Date |
Title |
23.11.2021 |
Measures against transport operators that facilitate or engage in trafficking in persons or smuggling of migrants in relation to illegal entry into the territory of the ...
Regulation com(2021)753
20.05.2021 |
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.
08.04.2021 |
Conclusion of the Common Aviation Area Agreement with Armenia.
Decision com(2021)160
08.04.2021 |
Conclusion of the Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement with Tunisia.
Decision com(2021)153
08.04.2021 |
Conclusion of the Air Transport Agreement with Qatar.
Decision com(2021)156
23.03.2021 |
Withdrawal of Commission Proposals to sign Protocols amending the Interbus Agreement to extend the possibility of accession to Morocco, COM(2020)769 & 770.
Communication com(2021)134
11.03.2021 |
EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030 - Recommendations on next steps towards "Vision Zero".
11.03.2021 |
Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe.
08.03.2021 |
Application of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure.
Report com(2021)103
01.03.2021 |
Delegated acts of the Commission under Directive 2016/1629 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels.
Report com(2021)91
05.02.2021 |
EU position in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as regards the adoption of amendments to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Decision com(2021)48
02.02.2021 |
Position of the Council on the recast of Regulation 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations.
13.01.2021 |
Seventh monitoring report on the development of the rail market under Article 15(4) of Directive 2012/34/EU.
Report com(2021)5
09.12.2020 |
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy - putting European transport on track for the future.
Communication com(2020)789
16.11.2020 |
Implementation of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation.
Report com(2020)733
13.11.2020 |
Report pursuant to Regulation 1008/2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the EC.
Report com(2020)714
11.11.2020 |
Implementation of Directive 2014/45/EU on periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers.
Report com(2020)699
03.11.2020 |
Implementation of Directive 2014/47/EU on the technical roadside inspection of commercial vehicles circulating in the Union.
Report com(2020)676
28.10.2020 |
Upgrading the transport Green Lanes to keep the economy going during the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence.
Communication com(2020)685
22.09.2020 |
Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 as regards the capacity of the EU Aviation Safety Agency to act as Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky.
Regulation com(2020)577
14.09.2020 |
Pursuant to Article 10a (5) of Regulation 2020/459 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports.
Report com(2020)558
26.08.2020 |
Progress report on implementation of the TEN-T network in 2016-2017.
Report com(2020)433
15.04.2020 |
Communication on amending regulations in transport sector (driving times, breaks and rest periods, tachographs, enforcement requirements, posting drivers).
15.04.2020 |
Communication to the EP concerning the Council's position on a Regulation on electronic freight transport information.
23.03.2020 |
Application by MS of Directive on the technical roadside inspection of the roadworthiness of Commercial vehicles circulating in the EC Reporting period 2017-18.
Report com(2020)107
23.03.2020 |
Application by MS of Directive on the technical roadside inspection of the roadworthiness of Commercial vehicles circulating in the EC Reporting period 2015-2016.
Report com(2020)109
20.03.2020 |
Commission authorised to open negotiations on a comprehensive air transport agreement with ASEAN Member States as regards matters falling within the exclusive Union ...
Recommendation com(2020)106
04.03.2020 |
Exercise of delegation of powers to the EC to adopt delegated acts pursuant to Articles of various Directives.
Report com(2020)77
26.02.2020 |
Application by the member states of council directive 95/50/ec on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road.
Report com(2020)69
19.12.2019 |
Railway safety and signalling: Assessing the state of play of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) deployment.
29.11.2019 |
Authorisation for negotiations on amending protocols to extend the Interbus Agreement to regular carriage and to extend the possibility of accession to Morocco.
Recommendation com(2019)622
19.11.2019 |
Delegated acts of the Commission under Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure.
Report com(2019)598
14.11.2019 |
Signing of the Protocol amending the Air Transport Agreement with the USA, as amended on 24 June 2010, to take account of the accession to the EU of Croatia.
Decision com(2019)584
14.11.2019 |
Conclusion of the Protocol amending the Air Transport Agreement with the USA, as amended on 24 June 2010, to take account of the accession to the EU of Croatia.
Decision com(2019)585
14.11.2019 |
Signing of the Protocol amending the Air Transport Agreement with the USA, Iceland and Norway, to take account of the accession to the EU of Croatia.
Decision com(2019)586
14.11.2019 |
Conclusion of the Protocol amending the Air Transport Agreement with the USA, Iceland and Norway, to take account of the accession to the EU of Croatia.
Decision com(2019)588
14.11.2019 |
Conclusion of the Protocol amending the Ancillary Air Transport Agreement with the USA, Iceland and Norway, to take account of the accession to the EU of Croatia.
Decision com(2019)590
14.11.2019 |
Signing of the Protocol amending the Ancillary Air Transport Agreement with the USA, Iceland and Norway, to take account of the accession to the EU of Croatia.
Decision com(2019)589
15.10.2019 |
Delegation of power under Regulation 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation.
Report com(2019)465
08.10.2019 |
Implementation of 2010/40/EU, framework for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of ...
Report com(2019)464
03.06.2019 |
Implementation of the Action Plan on Military Mobility.
06.05.2019 |
Delegated acts of the Commission under Regulation 1315/2013 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network.
Report com(2019)211
25.04.2019 |
Third report assessing the implementation of the Directive on enhancing port security.
Report com(2019)191
16.04.2019 |
2017 annual report on the implementation of regulation (ec) n° 300/2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security.
Report com(2019)183
12.04.2019 |
Exemptions granted by Member States under Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport.
Report com(2019)179
01.03.2019 |
Aviation Strategy for Europe: Maintaining and promoting high social standards.
Report com(2019)120
18.02.2019 |
Implementation-report from 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2016 of certain provisions of the Regulation on the conditions to pursue the occupation of road transport ...
Report com(2019)84
06.02.2019 |
Sixth report on monitoring development of the rail market.
Report com(2019)51
04.02.2019 |
EU position in the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, in respect of the Adoption of Amendment 17 to Annex 13.
Decision com(2019)72
01.02.2019 |
Delegated acts of the Commission under Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment.
Report com(2019)34