A New Successful Economic, Industrial, Financial, Territorial Management Model - SDGs & Circular Economy, Bologna

Heiligdom van de Madonna di San Luca Bologna in Bolgona, Italië.
Wikimedia Commons: Michelangelo Bucci
date July 18, 2018 - July 19, 2018
city Bologna, Italy
organisation European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) i

An international workshop entitled A New Successful Economic, Industrial, Financial, Territorial Management Model - SDGs & Circular Economy will be held in Bologna on July 18th and 19th. This workshop is organised by the Movimento Europeo Italia and the European Partners for the Environment in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) and many other national and international actors with support from the Ministry of the Environment and sponsorship by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Municipality of Bologna.

The Circular Economy could provide substantial economic, environmental and social benefits to the European Union, its Member States and its producers through its contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals necessitate not partial solutions but the adoption of holistic approaches to achieve high resource efficiency, job creation, prosperity characterized by low carbon emissions, a safe environment, cleaner production and sustainable consumption while taking into consideration all the various aspects and actors involved in these activities. Developing partial solutions that do not address every aspect of these matters would prevent the European Union from enjoying the magnitude of the benefits provided by the circular economy and “Walking the circle”.

We are committed to a multi-stakeholder approach to sustainable development as we view it as a necessary precondition for the creation of a development paradigm based on a circular economy and resource efficiency; climate and energy transition; a sustainable bio-economy and agriculture; responsible lifestyles and behaviors.

This new paradigm must be enshrined in a cross-border strategy and should be supported by European initiatives such as the European Innovation Partnerships and the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).

The first day of the workshop (to be held English with simultaneous translation to Italian), will provide an overview of existing projects and reflect upon how these pave the way for a common European initiative. The second day (to be held entirely in Italian) will be dedicated to leading Italian initiatives and the preparation of country-specific recommendations.

We would like to invite all those interested to register through this form, which should be filled and sent to the following address: info@movimentoeuropeo.it .


European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an EU advisory body comprising representatives of workers' and employers' organisations and other interest groups. It issues opinions on EU issues to the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament, thus acting as a bridge between the EU's decision-making institutions and EU citizens.

What does the EESC do?

It gives the interest groups a formal say on EU legislative proposals. Its 3 key tasks are to:

  • ensure that EU policy and law are geared to economic and social conditions, by seeking a consensus that serves the common good


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