The UN Global Compacts on refugees and migrants and the role of Parliaments, Brussels

József Antall-gebouw; (c) Atelier de Genval- Cerau - M. Van Campenhout, - Tractebel dev s.a. et ingénieurs associés
(c) Atelier de Genval- Cerau - M. Van Campenhout, - Tractebel dev s.a. et ingénieurs associés

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament in association with the Committee of Foreign Affairs organise an inter-parliamentary meeting with Members of National Parliaments under the title "The UN Global Compacts on refugees and migrants and the role of Parliaments”. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 27 February 2018, from 14h30 to 18h30, at the European Parliament premises in Brussels.

The inter-parliamentary committee meeting aims at bringing together Members of the National parliaments and the European Parliament to discuss about the content of the UN Global Compacts. Furthermore, the inter-parliamentary committee intends to strengthen the parliamentary dimension of the EU position and to support the work of the EEAS and of the Member States in the final phase of the process leading to the adoption of the Compacts. The outcome of the conference will also contribute to develop an EP perspective on the negotiations, which will materialize in a plenary resolution to be adopted in March.

The UN agencies, the co-facilitators, the EEAS, the European Commission, the Council Presidency and different stakeholders from the civil society will participate in the discussions.

Location: European Parliament, József Antall Building, room JAN 2Q2

Last updated: 27-02-2018


  • European Parliament


    Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in association with the Committee on Foreign Affairs




    The UN Global Compacts on refugees and migrants and the role of Parliaments

    27 February 2018, 14.30 to 18.30 European Parliament, Brussels Room: JAN 2Q2


    The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants1, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2016, is a milestone for global solidarity with refugees and migrants, containing a set of principles and commitments to enhance the protection of Refugees and Migrants.

    The New York Declaration provided in two annexes that negotiations in consultation with States and other stakeholders would follow. These negotiations and consultations aims at the adoption of two global compacts in 2018:

    • • 
      A Global Compact on refugees (GCR) (including the development of the so-called “Comprehensive refugee response framework”, CRRF) targeting to achieve a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world's refugees;
    • • 
      A Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (GCM) targeting to develop principles, commitments and guidelines on the treatment of migrants in vulnerable situations;

    These two processes are “separate, distinct and independent”, although very much related.

    The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was tasked to develop the practical aspects of the Global Compact on refugees. A final text of the Global Compact on Refugees will be proposed by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for adoption by the UN General Assembly in 2018. The aim is to achieve a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world's refugees. A ‘zero draft' of the global compact on refugees was released on 31st January2. This ‘Zero draft' provides the basis for the discussions, ahead of formal talks with UN Member States in Geneva, which began in February.

    The discussions for the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration are

    conducted through intergovernmental negotiations3, chaired by the 2 co-facilitators (Mexico and Switzerland), while the UN Secretary General is responsible to provide appropriate support for the negotiations while the International Organization for Migration (IOM) provides the technical and policy expertise. In spring 2017, the UN Secretary-General appointed Louise Arbour as his Special Representative for International Migration who will be also the Secretary-General of the intergovernmental conference on international migration to be held in 2018.

    On 11 January 2018, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres presented his report "Making Migration Work for All"4, as an input to the zero draft of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration and related intergovernmental negotiations. On 5th

    February 2018, a ‘Zero draft' of the GCM5 was presented to UN Member States. The final negotiation phase will follow from February to July 2018 with the aim of submitting the GCM, during the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, to the Intergovernmental Conference for adoption in December 2018 in Morocco.

    The European Parliament has paid great attention to the processes leading to the Global Compacts, acknowledging that it represents a historical opportunity for achieving a range of principles and commitments regarding international migration in all its dimensions.

    Already in September 2016, the European Parliament participated at the Summit for Refugees and Migrants6, which adopted the New York Declaration. In particular, the LIBE Committee7 adopted a set of actions8 aiming for an active involvement and contribution to the process leading to the Global Compacts. Since then, different meetings of the LIBE Committee have been dedicated to the Global Compacts in cooperation with other interested Committees.

    The inter-parliamentary Committee meeting (“The UN Global Compacts on refugees and migrants: the role of Parliaments’’) which is to take place on 27 February 2018 in the afternoon, aims at bringing together Members of the National Parliaments and the European Parliament to discuss about the content of the UN Global Compacts. Furthermore, in this significant final stage of the process, this meeting will provide the occasion for in-depth exchange on the positions of the different Member States and to foster the role of parliaments in this process. Finally, the inter-parliamentary committee intends to strengthen the parliamentary dimension of the EU position and to support the work of the EEAS and of the Member States in the final phase of the process leading to the adoption of the Compacts. The outcome of the conference will also contribute to develop an EP perspective on the negotiations, which will materialize in a plenary resolution to be adopted in March.

    The UN agencies, the co-facilitators, the EEAS, the European Commission, the Council Presidency and different stakeholders from the civil society have been invited to participate into the discussions.

    Order of business

    14h30 - 14h45 Opening remarks by Claude MORAES, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Dubravka SUICA, ViceChair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament and Dzhema GROZDANOVA, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria.

    14h45 - 15h05 Keynote speech by Commissioner AVRAMOPOULOS, DG HOME, European Commission;

    FIRST SESSIONThe global compact on refugees (GCR)Chaired by Claude MORAES,LIBE Committee Chair _15.05 - 16.15 (70')_

    15h05 - 15h20 15h20 - 15h30 15h30 - 15h40

    15h40 - 15h50

    15h50 - 16h10

    16h10 - 16h15

    Intervention by Volker TURK, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR;

    Intervention by Leonor NIETO LEÓN, Head of Unit of ECHO B1, Policy Development and Regional Strategy, European Commission;

    Intervention by Aspasia PAPADOPOULOU, Senior Policy Officer at the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)9;

    Intervention by Fr. Fabio BAGGIO, Under-Secretary, Migrants and Refugees Section, Holy See;

    Debate with representatives of National Parliaments and EP, with the participation of Roberta METSOLA and Cecilia KYENGE, corapporteurs of the report on the need for a holistic EU approach to migration10;

    Conclusions by Claude MORAES, LIBE Committee Chair


    The global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (GCM) Chaired by Dzhema GROZDANOVA,

    Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of the

    Republic of Bulgaria

    16.15 - 18.00 (105')

    16h15 - 16h35

    Intervention by H.E. Juan José GÓMEZ CAMACHO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN in New York and H.E. Jürg LAUBER, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN in New York, co-facilitators to lead the intergovernmental consultations and negotiations on issues related to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration;

    16h35 - 16h45

    Intervention by Jonathan PRENTICE, Chief of Office of Louise Arbour, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration;

    16h45 - 16h55

    Intervention by Eugenio AMBROSI, Regional Director for the EU, International Organization for Migration (IOM);

    16h55 - 17h05

    Intervention by Aneliya IVANCHEVA, Co-Chair of the High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration in the Council of the EU during the Bulgarian Council Presidency;

    17h05 - 17h25

    Intervention of 2 National Parliament representatives

    presenting national perspectives:

    • Maria FERM, Member of the Swedish parliament
    • Constanta URBANO DE SOUSA, Member of the Portuguese Parliament;

    17h25 - 17h55

    Debate with representatives of National Parliaments and EP with the participation of Elena VALENCIANO and Agustin DIAZ DE MERA, co-rapporteurs of the report “Addressing refugee and migrant movements: the role of EU External Action”11;

    17h55 - 18h00

    Conclusions by Dzhema GROZDANOVA, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria;


    Chaired by Dubravka SUICA,

    AFET Committee Vice-Chair

    18.00 - 18.30 (30')

    18h00 - 18h15

    Closing speech by a representative of the European External Action Service (EEAS);

    18h15 - 18h30

    Closing remarks by Claude MORAES, LIBE Committee Chair and Dubravka SUICA, AFET Committee Vice-Chair.


    6/7 OJ\1146643EN.docx


    • • 
      During the discussion, so as to make it possible for the highest number of parliamentarians to intervene, speaking time of speakers will be limited to ten minutes and speaking time of other participants to two minutes per contribution or question.
    • • 
      Speakers wishing to supplement their speeches may do so in writing by submitting a document (preferably in English or French) in advance to the secretariat (email: These documents will be circulated during the meeting.
    • • 
      Meeting documents will be progressively added to the Events section of the LIBE Committee pages: htty:// and to the WebNP event webpage:


    This meeting is open to the public. However, for security reasons, participants who do not have a European Parliament access badge must obtain a pass in advance. Those wishing to obtain an entry badge must register by following the link below until 20 February 2018 at 12:00:

    http://www.opinio. europarl.europa. eu/opinio/s?s =secured_20180124_LIBE_European_Agenda_on_


    Without this information, the Security Service will not provide entry passes12.


    LIBE Committee pages:


    David Chico Zamanillo

    Maria del Pilar Alvarez Alvarez



    Office: SQM 08 Y 041

    Office: SQM 08 Y 054

    Phone: +32(2)28 42583

    Phone: +32(2)28 42483

    Céline CHATEAU

    Ivana URBANOVA



    Office: SQM 08 Y 035

    Office SQM 08 Y 051

    Phone: +32(2)28 30960

    Phone: +32(2)28 40507

    OJ\1146643EN.docx 7/7 PE618.128v02-00



    Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 September 2016, A/RES/71/1 (New York Declaration).



    For more details see the modalities resolution (A/RES/71/280)


    5 gcm zero draft final.pdf



    The LIBE Committee is in charge at the European Parliament of all the topics relating migration and asylum, the integrated management of common borders as well as police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (i.e. smuggling of human beings).





    European Parliament resolution of 12 April 2016 on the situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration (2015/2095(INI))



    European Parliament resolution of 5 April 2017 on addressing refugee and migrant movements: the role of EU External Action (2015/2342(INI)) A+P8-TA-2017-0124+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN


    The processing of personal data is subject to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of 18 December 2001 (OJ.L 8 12.1.2001,

    • p. 

    Other documents

    • National Parliaments ' page for the event


European Commission (EC)

The European Commission is the executive body of the EU and runs its day-to-day business. It is made up of the College of Commissioners, 27 European Commissioners, one for each member state, who are each responsible for one or several policy areas. In addition, the 'Commission' also refers to the entire administrative body that supports the Commissioners, consisting of the Directorates-General and the Services.

The European Commission is the sole EU body capable of proposing new legislation. The Commission also performs an oversight function, monitoring whether European legislation is properly implemented in the member states. In the event of non-compliance, the Commission can coerce a member state to comply by starting a legal procedure at the European Court of Justice.


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

The Parliamentary Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs is responsible for:

  • 1. 
    The protection within the territory of the Union of citizens' rights, human rights and fundamental rights, including the protection of minorities, as laid down in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union


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