
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 277 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
16.11.2023  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards holders of Serbian passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (Koordinaciona uprava).
Regulation com(2023)733
29.09.2023  Conclusion of the Agreement with Liechtenstein on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part ...
Decision com(2023)550
29.09.2023  Signing and provisional application of the Agreement with Liechtenstein on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management ...
Decision com(2023)549
27.09.2023  Suspension of certain provisions of Regulation 810/2009 with respect to Ethiopia.
Regulation com(2023)568
19.09.2023  Extension of temporary protection as introduced by Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382.
10.07.2023  Signing of the Agreement with Switzerland on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of ...
Decision com(2023)389
10.07.2023  Conclusion of the Agreement with Switzerland on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of ...
Decision com(2023)388
10.07.2023  Signing of the Agreement with Norway on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of the ...
Decision com(2023)387
10.07.2023  Conclusion of the Agreement with Norway on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of the ...
Decision com(2023)386
10.07.2023  Signing of the Agreement with Iceland on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of the ...
Decision com(2023)385
10.07.2023  Conclusion of the Agreement with Iceland on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of the ...
Decision com(2023)394
07.07.2023  Signing and provisional application of the Agreement with Albania on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Albania.
Decision com(2023)399
07.07.2023  Conclusion of the Agreement with Albania on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Albania.
Decision com(2023)397
30.06.2023  Conservation, management and control measures applicable in the area covered by the Convention on future multilateral cooperation in the North-East Atlantic fisheries.
Regulation com(2023)362
05.04.2023  Conclusion of an Agreement with Montenegro on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Montenegro.
Decision com(2023)261
05.04.2023  Signing and provisional application of the Agreement with Montenegro on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Montenegro.
Decision com(2023)260
03.01.2023  EU position on the scheduling of substances under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961.
Decision com(2023)2
19.12.2022  Amendment of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims.
Directive com(2022)732
17.11.2022  EU position in the Partnership Council with the United Kingdom to extend the derogation from the obligation to delete PNR data of passengers after their departure from ...
Decision com(2022)646
14.10.2022  Coordinated approach to travel to the Union during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recommendation com(2022)680
12.10.2022  Suspension in whole of the application of the Agreement with Vanuatu on the short-stay visa waiver.
Decision com(2022)531
23.09.2022  Signing of the Agreement with North Macedonia on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in North Macedonia.
Decision com(2022)491
23.09.2022  Conclusion of the Agreement with North Macedonia on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in North Macedonia.
Decision com(2022)492
06.09.2022  Non-recognition of Russian travel documents issued in occupied foreign regions.
Decision com(2022)662
06.09.2022  Suspension in whole of the application of the Agreement with Russia on the facilitation of the issuance of visas to the citizens of the EU and Russia.
Decision com(2022)661
25.05.2022  Asset recovery and confiscation.
Directive com(2022)245
13.05.2022  Signing of Agreement with New Zealand on the exchange of personal data between Europol and the designated authorities of New Zealand.
Decision com(2022)207
13.05.2022  Conclusion of the Agreement with New Zealand on the exchange of personal data between Europol and the designated authorities of New Zealand.
Decision com(2022)208
27.04.2022  Amending various regulations as regards the digitalisation of the visa procedure.
Regulation com(2022)658
27.04.2022  Single application procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to reside and work in the EU and a common set of rights for third-country workers (Recast).
Directive com(2022)655
15.03.2022  Signing and on provisional application of the Agreement with Moldova on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Moldova.
Decision com(2022)125
15.03.2022  Conclusion of an Agreement with Moldova on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Moldova.
Decision com(2022)124
02.03.2022  Existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine and to introduce temporary protection within the meaning of Article 5 of Council Directive 2001/55/EC .
Directive com(2022)91
03.02.2022  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2021/954 on the EU Digital COVID Certificate with regard to third-country nationals.
Regulation com(2022)55
12.01.2022  EU Drugs Agency.
Regulation com(2022)18
16.12.2021  EU position on the scheduling of substances under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, and on Psychotropic Substances of ...
Decision com(2021)807
14.12.2021  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders.
Regulation com(2021)891
08.12.2021  Information exchange between law enforcement authorities of Member States.
Directive com(2021)782
08.12.2021  Automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”).
Regulation com(2021)784
01.12.2021  Amendment of Council Decision 2005/671/JHA, as regards its alignment with Union rules on the protection of personal data.
Directive com(2021)767
26.11.2021  EU position in the United Kingdom partnership regarding the extension of the derogation by the UK from the obligation to delete PNR data of passengers after their UK ...
Decision com(2021)745
25.11.2021  Authorisation of Member States to ratify the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronic evidence.
Decision com(2021)719
29.09.2021  Partial suspension of the application of the Agreement with Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of visas.
Decision com(2021)612
27.08.2021  EU position regarding the extension of the period during which DNA-profiles and fingerprints can be exchanged with the United Kingdom.
Decision com(2021)495
12.08.2021  Application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in the area of Schengen Information System in Cyprus.
Decision com(2021)472
20.07.2021  Amendment of Directive 2019/1153, as regards access of competent authorities to centralised bank account registries through the single access point.
Directive com(2021)429
15.07.2021  Suspension of certain provisions of Regulation 810/2009 with respect to The Gambia.
Regulation com(2021)413
04.06.2021  Communication to the EP concerning the Council's position on amending Regulations for the purpose of reforming the Visa Information System and a Regulation as regards ...
Communication com(2021)303
02.06.2021  Establishment and operation of an evaluation and monitoring mechanism to verify the application of the Schengen acquis.
Regulation com(2021)278
02.03.2021  Amending regulations on information systems on conviction information (ECRIS-TCN), police and judicial cooperation, asylum and migration, and on screening at external ...
Regulation com(2021)96