Directive 2001/83 - EC code relating to medicinal products for human use - Main contents
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official title
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human useLegal instrument | Directive |
Number legal act | Directive 2001/83 |
Original proposal | COM(1999)315 ![]() |
CELEX number i | 32001L0083 |
Document | 06-11-2001 |
Publication in Official Journal | 28-11-2001; OJ L 311, 28.11.2001,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 13 Volume 056,Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 13 Volume 033,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 13 Volume 033,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 13 Volume 027,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 13 Volume 027 |
Effect | 18-12-2001; Entry into force Date pub. + 20 See Art 129 |
End of validity | 31-12-9999 |
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use
Official Journal L 311 , 28/11/2001 P. 0067 - 0128
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 6 November 2001
on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 95 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission;
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(1),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty(2),
(1)Council Directive 65/65/EEC of 26 January 1965 on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to medicinal products(3), Council Directive 75/318/EEC of 20 May 1975 on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to analytical, pharmaco-toxicological and clinical standards and protocols in respect of the testing of proprietary medicinal products(4), Council Directive 75/319/EEC of 20 May 1975 on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to proprietary medicinal products(5), Council Directive 89/342/EEC of 3 May 1989 extending the scope of Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC and laying down additional provisions for immunological medicinal products consisting of vaccines, toxins or serums and allergens(6), Council Directive 89/343/EEC of 3 May 1989 extending the scope of Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC and laying down additional provisions for radiopharmaceuticals(7), Council Directive 89/381/EEC of 14 June 1989 extending the scope of Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to medicinal products and laying down special provisions for proprietary medicinal products derived from human blood or human plasma(8), Council Directive 92/25/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the wholesale distribution of medicinal products for human use(9), Council Directive 92/26/EEC of 31 March 1992 concerning the classification for the supply of medicinal products for human use(10), Council Directive 92/27/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the labelling of medicinal products for human use and on package leaflets(11), Council Directive 92/28/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the advertising of medicinal products for human use(12), Council Directive 92/73/EEC of 22 September 1992 widening the scope of Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to medicinal products and laying down additional provisions on homeopathic medicinal products(13) have been frequently and substantially amended. In the interests of clarity and rationality, the said Directives should therefore be codified by assembling them in a single text.
(2)The essential aim of any rules governing the production, distribution and use of medicinal products must be to safeguard public health.
(3)However, this objective must be attained by means which will not hinder the development of the pharmaceutical industry or trade in medicinal products within the Community.
(4)Trade in medicinal products within the Community is hindered by disparities between certain national provisions, in particular between provisions relating to medicinal products (excluding substances or combinations of substances which are foods, animal feeding-stuffs or toilet preparations), and such disparities directly affect the functioning of the internal market.
(5)Such hindrances must accordingly be removed; whereas this entails approximation of the relevant provisions.
This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.
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