Commission expert group on support for the strategic coordinating process for partnerships


Commission expert group on support for the strategic coordinating process for partnerships



Policy Area: Research and Innovation

Lead DG: DG Research and Innovation

Type: Informal

Scope: Limited

Mission: The group’s work will contribute to strengthening the evidence base to guide the implementation of European Partnerships and to inform strategic discussions on the new policy approach and portfolio development. Its advice will allow the Commission services to develop a more integrated, well-thought-out and strategic monitoring for European Partnerships, including the Biennial Monitoring Report. The group will also help prepare Member States' and Associated Countries' participation in the strategic coordinating process.

Task: Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 10/09/2020

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 08/05/2023

Additional Information

Activity report: Performance of European Partnerships - Biennial Monitoring Report (BMR) 2022 on partnerships in Horizon Europe

Biennial Monitoring Report 2022 on Partnership in Horizon Europa.pdf (approx. 4576 kb)

Selection procedure: 9 experts (Type A-members) have been selected in compliance with the Horizon 2020 Rules for participation and dissemination (OJ 2013/L 347/81) and with the terms of the Call for Applications issued on 22/11/2013 (OJ 2013/C 342/03).

Selection procedure: New Members of this group (individuals appointed in a personal capacity - Type A-members) have been selected via the call for applications n° 359.

Rules of procedure: Rules of Procedure

FINAL_ RoP- renewed E03738.pdf (approx. 127 kb)

Rules of procedure: Following the prolongation of the expert group on Support for the Strategic Coordinating Process for Partnerships, new Rules of Procedures have been approved by the members of the group.

Other: This expert group has been foreseen in the Work Programme 2018-2020 - Part 18. Dissemination, Exploitation and Evaluation, Other Actions, #14. Commission expert group on support for the strategic coordinating process for partnerships, pp. 21-22 (Decision C(2020)1862 of 25 March 2020)

WP 2018-2020 - Part 18 - Ares(2021)29123 - 04012021.pdf (approx. 611 kb)

Other: Terms of Reference as agreed by SG on 16 September 2021

E03738-ToR-SG-approved.docx (approx. 62 kb)

Other: Terms of Reference as agreed by SG on 27 June 2022

RTD _ ToR Support for the strategic coordinating process for partnerships E03738.pdf (approx. 157 kb)

Other: The prolongation of the Expert Group on Support for the Strategic Coordinating Process for Partnerships is indicated in Commission Implementing Decision C(2022) 2172 of 11/04/2022, adopting a financing decision for 2021-2022 as regards the horizontal support expenditure in the framework of the Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe, page 42

wp-horizontal-expenditure_horizon-euratom-2021-2022_en.pdf (approx. 924 kb)


No Subgroups assigned to this group.