European Cycling Challenge 2017, Bologna

Heiligdom van de Madonna di San Luca Bologna in Bolgona, Italië.
Wikimedia Commons: Michelangelo Bucci
date May 1, 2017 08:00 - May 31, 2017 01:00
city Bologna, Italy
location Local Mobility Authority Show location
organisation Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) i

The European Cycling Challenge is the biggest urban cyclists' team competition, which takes place every year May, 1-31.

Being part of the ECC makes cyclists active actors in the planning process: they know that thanks to information they provide through their trips, they can influence the cycling network, because it may be planned on their real needs.

Join the Team of your City, track your bike trips, challenge other European cities!


Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT)

This Directorate-General supports the development and use of information and communication technologies. The DG focuses on the accessability of ICT applications on a broad scale in order for European citizens to benefit fully from ICT. Also, the use of ICT must improve the competitiveness of the EU and stimulate economic growth.


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