Europe 2020 Strategy-Positive developments since 2008 in the EU on education, climate change and energy... but limited or no progress for employment, poverty and R&D

Source: Eurostat (ESTAT) i, published on Tuesday, July 19 2016.

The Europe 2020 strategy, adopted by the European Council in June 2010, aims at establishing a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy with high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion. The key objectives of the strategy are expressed in the form of targets in five areas: employment, research & development (R&D), climate change & energy, education and poverty reduction, to be reached by 2020. These have been translated into national targets in order to reflect the situation and possibilities of each Member State to contribute to the common goal. A set of nine headline indicators and additional sub-indicators, compiled by Eurostat, give an overview of how close the European Union (EU) is to its overall targets.

Full text available on EUROSTAT website
