Directive 1990/314 - Package travel, package holidays and package tours

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This directive was in effect from June 18, 1990 until June 30, 2018 and should have been implemented in national regulation on December 31, 1992 at the latest.


Key information

official title

Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours
Legal instrument Directive
Number legal act Directive 1990/314
Original proposal COM(1988)41
CELEX number i 31990L0314


Key dates

Document 13-06-1990
Publication in Official Journal 23-06-1990; Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 13 Volume 060,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 13 Volume 009,OJ L 158, 23.6.1990,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 06 Volume 003,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 06 Volume 003,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 13 Volume 010,Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 13 Volume 009,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 13 Volume 010
Effect 18-06-1990; Entry into force Date notif.
End of validity 30-06-2018; Repealed and replaced by 32015L2302
Transposition 31-12-1992; At the latest See Art 9
Notification 18-06-1990


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Communities

L 158/59



of 13 June 1990

on package travel, package holidays and package tours



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100a thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),

In cooperation with the European Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3),

Whereas one of the main objectives of the Community is to complete the internal market, of which the tourist sector is an essential part;

Whereas the national laws of Member States concerning package travel, package holidays and package tours, hereinafter referred to as ‘packages’, show many disparities and national practices in this field are markedly different, which gives rise to obstacles to the freedom to provide services in respect of packages and distortions of competition amongst operators established in different Member States;

Whereas the establishment of common rules on packages will contribute to the elimination of these obstacles and thereby to the achievement of a common market in services, thus enabling operators established in one Member State to offer their services in other Member States and Community consumers to benefit from comparable conditions when buying a package in any Member State;

Whereas paragraph 36 (b) of the Annex to the Council resolution of 19 May 1981 on a second programme of the European Economic Community for a consumer protection and information policy (4) invites the Commission to study, inter alia, tourism and, if appropriate, to put forward suitable proposals, with due regard for their significance for consumer protection and the effects of differences in Member States' legislation on the proper functioning of the common market;

Whereas in the resolution on a Community policy on tourism on 10 April 1984 (5) the Council welcomed the Commission's initiative in drawing attention to the importance of tourism and took note of the Commission's initial guidelines for a Community policy on tourism;

Whereas the Commission communication to the Council entitled ‘A New Impetus for Consumer Protection Policy’, which was approved by resolution of the Council on 6 May 1986 (6), lists in paragraph 37, among the measures proposed by the Commission, the harmonization of legislation on packages;

Whereas tourism plays an increasingly important role in the economies of the Member States; whereas the package system is a fundamental part of tourism; whereas the package travel industry in Member States would be stimulated to greater growth and productivity if at least a minimum of common rules were adopted in order to give it a Community dimension; whereas this would not only produce benefits for Community citizens buying packages organized on the basis of those rules, but would attract tourists from outside the Community seeking the advantages of guaranteed standards in packages;

Whereas disparities in the rules protecting consumers in different Member States are a disincentive to consumers in one Member State from buying packages in another Member State;

Whereas this disincentive is particularly effective in deterring consumers from buying packages outside their own Member State, and more effective than it would be in relation to the acquisition of other services, having regard to the special nature of the services supplied in a package which generally involve the expenditure of substantial amounts of money in advance and the supply of the services in a State other than that in which the consumer is resident;

Whereas the consumer should have the benefit of the protection introduced by this Directive irrespective of whether he is a direct contracting party, a transferee or a member of a group on whose behalf another person has concluded a contract in respect of...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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