Date |
Title |
15.01.2019 |
Towards a more efficient and democratic decision making in EU tax policy.
Communication com(2019)8
17.12.2018 |
Overview and assessment of the statistics and information on the automatic exchanges in the field of direct taxation.
Report com(2018)844
13.12.2018 |
'dock dues' tax arrangements applied in the French outermost regions (presented by the Commission under Article 3 of Council Decision 940/2014/EU).
08.11.2018 |
Objection of the Commission to a request by a member-state to be allowed to (continue to) derogate from an article of the VAT Directive.
Communication com(2018)666
22.08.2018 |
EU position in the EU-CTC Joint Committee established by the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure as regards amendments to that Convention.
Decision com(2018)601
08.08.2018 |
EU position in the EU-CTC Joint Committee (on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods and common transit procedures) as regards an invitation to the UK to ...
Decision com(2018)576
20.07.2018 |
Second Progress Report on the implementation of the EU Strategy and Action Plan for customs risk management.
Report com(2018)549
05.07.2018 |
First Biennial Report on Progress in Developing the EU Customs Union and its Governance.
Communication com(2018)524
05.07.2018 |
Annual report on the protection of the European Union's financial interests - fight against fraud.
21.06.2018 |
Objection of the Commission to a request by a member-state to be allowed to (continue to) derogate from an article of the VAT Directive.
Communication com(2018)484
14.06.2018 |
Strengthening the competitiveness of the internal market by developing the EU customs union and its governance.
14.06.2018 |
Gender equality and taxation policies in the EU.
14.06.2018 |
Financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance.
08.06.2018 |
EU position on a new Convention on the facilitation of border crossing procedures for passengers, luggage and load-luggage carried in international traffic by rail.
Decision com(2018)444
25.05.2018 |
Amendment of Directive 2006/112/EC as regards the detailed technical measures for the operation of the definitive VAT system for the taxation of trade between Member ...
Directive com(2018)329
11.04.2018 |
IT strategy for customs.
Report com(2018)178
27.03.2018 |
Delegation of power under Regulation 273/2004 on drug precursors and Council Regulation (EC) No 111/2005 on the monitoring of trade with third countries in drug ...
Report com(2018)159
21.03.2018 |
Rules relating to the corporate taxation of a significant digital presence.
Directive com(2018)147
21.03.2018 |
Common system of a digital services tax on revenues resulting from the provision of certain digital services.
Directive com(2018)148
21.03.2018 |
Time to establish a modern, fair and efficient taxation standard for the digital economy.
Communication com(2018)146
08.03.2018 |
Effects of Articles 199a and 199b of Council Directive 2006/112/EC on combatting fraud.
Report com(2018)118
22.02.2018 |
Report on the implementation of the EU customs Action Plan to combat IPR infringements for the years 2013/2017.
Report com(2018)77
26.01.2018 |
Application of the Airworthiness Regulation (period 2014-2016).
Report com(2018)45
22.01.2018 |
Implementation of the Union Customs Code and on the exercise of the power to adopt delegated acts pursuant to Article 284 thereunder.
Report com(2018)39
18.01.2018 |
Objection of the Commission to a request by a member-state to be allowed to (continue to) derogate from an article of the VAT Directive.
Communication com(2018)34
18.01.2018 |
Tax treatment of pension products, including the pan-European personal pension product.
12.01.2018 |
Objection of the Commission to a request by a member-state to be allowed to (continue to) derogate from an article of the VAT Directive.
Communication com(2018)15
12.01.2018 |
Directive 2011/64/EU on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco.
Report com(2018)17
03.01.2018 |
Objection of the Commission to a request by a member-state to be allowed to (continue to) derogate from an article of the VAT Directive.
Communication com(2017)785
18.12.2017 |
Operation of the arrangements established by Council Directive 2010/24/EU concerning mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes, duties and other ...
Report com(2017)778
18.12.2017 |
Eighth report under Article 12 of Regulation (EEC, Euratom) n° 1553/89 on VAT collection and control procedures.
Report com(2017)780
18.12.2017 |
Application of Council Directive (EU) 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of direct taxation.
Report com(2017)781
20.10.2017 |
EU position as regards the proposals for amendments to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure.
Decision com(2017)609
13.10.2017 |
EU position as regard the proposals for amendments to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods.
Decision com(2017)593
04.10.2017 |
Follow-up to the Action Plan on VAT - Towards a single EU VAT area - Time to act.
Communication com(2017)566
21.09.2017 |
Fair and Efficient Tax System in the EU for the Digital Single Market.
Communication com(2017)547
15.05.2017 |
Implementation of Council Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 (customs enforcement of intellectual property rights).
Report com(2017)233
21.04.2017 |
Implementation and evaluation of Council Directive 2008/118/EC concerning the general arrangements for excise duty.
Report com(2017)184
21.04.2017 |
Staff document to the report on implementation and evaluation of Council Directive 2008/118/EC concerning the general arrangements for excise duty.
16.02.2017 |
Inquiry into money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion.
19.01.2017 |
Objection of the Commission to a request by a member-state to be allowed to (continue to) derogate from an article of the VAT Directive.
Communication com(2017)24
21.12.2016 |
Developing the EU Customs Union and Its Governance.
Communication com(2016)813
21.12.2016 |
Impact assessment on generalised reverse charge mechanism accompanying the document: Amendment of the VAT Directive.
21.12.2016 |
Executive summary of the impact assessment to the proposal amending the VAT Directive as regards the temporary application of the generalised reverse charge mechanism.
Working paper swd(2016)458
21.12.2016 |
Impact assessment accompanying the document: controls on cash entering or leaving the Union.
21.12.2016 |
Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: controls on cash entering or leaving the Union.
Working paper swd(2016)471
01.12.2016 |
Impact assessment on the proposals for a Council Directive, a Council Implementing Regulation and a Council Regulation on Modernising VAT for cross-border B2C e-Commerce.
01.12.2016 |
Summary impact assessment on proposals for a Council Directive, a Council Implementing Regulation and a Council Regulation on Modernising VAT for cross-border B2C ...
Working paper swd(2016)382
01.12.2016 |
Impact assessment accompanying the proposed amendment of Directive 2016/112/EC, as regards rates of VAT applied to books, newspapers and periodicals.
01.12.2016 |
Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the proposed amendment of Directive 2006/112/EC, as regards rates of VAT applied to books, newspapers and ...
Working paper swd(2016)393