Special legislative procedure

De bijzondere wetgevingsprocedure is een verzamelterm voor een groot aantal besluitvormingsprocedures in de Europese Unie i. Wat al die besluitvormingsprocedures gemeen hebben is dat ze een uitzondering zijn op de gewone wetgevingsprocedure i. Per bijzondere wetgevingsprocedure wordt aangegeven welke rol de verschillende Europese instellingen hebben in de besluitvorming; wie voorstellen mogen doen, wie er over mogen meebeslissen, en hoe er over voorstellen gestemd wordt.

In de Europese verdragen staat voor welke beleidsterreinen een bijzondere wetgevingsprocedure geldt.

Het vaststellen van afgeleide wetgeving i gaat volgens andere procedures. Die vallen niet onder deze categorie.

De term 'bijzondere wetgevingsprocedure' is geïntroduceerd bij de inwerkingtreding van het Verdrag van Lissabon i (1 december 2009).

Gebruikte bijzondere wetgevingsprocedures

  • akkoordprocedure

    The consent procedure is one of the special legislative procedures used in the European Union. The consent procedure is used for adopting most international agreements. The word consent refers to the role the European Parliament (EP) and the Council of Ministers (Council) play in the procedure. Both can either approve or disapprove a proposal, but neither can amend it.

  • begrotingsprocedure

    The budgetary procedure is one of the special legislative procedures used in the European Union. It is used to set the annual budget of the European Union. In determining the multiannual financial framework, the assent procedure is used. For granting discharge on the budget a different procedure i is used.

  • instemmingsprocedure

    This procedure is one of the special legislative procedures used in the European Union. The assent procedure is used for several very important decisions, as well as for matters where the member states wish to retain a larger degree of control. The word assent refers to the role the European Parliament (EP) plays in the procedure. It has to approve or disapprove a proposal, but cannot amend it.

  • kwijtingsprocedure

    This procedure is one of the special legislative procedures that are used within the European Union. The discharge procedure is used to approve the discharge of the budget.

  • open coördinatiemethode

    This procedure is one of the special legislative procedures used in the European Union. The open method of coordination (OMC) is applied to policy areas where member states are in full control, but where they also wish to coordinate their policies on a particular subject. Decisions that are based on the open coordination method are non-binding; member states are not held accountable for whether or not they implement decisions. The procedure is not part of the European treaties.

De verschillende procedures voor het wijzigen van de Europese verdragen zijn:

  • procedure zonder deelname Europees Parlement

    This procedure is one of the special legislative procedures used in the European Union. This procedure is used for some very important economic issues. The main characteristic of this procedure is that the European Parliament (EP) plays no role in the decision making.

  • raadplegingsprocedure

    This procedure is one of the special legislative procedures used in the European Union. The consultation procedure is used for politically sensitive issues, where the member states bear responsibility for policy making and where the member states make decisions based on unanimity.

De samenwerkingsprocedure i wordt sinds de inwerkingtreding van het Verdrag van Lissabon niet langer gebruikt.


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