Film & Debate: Timbuktu


On September 10th 2015 the Montesquieu Institute and Filmhuis Den Haag runned the Oscar-nominated movie Timbuktu by director Abderrahmane Sissako. The film is about the islamist occupation of Mali.

In the west, fear for terrorists attacks or social changes is widespread. Yet, thinking about the changes that would occur if a radical-islamic group would seize control may be even more frightening. The documentary Timbuktu shows the deep impact that such movement can have on society. In addition, it provides a contemporary view on the increasing islamic fundamentalism in Africa.

After the movie was shown consultant and Mali expert Aart van der Heide i, programme manager Mali and Kenya of the institute for multi-party democracies Wouter Dol i and Member of the House of Representatives Roelof van Laar i discussed the movie and the bigger question of how to guide a country from dictatorship to democracy.

