Liberal professions in Europe - what challenges lie ahead?, Brussels

Paul-Henri Spaakgebouw (PHS) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
date January 8, 2020 15:00 - 18:00
city Brussels, Belgium
location Paul-Henri Spaak building (PHS) i Show location
organisation European People's Party (EPP) i

Liberal professions are a strong pillar of European society and the EPP Group has historic close ties with them, recognising the high added value of what they give to our communities.

Within a fast-changing world, they are nowadays confronted with new challenges. At the same time, new legislation such as the ‘Proportionality Test Directive’ has come to light over the last few years, reaffirming their positive important role in each one of the EU Member States.

Therefore, the EPP Group is always at the forefront of the discussion, maintaining a fruitful exchange and dialogue which is constantly open.

This EPP Group hearing is intended to deal more specifically with the impact of recent Single Market legislation and future challenges (panel I) and with the long-term strategy for the better enforcement of Single Market rules (panel II). Several experts from different Member States will take the floor and discuss the topic with EPP Group MEPs and stakeholders.


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