Forward look: 12 - 25 July 2021

Source: Council of the European Union (Council) i, published on Friday, July 9 2021.

Foreign Affairs Council, 12 July

EU foreign affairs ministers will be informed about current affairs and exchange views on geopolitics of new digital technologies, Ethiopia and the Strategic Compass. The Council will also approve conclusions on a Globally Connected Europe.

Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 13 July

Ministers will focus on the economic recovery. They will exchange views on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and possibly adopt the first batch of Council implementing decisions on member states’ plans.

Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 19 July

Farming ministers will meet to discuss organic farming, trade and animal welfare, as well as the Slovenian presidency's priorities for the next six months.

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Budget), 23 July

Ministers will discuss the Council's position on the draft EU budget for 2022.