Legal provisions of COM(2022)453 - Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2022)453 - Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market. |
document | COM(2022)453 ![]() |
date | November 27, 2024 |
- Chapter I - General provisions
- Article 1 - Subject matter and scope
- Article 2 - Definitions
- Article 3 - Prohibition of products made with forced labour
- Chapter II - Investigations and decisions of competent authorities
- Article 4 - Preliminary phase of investigations
- Article 5 - Investigations
- Article 6 - Decisions of competent authorities
- Article 7 - Content of the decision
- Article 8 - Review of decisions
- Article 9 - Information obligations of the competent authorities
- Article 10 - Submission of information regarding violations of Article 3
- Article 11 - Database of forced labour risk areas or products
- Article 12 - Competent authorities
- Article 13 - Administrative cooperation and communication among competent authorities
- Article 14 - Recognition of decisions
- Chapter III - Products entering or leaving the Union market
- Article 15 - Controls
- Article 16 - Information to be made available to customs authorities
- Article 17 - Suspension
- Article 18 - Release for free circulation or export
- Article 19 - Refusal to release for free circulation or export
- Article 20 - Measures on products refused for release for free circulation or export
- Article 21 - Exchange of information and cooperation
- Chapter IV - Information systems, guidelines and coordinated enforcement
- Article 22 - Information and communication systems
- Article 23 - Guidelines
- Article 24 - Union Network Against Forced Labour Products
- CHAPTER V - Final provisions
- Article 25 - Confidentiality
- Article 26 - International Cooperation
- Article 27 - Delegated Acts and Exercise of the Delegation
- Article 28 - Urgency procedure
- Article 29 - Committee procedure
- Article 30 - Penalties
- Article 31 - Entry into force and date of application
Chapter I - General provisions
Article 1 - Subject matter and scope
2. This Regulation shall not cover the withdrawal of products which have reached the end-users in the Union market.
Article 2 - Definitions
(a)‘forced labour’ means forced or compulsory labour as defined in Article 2 of the Convention on Forced Labour, 1930 (No. 29) of the International Labour Organization, including forced child labour;
(b)‘forced labour imposed by state authorities’ means the use of forced labour as described in Article 1 of the Convention on the Abolition of Forced Labour, 1957 (No. 105) of the International Labour Organization;
(c)‘due diligence in relation to forced labour’ means the efforts by economic operator to implement mandatory requirements, voluntary guidelines, recommendations or practices to identify, prevent, mitigate or bring to an end the use of forced labour with respect to products that are to be made available on the Union market or to be exported;
(d)‘making available on the market’ means any supply of a product for distribution, consumption or use on the Union market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge and in the case where the product is offered for sale online or through other means of distance sales, the making available on the market is deemed to take place when the offer for sale is targeted at users in the Union;
(e)‘placing on the market’ means the first making available of a product on the Union market;
(f)‘product’ means any product that can be valued in money and is capable, as such, of forming the subject of commercial transactions, whether it is extracted, harvested, produced or manufactured, including working or processing related to a product at any stage of its supply chain;
(g)‘product made with forced labour’ means a product for which forced labour has been used in whole or in part at any stage of its extraction, harvest, production or manufacture, including working or processing related to a product at any stage of its supply chain;
(h)‘economic operator’ means any natural or legal person or association of persons who is placing or making available products on the Union market or exporting products;
(i)‘manufacturer’ means the manufacturer of the product pursuant to the Union legislation applicable to that product;
(j)‘producer’ means the producer of agricultural products as referred to in Article 38(1) TFEU or of raw materials;
(k)‘product supplier’ means any natural or legal person or association of persons in the supply chain who extracts, harvests, produces or manufactures a product in whole or in part, or intervenes in the working or processing related to a product at any stage of its supply chain, whether as manufacturer or in any other circumstances;
(l)‘importer’ means any natural or legal person or association of persons established within the Union who places a product from a third country on the Union market;
(m)‘exporter’ means the exporter as defined in Article 1, point (19) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 37 ;
(n)‘substantiated concern’ means a well-founded reason, based on objective and verifiable information, for the competent authorities to suspect that products were likely made with forced labour;
(o)‘customs authorities’ means customs authorities as defined in Article 5, point (1), of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013;
(p)‘products entering the Union market’ means products from third countries intended to be placed on the Union market or intended for private use or consumption within the customs territory of the Union and placed under the customs procedure ‘release for free circulation’;
(q)‘products leaving the Union market’ means products placed under the customs procedure ‘export’;
(r)‘release for free circulation’ means the procedure laid down in Article 201 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013;
(s)‘export’ means the procedure laid down in Article 269 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013;
(t)‘EU Customs Single Window Certificates Exchange System’ or (EU CSW-CERTEX) means the system established by Article 4 of the [Regulation (EU) XX/20XX establishing the European Union Single Window Environment for Customs and amending Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 COM/2020/673 final];
(u)“National single window environments for customs” means the national single window environments for customs as defined in point 9 of Article 2 of [Regulation (EU) XX/20XX of the European Parliament and of the Council 38 ].
Article 3 - Prohibition of products made with forced labour
Chapter II - Investigations and decisions of competent authorities
Article 4 - Preliminary phase of investigations
(a)submissions made by natural or legal persons or any association not having legal personality pursuant to Article 10;
(b)the risk indicators and other information pursuant to Article 23, points (b) and (c);
(c)the database referred to in Article 11;
(d)information and decisions encoded in the information and communication system referred to in Article 22(1), including any past cases of compliance or non-compliance of an economic operator with Article 3;
(e)information requested by the competent authority from other relevant authorities, where necessary, on whether the economic operators under assessment are subject to and carry out due diligence in relation to forced labour in accordance with applicable Union legislation or Member States legislation setting out due diligence and transparency requirements with respect to forced labour.
2. In their assessment of the likelihood that economic operators violated Article 3, competent authorities shall focus on the economic operators involved in the steps of the value chain as close as possible to where the risk of forced labour is likely to occur and take into account the size and economic resources of the economic operators, the quantity of products concerned, as well as the scale of suspected forced labour.
3. Before initiating an investigation in accordance with Article 5(1), the competent authority shall request from the economic operators under assessment information on actions taken to identify, prevent, mitigate or bring to an end risks of forced labour in their operations and value chains with respect to the products under assessment, including on the basis of any of the following:
(a)applicable Union legislation or Member States legislation setting out due diligence and transparency requirements with respect to forced labour;
(b)the guidelines issued by the Commission pursuant to Article 23, point (a);
(c)due diligence guidelines or recommendations of the UN, ILO, OECD or other relevant international organisations;
(d)any other due diligence in relation to forced labour.
4. Economic operators shall respond to the request of the competent authority referred to in paragraph 3 within 15 working days from the day they received such request. Economic operators may provide to competent authorities any other information they may deem useful for the purposes of this Article.
5. Within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the information submitted by economic operators pursuant to paragraph 4, the competent authorities shall conclude the preliminary phase of their investigation as to whether there is a substantiated concern of violation of Article 3 on the basis of the assessment referred to in paragraph 1 and the information submitted by economic operators pursuant to paragraph 4.
6. The competent authority shall duly take into account where the economic operator demonstrates that it carries out due diligence on the basis of identified forced labour impact in its supply chain, adopts and carries out measures suitable and effective for bringing to an end forced labour in a short period of time.
7. Competent authorities shall not initiate an investigation pursuant to Article 5, and shall inform the economic operators under assessment accordingly, where, on the basis of the assessment referred to in paragraph 1 and the information submitted by economic operators pursuant to paragraph 4, the competent authorities consider that there is no substantiated concern of a violation of Article 3, for instance due to, but not limited to, the applicable legislation, guidelines, recommendations or any other due diligence in relation to forced labour referred to in paragraph 3 being applied in a way that mitigates, prevents and brings to an end the risk of forced labour.
Article 5 - Investigations
2. Competent authorities that initiate an investigation pursuant to paragraph 1 shall inform the economic operators subject to the investigation, within 3 working days from the date of the decision to initiate such investigation about the following:
(a)the initiation of the investigation and the possible consequences thereof;
(b)the products subject to the investigation;
(c)the reasons for the initiation of the investigation, unless it would jeopardise the outcome of the investigation;
(d)the possibility for the economic operators to submit any other document or information to the competent authority, and the date by which such information has to be submitted.
3. Where requested to do so by competent authorities, economic operators under investigation shall submit to those competent authorities any information that is relevant and necessary for the investigation, including information identifying the products under investigation, the manufacturer or producer of those products and the product suppliers. In requesting such information, competent authorities shall to the extent possible:
(a)prioritise the economic operators under investigation involved in the steps of the value chain as close as possible to where the likely risk of forced labour occurs and
(b)take into account the size and economic resources of the economic operators, the quantity of products concerned, as well as the scale of suspected forced labour.
4. Economic operators shall submit the information within 15 working days from the request referred to in paragraph 3 or make a justified request for an extension of that time limit.
5. When deciding on the time limits referred to in this Article, competent authorities shall consider the size and economic resources of the economic operators concerned.
6. Competent authorities may carry out all necessary checks and inspections including investigations in third countries, provided that the economic operators concerned give their consent and that the government of the Member State or third country in which the inspections are to take place has been officially notified and raises no objection.
Article 6 - Decisions of competent authorities
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, competent authorities may establish that Article 3 has been violated on the basis of any other facts available where it was not possible to gather information and evidence pursuant to Article 5(3) or (6).
3. Where competent authorities cannot establish that Article 3 has been violated, they shall take a decision to close the investigation and inform the economic operator thereof.
4. Where competent authorities establish that Article 3 has been violated, they shall without delay adopt a decision containing:
(a)a prohibition to place or make the products concerned available on the Union market and to export them;
(b)an order for the economic operators that have been subject to the investigation to withdraw from the Union market the relevant products that have already been placed or made available on the market;
(c)an order for the economic operators that have been subject to the investigation to dispose of the respective products in accordance with national law consistent with Union law.
5. Where an economic operator has failed to comply with the decision referred to in paragraph 4, the competent authorities shall ensure all of the following:
(a)that it is prohibited to place or make available the products concerned on the market;
(b)that the products already placed or made available on the market are withdrawn from the Union market;
(c)that any product remaining with the economic operator concerned is disposed of in accordance with national law consistent with Union law at the expense of the economic operator.
6. Where economic operators provide evidence to the competent authorities that they have complied with the decision referred to in paragraph 4, and that they have eliminated forced labour from their operations or supply chain with respect to the products concerned, the competent authorities shall withdraw their decision for the future and inform the economic operators.
Article 7 - Content of the decision
(a)the findings of the investigation and the information underpinning the findings;
(b)a reasonable time limit for the economic operators to comply with the order, which shall not be less than 30 working days and no longer than necessary to withdraw the respective products. When setting such a time limit, the competent authority shall take into account the economic operator’s size and economic resources;
(c)all relevant information and in particular the details allowing the identification of the product, to which the decision applies, including details about the manufacturer or producer and the product suppliers;
(d)where available and applicable, information required under customs legislation as defined in Article 5(2) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
2. The Commission shall adopt implementing acts further specifying the details of the information to be included in the decisions. Those details shall as a minimum include details of information to be made available to customs authorities in accordance with Article 16(3). Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure pursuant to Article 29.
Article 8 - Review of decisions
2. A request for a review of a decision adopted pursuant Article 6(4) shall contain new information that was not brought to the attention of the competent authority during the investigation. The request for a review shall delay the enforcement of the decision adopted pursuant to Article 6(4) until the competent authority decides on the request for the review.
3. A competent authority shall take a decision on the request for review within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the request. In case of perishable goods, animals and plants that time limit shall be 5 working days.
4. Where a competent authority considers that after taking into account the new information provided by the economic operator in accordance with paragraph 1 it cannot establish that the products have been placed or made available on the market or are being exported in violation of Article 3, it shall withdraw its decision adopted pursuant to Article 6(4).
5. Economic operators that have been affected by a decision of a competent authority pursuant to this Regulation shall have access to a court to review the procedural and substantive legality of the decision.
6. Paragraph 5 shall be without prejudice to any provision of national law which requires that administrative review procedures be exhausted prior to recourse to judicial proceedings.
7. Decisions adopted by competent authorities pursuant to Article 6 and to this Article are without prejudice to any decisions of a judicial nature taken by national courts or tribunals of the Member States with respect to the same economic operators or products.
Article 9 - Information obligations of the competent authorities
(a)any decision not to initiate an investigation following a preliminary phase of investigation, referred to in Article 4(7);
(b)any decision to initiate an investigation referred to in Article 5(1);
(c)any decision to prohibit placing and making available of the products on the market and their export, as well as to order the withdrawal of the products already placed or made available on the market and their disposal referred to in Article 6(4);
(d)any decision to close the investigation referred to in Article 6(3);
(e)any withdrawal of the decision referred to in Article 6(6);
(f)any request of an economic operator for a review referred to in Article 8(1);
(g)any result of the review referred to in Article 8(4).
2. The Commission shall make available the decisions, and the withdrawals referred to in the paragraph 1, points (c), (d), (e) and (g) on a dedicated website.
Article 10 - Submission of information regarding violations of Article 3
2. The competent authority shall, as soon as possible, inform the person or association referred to in paragraph 1 of the outcome of the assessment of their submission.
3. Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council 39 shall apply to the reporting of all breaches of this Regulation and the protection of persons reporting such breaches.
Article 11 - Database of forced labour risk areas or products
2. The Commission shall ensure that the database is made publicly available by the external expertise at the latest 24 months after the entry into force of this Regulation.
3. Economic operators placing or making available on the Union market or exporting products which are not mentioned in the database referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, or which come from areas that are not mentioned in that database, shall also be required to comply with Article 3.
Article 12 - Competent authorities
2. Where Member States have designated more than one competent authority, they shall clearly demarcate the respective duties and establish communication and coordination mechanisms that enable those authorities to collaborate closely and exercise their duties effectively.
3. No later than three months after the date of entry into force of this Regulation, Member States shall, through the information and communication system referred to in Article 22(1), provide the Commission and the other Member States with the following information:
(a)the names, addresses and contact details of the designated competent authority or authorities;
(b)the areas of competence of the designated competent authority or authorities.
Member States shall regularly update the information set out in points (a) and (b) of the first sub-paragraph of this paragraph.
4. The Commission shall make the list of the designated competent authorities publicly available on its website and shall regularly update that list, based on the updates received from Member States.
5. Member States shall ensure that the designated competent authorities exercise their powers impartially, transparently and with due respect for obligations of professional secrecy. Member States shall ensure that their competent authorities have the necessary powers and resources to carry out the investigations, including sufficient budgetary and other resources and coordinate closely with the national labour inspections and judicial and law enforcement authorities, including those responsible for the fight against trafficking in human beings.
6. Member States shall confer on their competent authorities the power to impose penalties in accordance with Article 30.
Article 13 - Administrative cooperation and communication among competent authorities
2. Competent authorities shall actively participate in the Network referred to in Article 24.
Article 14 - Recognition of decisions
2. A competent authority that has received, through the information and communication system referred to in Article 22(1), a request from a competent authority of another Member State for information to verify any evidence provided by an economic operator shall provide that information within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the request.
3. Where two or more competent authorities initiate investigations concerning the same products or economic operators, the lead authority shall be the one which first informed the Commission and the competent authorities of other Member States of the decision to initiate an investigation in accordance with Article 9(1), point (b).
4. Before initiating an investigation in accordance with Article 5, a competent authority shall verify in the information and communication system referred to in Article 22(1) whether there is a lead authority referred to in paragraph 3 investigating the same product and economic operator.
5. Where there is a lead authority as referred to in paragraph 3, competent authorities shall share all the evidence and information they may have with that lead authority to facilitate the investigation and shall not start a separate investigation.
6. The lead authority shall carry out the investigation and adopt a decision in accordance with Article 6 on the basis of the assessment of all evidence before it.
Chapter III - Products entering or leaving the Union market
Article 15 - Controls
2. The application of this Chapter is without prejudice to other Union legislation governing the release for free circulation or export of products, in particular Articles 46, 47, 134 and 267 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
3. The competent authority shall without delay, where no request for a review has been introduced within the time limits referred in Article 8(1) or the decision is definitive in case of a request for a review as referred to in Article 8(3), communicate to the customs authorities of Member States:
(a)any decision to prohibit the placing or making available of the products on the Union market and their export, as well as to order the withdrawal of the products already placed or made available on the Union market and their disposal referred to in Article 6(4);
(b)any decision following the review referred to in Article 8(3).
4. Customs authorities shall rely on the decisions communicated pursuant to paragraph 3 to identify products that may not comply with the prohibition laid down in Article 3. For that purpose, they shall carry out controls on products entering or leaving the Union market in accordance with Articles 46 and 47 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
5. The competent authority shall without delay communicate to the customs authorities of Member States a withdrawal of the decision referred to in Article 6(6).
Article 16 - Information to be made available to customs authorities
2. Customs authorities shall be provided with information identifying the product, information about the manufacturer or the producer and information about the product suppliers as regards products entering or leaving the Union market that have been identified by the Commission pursuant to paragraph 1, unless the provision of such information is already required pursuant to customs legislation referred to in Article 5(2) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
3. The Commission may adopt implementing acts further specifying the details of the information to be made available to customs authorities pursuant to paragraph 1.
4. The implementing acts referred to in paragraph 3 shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure pursuant to Article 29.
5. Where a specific product has been identified in a decision referred to in Article 6(4), in order for the customs authorities to be able to act immediately, the procedure provided for in Article 28 shall apply to delegated acts adopted pursuant to this Article.
Article 17 - Suspension
Article 18 - Release for free circulation or export
(a)within 4 working days of the suspension, if the competent authorities have not requested the customs authorities to maintain the suspension. In case of perishable products, animals and plants that time limit shall be 2 working days;
(b)the competent authorities informed the customs authorities of their approval for release for free circulation or export pursuant to this Regulation.
2. The release for free circulation or export shall not be deemed proof of compliance with Union law and, in particular, with this Regulation.
Article 19 - Refusal to release for free circulation or export
2. Competent authorities shall immediately enter that information in the information and communication system referred to in Article 22(1) and notify the customs authorities accordingly. Upon such notification, customs authorities shall not allow the release for free circulation or export of that product and shall also include the following notice in the customs data-processing system and, where possible, on the commercial invoice accompanying the product and on any other relevant accompanying document:
‘Product made with forced labour - release for free circulation/export not authorised - Regulation (EU) XX/20XX’ [OP to indicate reference of this Regulation].
Article 20 - Measures on products refused for release for free circulation or export
Article 21 - Exchange of information and cooperation
2. Cooperation among authorities and exchange of risk information necessary for the fulfilment of their respective functions under this Regulation, including through electronic means, shall take place between the following authorities:
(a)customs authorities in accordance with Article 46(5) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013;
(b)competent authorities and customs authorities in accordance with Article 47(2) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
Chapter IV - Information systems, guidelines and coordinated enforcement
Article 22 - Information and communication systems
2. The decisions communicated pursuant to Article 15(3) shall be entered in the relevant customs risk management environment.
3. The Commission shall develop an interconnection to enable the automated communication of decisions referred to in Article 15(3) from the information and communication system referred to in paragraph 1 to the environment referred to in paragraph 4. That interconnection shall start operating no later than two years from the date of the adoption of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 7, point (b), in respect of that interconnection.
4. Requests and notifications exchanged between competent authorities and customs authorities pursuant to Articles 17 to 20 of this Regulation as well as the ensuing messages shall take place by means of the information and communication system referred to in paragraph 1.
5. The Commission shall interconnect the national single window environments for customs with the information and communication system referred to in paragraph 1 to enable the exchange of requests and notifications between customs and competent authorities pursuant to Articles 17 to 20 of this Regulation. That interconnection shall be provided through [EU CSW-CERTEX pursuant to Regulation XX/20XX] 40 within four years from the date of adoption of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 7(c). The exchanges referred to in paragraph 4 shall take place through that interconnection as soon as it is operational.
6. The Commission may extract from the surveillance system referred to in Article 56(1) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 information on products entering or leaving the Union market related to the implementation of this Regulation and transmit it to the information and communication system referred to in paragraph 1.
7. The Commission is empowered to adopt implementing acts in accordance with the examination procedure pursuant to Article 29 to specify the procedural rules and the details of the implementation arrangements for this Article, including:
(a)the functionalities, data elements and data processing, as well as the rules on the processing of personal data, confidentiality and controllership, of the information and communication system referred to in paragraphs 1 and 4;
(b)the functionalities, data elements and data processing, as well as the rules on the processing of personal data, confidentiality and controllership for the interconnection referred to in paragraph 3;
(c)the data to be transmitted between the information and communication system referred to in paragraph 1 and the national single window environments for customs for the purposes of paragraph 5;
(d)the data to be transmitted, as well as the rules on its confidentiality and controllership, in accordance with paragraph 6.
Article 23 - Guidelines
(a)guidance on due diligence in relation to forced labour, which shall take into account applicable Union legislation setting out due diligence requirements with respect to forced labour, guidelines and recommendations from international organisations, as well as the size and economic resources of economic operators;
(b)information on risk indicators of forced labour, which shall be based on independent and verifiable information, including reports from international organisations, in particular the International Labour Organization, civil society, business organisations, and experience from implementing Union legislation setting out due diligence requirements with respect to forced labour;
(c)a list of publicly available information sources of relevance for the implementation of this Regulation;
(d)further information to facilitate the competent authorities’ implementation of this Regulation;
(e)guidance for the practical implementation of Article 16 and, where appropriate, any other provision laid down in Chapter III of this Regulation.
Article 24 - Union Network Against Forced Labour Products
2. The Network shall be composed of representatives from each Member States’ competent authority, representatives from the Commission and, where appropriate, experts from the customs authorities.
3. The Network shall have the following tasks:
(a)facilitate the identification of common priorities for enforcement activities, to exchange information, expertise and best practices;
(b)conduct joint investigations;
(c)facilitate capacity building activities and contribute to uniform risk-based approaches and administrative practices for the implementation of this Regulation in the Member States;
(d)contribute to the development of guidance to ensure the effective and uniform application of this Regulation;
(e)promote and facilitate collaboration to explore possibilities for using new technologies for the enforcement of this Regulation and the traceability of products;
(f)to promote the cooperation and exchange of expertise and best practices between competent authorities and customs authorities;
4. The Commission shall support and encourage cooperation between enforcement authorities through the Network and participate in the meetings of the Network.
5. The Network shall establish its rules of procedure.
CHAPTER V - Final provisions
Article 25 - Confidentiality
2. Where requested, the Commission, Member States and competent authorities shall treat the identity of those who provide information, or the information provided, as confidential. A request for confidentiality shall be accompanied by a non-confidential summary of the information supplied or by a statement of the reasons why the information cannot be summarised in a non-confidential manner.
3. Paragraph 2 shall not preclude the Commission from disclosing general information in a summary form, provided such general information does not contain any information which allows the identification of the provider of the information. Such disclosure of general information in a summary form shall take into account the legitimate interest of the parties concerned in preventing the disclosure of confidential information.
Article 26 - International Cooperation
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, cooperation with, amongst others, international organisations, civil society representatives, business organisations and competent authorities of third countries may result in the Union developing accompanying measures to support the efforts of companies and partner countries efforts and locally available capacities in tackling forced labour.
Article 27 - Delegated Acts and Exercise of the Delegation
2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 16(1) shall be conferred on the Commission for an indeterminate period of time from date of entry force of this Regulation.
3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 16(1) may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.
4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016 41 .
5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council.
6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 16(1) shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.
Article 28 - Urgency procedure
2. Either the European Parliament or the Council may object to a delegated act in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 27 (6). In such a case, the Commission shall repeal the act immediately following the notification of the decision to object by the European Parliament or by the Council.
Article 29 - Committee procedure
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
Article 30 - Penalties
2. The penalties provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
3. The Member States shall, by [OP enter DATE = 24 months from entry into force of this Regulation], notify those provisions to the Commission, where they have not previously been notified, and shall notify it, without delay, of any subsequent amendment affecting them.
Article 31 - Entry into force and date of application
This Regulation shall apply from [OP enter DATE = 24 months from its entry into force].
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.