Resolution of the Council of the EC and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 19 October 1987 on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1987-1992)

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This other has been published on December  7, 1987 and entered into force on October 19, 1987.


Key information

official title

Resolution of the Council of the European Communities and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 19 October 1987 on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1987-1992)
Legal instrument Other
CELEX number i 41987X1207


Key dates

Document 19-10-1987
Publication in Official Journal 07-12-1987; OJ C 328 p. 1-44
Effect 19-10-1987; Entry into force Date of document
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Resolution of the Council of the European Communities and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 19 October 1987 on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1987-1992)

Official Journal C 328 , 07/12/1987 P. 0001 - 0044

RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL of 19 October 1987 on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1987-1992) (87/C 328/01)

RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL of 19 October 1987 on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1987-1992) (87/C 328/01)


Note that the projects to which the appended programme will give rise should in some cases be carried out at Community level and in others be carried out by the Member States;

With regard to the projects to be carried out by the Member States, the latter will supervise their proper execution, it being understood that for these projects the Council will exercise the coordinating powers laid down in the Treaties;

With regard to the projects in the programme to be carried out by the institutions of the European Communities:


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community,

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Community,

Having regard to the draft from the Commission, Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1),

  • (1) 
    Opinion delivered on 14 May 1987 (not yet published in the Official Journal).

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2),

(2)Opinion delivered on 14 May 1987 (not yet published in the Official Journal).

Whereas the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, as amended by the Single European Act, provides for the development and implementation of a Community policy on the environment, and lays down the objectives and principles which should govern such policy;

Whereas the Declaration of the Council of the European Communities and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 22 November 1973 (3) calls for the implementation of a European Communities programme of action on the environment; whereas the action programme was extended and supplemented for the period 1977 to 1986 by the resolutions of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 17 May 1977 (4) and of 7 February 1983 (5); whereas the programme of action is still valid and whereas it should be updated, further implemented and supplemented for the period 1987 to 1992 by new tasks which prove to be necessary;

  • (3) 
    OJ No C 112, 20. 12. 1973, p. 1.
  • (4) 
    OJ No C 139, 13. 6. 1977, p. 1.
  • (5) 
    OJ No C 46, 17. 2. 1983, p. 1.

Whereas it is necessary, in accordance with the Treaty as amended by the Single European Act, to avoid the adoption by the Member States of divergent measures likely to bring about economic and competition distortions in the common market;

Whereas the European Year of the Environment, which begins on 21 March 1987, offers a welcome opportunity of initiating the changes of attitude and promoting the action necessary to give practical effect to these perceptions;

RECALLS that the Single European Act, which constitutes a new...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.



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