
Legislation in force

There are at least 125 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
20.06.1979  .
Council resolution com(1979)336
11.05.1979  .
Decision com(1979)242
07.09.1978  .
Decision com(1978)403
26.04.1978  Negotiations by the EEC with a view to its accession to the bonn agreement of 9 june 1969 on cooperation in dealing with pollution of the north sea by oil.
Recommendation com(1978)184
26.04.1978  .
Decision com(1978)184
26.04.1978  .
Council resolution com(1978)184
21.03.1978  .
Recommendation com(1978)119
18.11.1977  .
Decision com(1977)603
28.07.1977  .
Decision com(1977)394
09.03.1977  .
Decision com(1977)48
29.10.1976  .
Directive com(1976)570
29.07.1976  .
Opinion com(1976)434
27.07.1976  .
Decision com(1976)411
26.07.1976  .
Directive com(1976)401
19.02.1976  .
Council resolution com(1976)48
14.07.1975  .
Directive com(1975)339
10.06.1975  .
Decision com(1975)266
16.04.1975  .
Directive com(1975)166
03.03.1975  .
Decision com(1975)73
21.10.1974  .
Decision com(1974)1706