Montesquieu sequence

Under the Montesquieu Sequence, The Montesquieu Institute will publish short volumes on different political themes.

The following volumes have been released:

Groot onderhoud of kruimelwerk - Major maintenance or crumb work
Does Dutch democracy and the rule of law need major overdue maintenance, or is it limited to crumb work? Does the advice of the Remkes State Commission cause too high constitutional expectations? This is the central question in the latest collection of the Montesquieu Institute.
‘Europa, Europa’
Elections are the celebration of democracy. But is there actually anything to celebrate during the 2019 European elections? What is the influence of Brexit? And what is the state of democracy in the EU and the Member States? In this collection, various scientists provide answers to the most important questions for the European elections.
Een goede raad - A good advice
The results of the municipal elections in March 2018 showed a fragmented picture. What is the state of local democracy after these elections and what challenges do the municipalities face for the period 2018-2022?
Te zorgen dat de wetten behoorlijk worden uitgevoerd - To ensure laws are properly executed.
The 10th volume of the Montesquieu Sequence 'Te zorgen dat wetten behoorlijk worden uitgevoerd' elaborates on the historical development and the unique role of the King's Commissioners
Stratego, Risk en Scrabble
The 9th volume of the Montesquieu Sequence 'Stratego, Risk and Scrabble' evaluates the formation of the Dutch cabinet that took place in 2017
De Stembus - The ballot box
The 8th volume of the Montesquieu Sequence 'De stembus' aims to shed light on what suffrage has meant for Dutch political life
Het eerste raadgevend referendum - The first consultative referendum
The 7th volume of the Montesquieu Sequence 'Het eerste raadgevend referendum' elaborates on the constitutional aspects of the Dutch referendum and other referenda in Europe in light of the EU-Ukraine referendum
De Commissie-Juncker: Laatste kans voor Europa? Tussenbalans na een jaar - Commission Juncker: Last Chance for Europe
The 6th volume of the Montesquieu Sequence 'De Commissie-Juncker: Laatste kans voor Europa? Tussenbalans na een jaar' tries to answer different questions concerning the first year of the new Commission team.
Het 'probleem' Eerste Kamer: Visies op de toekomstige rol van de Senaat - The problem of the senate: Takes on the future role of the senate
This volume deals with the so called 'problem' of the Dutch Senate. From a political scientist perspective on the future of the Senate, to the role of the Senate during elections and the formation procedure afterwards
'Halverwege?' - halfway through?
This volume comes up with an interim review on the cabinet of Rutte II. Researchers answer questions on how Rutte II has been able to succeed thus far and try to come up with a scenario for the next two years.
Het nieuwe formeren - a new way of forming the government
On December 17th 2012, the Montesquieu Institute hosted a conference on the formation of Rutte II. Reports of the contributing researchers and a foreword by mr. H.D. Tjeenk Willink are now collected in this volume.
Koning, Kamers, Kabinetsformatie - King, Parliament, the formation of the cabinet
This second edition is a collection of reports on the role of the Dutch Lower House, the Senate and the King when it comes to the formation of a new Cabinet. These reports were written for the Parliamentary Conference organized by Presidium of the Lower House.
De erfenis van Pim Fortyn - Pim Fortuyn's legacy
Researchers and (former) politicians shed a light on the political and parliamentary heritage of Pim Fortuyn in this first Montesquieu Sequence.