Regulation 1991/3330 - Statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This regulation was in effect from November 19, 1991 until December 31, 2004.


Key information

official title

Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 of 7 November 1991 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States
Legal instrument Regulation
Number legal act Regulation 1991/3330
Original proposal COM(1988)810
CELEX number i 31991R3330


Key dates

Document 07-11-1991
Publication in Official Journal 16-11-1991; Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 02 Volume 004,Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 11 Volume 019,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 02 Volume 004,OJ L 316, 16.11.1991,Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 11 Volume 019,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 02 Volume 004
Effect 19-11-1991; Entry into force Date pub. + 3 See Art 35
01-01-1993; Partial application See Art 35
End of validity 31-12-2004; Repealed by 32004R0683


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 of 7 November 1991 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States

Official Journal L 316 , 16/11/1991 P. 0001 - 0010

Finnish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 19 P. 0003

Swedish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 19 P. 0003

COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 3330/91 of 7 November 1991 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100a thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),

In cooperation with the European Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3),

Whereas abolishing physical barriers between Member States is necessary to complete the internal market; whereas a satisfactory level of information on the trading of goods between Member States should thus be ensured by means other than those involving checks, even indirect ones, at internal frontiers;

Whereas an analysis of the situation of the Community and the Member States after 1992 reveals that a number of specific requirements will persist as regards information on the trading of goods between Member States;

Whereas these requirements are not of a macro-economic nature, unlike those relating, for example, to national accounts or the balance of payments, and many of them cannot be met by means of highly aggregated data alone; whereas matters such as trade policy, sectoral analyses, competition rules, the management and guidance of agriculture and fisheries, regional development, energy projections and the organization of transport must on the contrary be based on statistical documentation providing the most up-to-date, accurate and detailed view of the internal market;

Whereas it is precisely information on the trading of goods between Member States which will contribute to measuring the progress of the internal market, thereby speeding up its completion and consolidating it on a sound basis; whereas this kind of information could prove to be one of the means of assessing the development of economic and social cohesion;

Whereas until the end of 1992 statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States will benefit from the formalities, documentation and controls which the customs authorities, for their own requirements or for those of other departments, prescribe for consignors and consignees of goods in circulation between Member States, but which will disappear through the elimination of physical frontiers and tax barriers;

Whereas it will consequently be necessary to collect directly from the consignors and consignees the data necessary to compile statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, using methods and techniques which will ensure that they are exhaustive, reliable and up to date, without giving rise for the parties concerned, in particular for small and medium-sized businesses, to a burden out of proportion to the results which users of the said statistics can reasonably expect;

Whereas the relevant legislation must henceforth apply to all statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, including those statistics which are not to be harmonized or made compulsory by the Community before 1993;

Whereas the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States are a function of the movements of goods involved; whereas they may include data on transport, which can be collected simultaneously with the data specific to each of these categories of statistics, thus lightening the overall statistical burden;

Whereas private individuals will derive obvious advantages from the internal market; whereas it is necessary to ensure that these advantages are not diminished in their eyes by requirements for statistical information; whereas the provision of...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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