Decision 2014/899 - 2014/899/EU: Council Decision of 9 December 2014 concerning the accession of Croatia to the Convention of 23 July 1990 on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This decision has been published on December 13, 2014 and entered into force on December 14, 2014.


Key information

official title

2014/899/EU: Council Decision of 9 December 2014 concerning the accession of Croatia to the Convention of  23 July 1990 on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises
Legal instrument Decision
Number legal act Decision 2014/899
Original proposal COM(2013)586 EN
CELEX number i 32014D0899


Key dates

Document 09-12-2014
Publication in Official Journal 13-12-2014; OJ L 358 p. 19-24
Effect 14-12-2014; Entry into force Date pub. +1 See Art 4
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 358/19



of 9 December 2014

concerning the accession of Croatia to the Convention of 23 July 1990 on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises



Having regard to the Treaty on European Union,

Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to the Act of Accession of Croatia, and in particular Articles 3(4) and 3(5) thereof,

Having regard to the recommendation from the European Commission,

After consulting the European Parliament,




Convention 90/436/EEC (1) (‘the Arbitration Convention’) was signed at Brussels on 23 July 1990 and entered into force on 1 January 1995.



The Arbitration Convention was amended by a Protocol signed on 25 May 1999 (2), a Convention signed on 21 December 1995 (3) and a Convention signed on 8 December 2004 (4), as well as by Council Decision 2008/492/EC (5).



Pursuant to Article 3(4) of the Act of Accession of Croatia, Croatia is to accede to the conventions and protocols concluded between the Member States, listed in Annex I to the Act of Accession. Those conventions and protocols are to enter into force in relation to Croatia on the date determined by the Council.



Pursuant to Article 3(5) of the Act of Accession of Croatia the Council is to make all adjustments required by reason of Croatia's accession to those conventions and protocols and to publish the adapted texts in the Official Journal of the European Union,


Article 1

The Arbitration Convention is amended as follows:



In Article 2(2), points (i) to (xxvii) are replaced by the following:



in Belgium:



impôt des personnes physiques/personenbelasting



impôt des sociétés/vennootschapsbelasting



impôt des personnes morales/rechtspersonenbelasting



impôt des non-résidents/belasting der niet-verblijfhouders



taxe communale et la taxe d'agglomération additionnelles à l'impôt des personnes physiques/aanvullende gemeentebelasting en agglomeratiebelasting op de personenbelasting



in Bulgaria:



данък върху доходите на физическите лица



корпоративен данък



in the Czech Republic:



daň z přijmů fyzických osob



daň z přijmů právnických osob



in Denmark:



indkomstskat til staten



den kommunale indkomstskat



den amtskommunale indkomstskat



in Germany:









Gewerbesteuer, in so far as this tax is based on trading profits



in Estonia:






in Ireland:



Cáin Ioncaim



Cáin Chorparáide



in Greece:



φόρος εισοδήματος φυσικών προσώπων



φόρος εισοδήματος νομικών προσώπων



εισφορά υπέρ των επιχειρήσεων ύδρευσης και αποχέτευσης



in Spain:



Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas



Impuesto sobre Sociedades



Impuesto sobre la Renta de no...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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