TREN - Main contents 1. Legislation currently being implemented There are 14 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states. Date Title 15.11.2007 Code of conduct for computerised reservation systems. Regulation com(2007)709 19.09.2007 Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks. Regulation com(2007)532 04.09.2007 Conclusion of a Protocol amending the Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement with Morocco to take account of the accession to the EU of Bulgaria and Romania. Decision com(2007)495 28.06.2007 Conclusion of Protocols amending the Agreements on certain aspects of air services between the EC and - the Government of Georgia - Lebanon - ... Decision com(2007)366 23.05.2007 Access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the EC to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member ... Regulation com(2007)265 23.03.2007 Signature and provisional application of the Agreement with the United Arab Emirates on certain aspects of air services. Decision com(2007)134 16.03.2007 Statutes for the Euratom Supply Agency. Decision com(2007)119 30.01.2007 Repeal of Council Regulation (EEC) No 954/79 concerning the ratification by Member States of, or their accession to, the UN Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner ... Regulation com(2006)869 24.01.2007 Airport charges. Directive com(2006)820 previous