Lezing: Reconciling Economic and Social Europe, Amsterdam

date February 15, 2012 15:00 - 18:00
city Amsterdam
location Singel 421-427 Show location
attending A. (Ab) Klink i, A.M. (Agnes) Jongerius i, R.H.A. (Ronald) Plasterk i, R.H. (René) Cuperus i et al.
organisation Wiardi Beckman Stichting (WBS)

Economische orde

Reconciling Economic and Social Europe: Which Reform Strategy?

A Public Lecture and Discussion

Co-organized by the Jean Monnet Chair in European and Transnational Governance, University of Amsterdam (UvA), and the Wiardi Beckman Stichting (WBS)

The post-2008 crisis has markedly exacerbated the tensions between national welfare states and European Economic and Monetary Union. Such tensions are often attributed to faults in the EU’s institutional architecture, notably a programmatic asymmetry between the goals of competition and cohesion, of fiscal stability and inclusive growth. But they are also the result of political dynamics which amplify institutional faults and exacerbate centrifugal pressures, both across member states and between each of them and “Brussels”. The overall consequence is a self-reinforcing economic and social crisis, which is generating an alarming decline in support and legitimacy for the EU as such across member states, including the Netherlands.

This public event will bring together leading academic experts and political figures from the Netherlands and other EU member states to discuss how best to overcome this dangerous predicament. It will begin with a lecture by Maurizio Ferrera (University of Milan), proposing an ambitious strategy of institutional reform, aimed at reconciling the distinct logics of economic, social and democratic governance at the EU level and “nesting” the principles and logic of the nation-based welfare state within this reformed EU institutional architecture. Prof. Ferrera’s lecture will be followed by a panel discussion with Anton Hemerijck (VU University Amsterdam), Frank Vandenbroucke (UvA), René Cuperus (WBS), and the audience. A second panel of prominent policy practitioners will then consider the strategic options at national and European level, with contributions from Rory O’Donnell (Irish National Economic and Social Council), Ronald Plasterk (PvdA), Ab Klink (CDA), and Agnes Jongerius (FNV - to be confirmed), followed by a general discussion.

The event is open to the general public, as well as to university faculty and students. Since space is limited, advance registration is required. To register, please use this form.


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