Sargentini geeft Max van der Stoel-lezing, 's-Hertogenbosch

's-Hertogenbosch - Sint-Janskathedraal
date December 8, 2016 14:30
city 's-Hertogenbosch
attending J. (Judith) Sargentini i et al.
organisation GroenLinks (GL) i

Europarlementariër Judith Sargentini geeft de Max van der Stoel-lezing in 's-Hertogenbosch. Onderwerp: Big Data en mensenrechten - een bedreiging of een kans?

New European data protection rules are currently being implemented. Will they be strong enough to protect our citizens' privacy and personal information? Or will companies and governments circumvent the reasonable and important principles it lays out and continue to try to make even more money by digging ever deeper into our private lives, undermining democracy and our freedoms?

Meer informatie op de website van Tilburg University.


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