Date |
Title |
09.03.2023 |
Authorisation of negotiations with Peru on the exchange of personal data between Europol and the Peruvian authorities competent for fighting serious crime and terrorism.
Recommendation com(2023)133
08.03.2023 |
Temporary protection for those fleeing Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: one year on.
Communication com(2023)140
22.02.2023 |
Authorisation to negotiate an agreement with Ecuador on the exchange of personal data between the Europol and Ecuadorian authorities for fighting serious crime and ...
Recommendation com(2023)97
09.02.2023 |
State of play of preparations for the full implementation of the VIS Regulation in accordance with Article 11(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1134.
Report com(2023)66
24.01.2023 |
POLICY DOCUMENT Towards an operational strategy for more effective returns.
19.12.2022 |
Report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings (Fourth Report).
Report com(2022)736
13.12.2022 |
EU Action Plan against Trafficking in Cultural Goods.
Communication com(2022)800
05.12.2022 |
Fifth report under the visa suspension mechanism.
Report com(2022)715
16.11.2022 |
Making Schengen stronger with the full participation of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia in the area without internal border controls.
Communication com(2022)636
11.11.2022 |
Review of the implementation of the Agreement with the USA on the transfer of Financial Messaging Data for the purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program.
Report com(2022)585
09.11.2022 |
Suspension of certain provisions of Regulation 810/2009 with respect to Senegal.
Regulation com(2022)631
13.10.2022 |
State of play of preparations for the full implementation of the Interoperability Regulations per Art. 78(5) Regulation 2019/817 and Art. 74(5) of Regulation 2019/818.
Report com(2022)524
11.05.2022 |
Rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse.
Regulation com(2022)209
03.05.2022 |
European Health Data Space.
Regulation com(2022)197
27.04.2022 |
Amending regulation 2018/1806, listing exemptions for third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders (Kuwait, Qatar).
Regulation com(2022)189
27.04.2022 |
Status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (recast).
Directive com(2022)650
14.12.2021 |
Addressal of situations of instrumentalisation in the field of migration and asylum.
Regulation com(2021)890
08.12.2021 |
Operational police cooperation.
Recommendation com(2021)780
01.12.2021 |
Provisional emergency measures for the benefit of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
Decision com(2021)752
25.11.2021 |
Amendment of Council Recommendation (EU) 2020/912 on the temporary restriction on non-essential travel into the EU and the possible lifting of such restriction.
Recommendation com(2021)754
30.09.2021 |
EU position with regard to the adoption of the UNHCR conclusion on international protection and durable solutions in the context of a public health emergency.
Decision com(2021)597
15.07.2021 |
Suspension of certain provisions of Regulation 810/2009 with respect to Bangladesh.
Regulation com(2021)412
15.07.2021 |
Suspension of certain provisions of Regulation 810/2009 with respect to Iraq.
Regulation com(2021)414
02.06.2021 |
"A strategy towards a fully functioning and resilient Schengen area".
Communication com(2021)277
29.04.2021 |
Strengthening Democracy and Media Freedom and Pluralism in the EU: the undue use of actions under civil and criminal law to silence journalists, NGOs and civil society.
27.04.2021 |
EU strategy on voluntary return and reintegration.
Communication com(2021)120
14.04.2021 |
Authorisation of the opening of negotiations for a cooperation agreement with the International Criminal Police Organisation (ICPO-INTERPOL).
Recommendation com(2021)177
14.04.2021 |
EU Strategy to tackle Organised Crime 2021-2025.
Communication com(2021)170
14.04.2021 |
EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings 2021- 2025.
Communication com(2021)171
17.03.2021 |
Communication to the EP concerning the Council's position on a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council to address the dissemination of terrorist content ...
02.03.2021 |
Use of travel medical insurance, under Article 15 of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009, by visa holders during their stay in the territory of the Member States.
Report com(2021)92
23.02.2021 |
Assessment of the Agreement on Operational and Strategic Cooperation between Denmark and the European Police Office.
Report com(2021)77
10.02.2021 |
Enhancing cooperation on return and readmission as part of a fair, effective and comprehensive EU migration policy.
Communication com(2021)56
21.01.2021 |
Engaging with citizens: the right to petition, the right to refer to the European Ombudsman and the European Citizens’ Initiative.
12.01.2021 |
Evaluation of Agreement with Australia on the processing and transfer of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data by air carriers to Australian Customs and Border Protection ...
Report com(2021)17
12.01.2021 |
Review of the implementation of the Agreement with Australia on the processing and transfer of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data by air carriers to Australian customs.
Report com(2021)19
12.01.2021 |
Joint evaluation of the Agreement with the USA on the use and transfer of passenger name records to the US Department of Homeland Security.
Report com(2021)18
22.12.2020 |
Position of the Commission following Parliaments' resolution on obligations of the Commission in the field of visa reciprocity and reporting on the state of play.
Communication com(2020)851
17.12.2020 |
Position of the EU in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on the scheduling of substances under the Conventions on Narcotic Drugs and on Psychotropic Substances.
Decision com(2020)814
14.12.2020 |
OF THE EU, THE ECB and THE COURT OF AUDITORS on the review of the EU under the Implementation Review Mechanism of the United Nation Conventions against Corruption ...
Communication com(2020)793
09.12.2020 |
Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU: Anticipate, Prevent, Protect, Respond.
Communication com(2020)795
25.11.2020 |
Functioning of the Schengen Evaluation and Monitoring Mechanism pursuant to Article 22 of Council Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013.
Report com(2020)779
24.11.2020 |
Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027.
Communication com(2020)758
28.10.2020 |
COVID-19 Guidance on persons exempted from the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU as regards implementation of Council Recommendation 2020/912.
Communication com(2020)686
20.10.2020 |
2020 report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking per art. 20 directive on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its ...
Report com(2020)661
30.09.2020 |
Based on Article 29(1) of Directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism.
Report com(2020)619
17.09.2020 |
Human rights protection and the EU external migration policy.
21.08.2020 |
State of play of preparations for the full implementation of the Interoperability Regulations in accordance with Regulation 2019/817 and 2019/818.
Report com(2020)428
24.07.2020 |
Review of Directive 2016/681 on the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious ...
Report com(2020)305
24.07.2020 |
EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse.
Communication com(2020)607