Public Finance Report 2011, Brussels

Berlaymontgebouw in Brussel
Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
date September 12, 2013
city Brussels, Belgium
location Berlaymont building (BERL) i Show location
room pers ruimte
attending O.I. (Olli) Rehn i et al.
organisation European Commission (EC) i

The Commission will publish its annual report on public finance in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The 2011 Report presents recent budgetary developments, reports developments in budgetary surveillance and proposes various approaches to analyse debt sustainability. It brings together in a single publication a review of key policy developments and analytical findings in the area of the public finances. While considering the public finances in a wide sense, the particular focus of this year's report is sustainability, with the descriptive parts looking at the consolidation measures and policy changes required to aid an improvement in sustainability and the analytic parts focusing on what determines it and how it can be measured.



Eleven reports on Public Finances in EMU that have been issued since the first edition in 2000. The set of reports provides an overview of budgetary developments and evolving budgetary surveillance since the start of EMU. Moreover, all issues include two or three studies on topical issues, providing impetus to the development and implementation of the EU fiscal framework:



Press Conference of Commissioner Olli Rehn in the Berylamont press room in Brussels.

IP will be available on the day.

  • Available on EbS



The reports on Public Finances in EMU that have been issued since the first edition in 2000 can be found at:

European Commission's website:

Commissioner Rehn's website:



Amadeu Altafaj Tardio +32 2 295 26 58 amadeu.altafaj-tardio @

Catherine Bunyan +32 2 299 65 12 catherine.bunyan @

Pia Seppälä +32 2 299 24 88 pia.seppala @


European Commission (EC)

The European Commission is the executive body of the EU and runs its day-to-day business. It is made up of the College of Commissioners, 27 European Commissioners, one for each member state, who are each responsible for one or several policy areas. In addition, the 'Commission' also refers to the entire administrative body that supports the Commissioners, consisting of the Directorates-General and the Services.

The European Commission is the sole EU body capable of proposing new legislation. The Commission also performs an oversight function, monitoring whether European legislation is properly implemented in the member states. In the event of non-compliance, the Commission can coerce a member state to comply by starting a legal procedure at the European Court of Justice.


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