Video EU Parliament Agenda: TTIP, Greek referendum, ETS, copyright reform, Luxembourg Presidency

Source: viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, published on Friday, July 3 2015.

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Jennifer Baker is joined by Antti Timonen, spokesperson for the EPP Group, to discuss the European  iParliament

  • Parliament will debate the latest developments in Greece with Donald Tusk i and Jean-Claude Juncker i on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Parliament’s Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) resolution will be put to vote for the second time (Wednesday 8 July).
  • MEPs will review the outgoing Latvian Presidency, and debate the incoming Luxembourg Presidency’s priorities during plenary.
  • EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS): Parliament to vote on a reform to reduce the surplus of carbon credits available (Wednesday 8 July).
  • On Thursday 9 July, MEPs will vote on the state of Europe’s current Copyright rules.