Raw materials university days 2020 - Hungary, Germany, Finland, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Across Europe

Kalender (Bron: swedeandsour / iStock.com)
swedeandsour / iStock.com
date September 1, 2020
city Across Europe, Europe
organisation Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) i

Raw materials university days 2020 - Hungary, Germany, Finland, Italy, Greece, Ireland

Published on: 06/02/2020

Event date: 01/09/2020 to 04/12/2020

Location: Various

The raw materials university days 2020 will take place online

19 – 23 October – Trinity College Dublin

20 October  - University of Miskolc

25 November – University of Trento

4 December – National Technical University of Athens

RMUDs events aim to

  • raise awareness of the huge potential of European raw materials and their importance for our everyday lives
  • encourage young people to study raw materials -related discipline
  • promote skills and employment in raw materials

At previous events, activities encouraged young people to study raw materials-related disciplines through interactive experiments, visits to industrial sites, laboratory tours, presentations from industry representatives and researchers, games, quizzes and much more.

Registration and more details on the events


Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)

This directorate-general (DG) is responsible for policies concerning the internal market, industry and small and medium enterprises. The directorate-general is also involved in the Copernicus and Galileo space programmes of the EU.


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