International Womens' Day

Source: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) i, published on Tuesday, March 8 2016.

To mark International Womens' Day, Gabriele Bischoff, President of the EESC Workers' Group, launches a call to the EU to urgently deliver a new gender equality strategy. Far from being an extra "regulatory burden", equality legislation is the only way to bring about real change

In 1912 the Chicago Women Trade Unionists sang "Yes, it is bread we fight for, but we fight for roses too".

We have achieved a lot since 1912 but we still do not have (full) gender equality, either at the workplace nor in society

The EU has always had a high reputation with women because it was a real motor for advancing their rights through gender equality and anti-discrimination laws and including it in key EU strategies.

However, this motor is now stalling. The EU does not even want to deliver a new gender equality strategy now.

Instead of being proud of what it has achieved and what it can still do to support equality through good rules/regulation, it perceives this as a "regulatory burden". What a mistake, what a misconception!

We will continue to fight for equality for women and girls at work and in society. Let us push the EU for a better approach

On the offensive for gender equality and for bread and roses!