Indicative programme - Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council (Education), 8 November 2019

Source: Council of the European Union (Council) i, published on Thursday, November 7 2019.


Europa building, Brussels


Li Andersson, Minister of Education

Mika Lintilä, Minister of Finance

All times are approximate and subject to change


+/- 08.45


+/- 08.45

Doorstep by Minister Andersson

+/- 09.30

Beginning of joint session of Finance and Education Ministers (Roundtable)

+/- 09.40 -12.00

Joint public debate of Finance and Education Ministers

A strong economic base for Europe: Pursuing effectiveness, efficiency and quality of education and training

+/- 12.10

Press conference following the joint policy debate with the participation of Minister of finance Lintilä, Minister of education Andersson, Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Navracsics (live streaming) Justus Lipsius building


+/- 13:00

Lunch - Early childhood, education and care

+/- 15.00

Beginning of EYCS (Education) Council meeting (Roundtable)

+/- 15.10

Adoption of agenda


Approval of "A" items (non-legislative)


Approval of "A" items (legislative) (public session)

+/- 15.30

Conclusions on "The key role of lifelong learning policies in empowering societies to address the technological and green transition in support of inclusive and sustainable growth" (public session)

+/- 15.40

Resolution on further developing the European Education Area to support future-oriented education and training systems (public session)

+/- 15.50

Artificial intelligence in education and training - debate (public session)

+/- 17.20

Any other business

Establishment of the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO - information from the Slovenian delegation (public session)

+/- 17.30

Presentation of the work program of the incoming Croatian presidency