European Week of Regions and Cities, Brussels

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
date October 9, 2017 - October 12, 2017
city Brussels, Belgium
location Rue Belliard 99-101 Show location
station EbS
attending (Iskra) Mihaylova i, C. (Corina) Creţu i et al.
organisation Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO) i

Europe's regions and cities face major challenges with profound consequences, such as adaptation to globalisation and to a new wave of automation in the workplace, as well as an urgent need to integrate migrant populations. These challenges can be turned into opportunities for economic and social progress, provided that the right policies and programmes are implemented at all levels.

Discussions during the European Week of Regions and Cities will examine the nature of these challenges and how they are playing out in different geographical contexts. Under the main headline of 'Regions and Cities working for a better future', the event will focus on three sub-themes:

  • Building resilient regions and cities – #LocalResilience
  • Regions and cities as change agents – #TakeAction
  • Sharing knowledge to deliver results – #SharingKnowledge

Discussions with practitioners will be integrated with input from academia as well as from participants from non-EU countries that are interested in the process of European integration, both from an institutional point of view and in terms of policies that promote European cohesion.


Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)

This Directorate-General is responsible for European actions with regard to economic and social development of the least developed regions of the EU. The DG supports such regions with policies and structural programmes aimed at enhancing competitiveness economic growth of those regions.


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