Protect animals in the EU! Appoint a special EU Animal Welfare Commissioner - Party for the Animals

Source: Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD) i, published on Tuesday, March 28 2023, 17:01.

😳 How come we keep billions of animals in Europe but still don't have a special EU Commissioner responsible for their well-being and rights? 👀

🧐 How come wildlife in Europe has increasingly been put under pressure, but there still is no commissioner assigned specifically for its protection?

🐖 🐄🐑 🐇 🐘🐁 🐈‍⬛🐩🐅🐎🐝🦭🦐🦉🐗🪱🐬

🤜🏾 MEP Anja Hazekamp of the Party for the Animals @PartijvoordeDieren urges the European Commission to appoint a special EU Commissioner to give non-human animals the protection and voice they need. 💚

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