Hungarian flag on the Atomium

Source: Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, published on Tuesday, June 28 2011.

The head of Brussels representation of the Hungarian Parliament (AMNKEÉ) and the Office for the European Representation of Hungarian National Minorities (HUNINEU) - representing a total of 14 million Hungarians living in Europe - bid farewell to the Hungarian EU presidency with a series of programmes.

The colleagues of HUNINEU and AMNKEÉ took part in a programme series between 21st and 25th June at the premises of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry. During the week, guests could taste famous „hungarikums” like paprika sausage, salami, beigli (traditional Hungarian cake served at Christmas-time) and home-made pálinka (Hungarian schnaps), presented by the Hungarian food market chain CBA. The Csillagszemu Dance Ensemble, the virtuoso Reiter-brothers and Kerekes Band were entertaining the audience with splendid performances.

On 29th June at HCB (Hungarian Culture Brussels), the Folk music - song - wine celebration featured performances by the Kokas Ensemble, the Muravidéki Nótázók and the csángó folk singer Veronika Bukur with a presentation of Sebestyén Csaba’s fine Hungarian wines from the Carpathian Basin. The following day at 11 o’clock, HUNINEU and AMNKEÉ organised a joint event where Ambassador Zoltán Hernyes handed over the imaginary relay baton to Poland, accompanied by the ’tököli huszárbandérium’ and other artists. Hungarian State Secretary Péter Olajos delivered a speech, while President of Committee Árpád Potápi represented the Hungarian Parliament. During the event, a Hungarian flag was raised onto the Atomium.

On the last evening of the Hungarian presidency in HCB Endre Hegedus gave an exclusive concert of his latest album entitled Ferenc and Frederic - Liszt - Chopin for the diplomacy and EU representatives.

The Mini Europe - Maxi Hungarians event is already taking place during the Polish presidency period on 2-3 June, with a cavalcade of Hungarian musicians, a treasure-trove of trinkets to browse and buy, food and wine tasting as well as genuine Hungarian gulash, a catapult range, bicycles in the colours of Hungary and Poland, puppet theatre and much more.