European Parliamentary Week, Brussels

Europees parlement in Brussel
Fotograaf: Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
date February 19, 2018 - February 20, 2018
city Brussels, Belgium
location European Parliament, Brussels Show location
station EbS
attending A. (Antonio) Tajani i, G.H. (Günther) Oettinger i, (Roberto) Gualtieri i, M.L.P. (Marianne) Thyssen i, M.J. (Mário) Gomes de Freitas Centeno i et al.
organisation European Parliament (EP) i, Bulgarian presidency of the EU (Bulgarian Presidency) i

European Parliamentary Week 2018:

  • 1. 
    Conference on the European Semester


EPW 2018 non-nominative invitation letter EN 49 KB / 01/02/2018


Online registration (EN)

IPEX event page (EN)


European Parliament (EP)

The European Parliament is the EU's law-making body. It is directly elected by EU voters every 5 years.

What does the Parliament do?

The Parliament has 3 main roles:



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