote in Council.

MEPs against torture

In the text adopted, MEPs also highlight the fact that press articles and reports by NGOs have indicated the alleged use of airport facilities by the CIA for transport of suspects in Aviano (Italy), Ramstein (Germany) and Kogalniceanu (Romania).

MEPs reiterate their belief that the fight against terrorism " must be fought by legal means and respecting international law ". They also express " deep concern at the allegations concerning the role of the CIA in the illegal kidnapping, transportation, secret detention and torture of terrorist suspects " and " strongly condemn any use of torture, including cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment ".

[1] Article 6 TEU made explicit that the European Union is founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. Article 7 laid down a political mechanism for preventing violations of the principles mentioned in Article 6 by the Member States.


REF.: 20051214IPR03737