Annexes to COM(2024)71 - EU position in the EU-CTC Joint Committee established by the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure as regards amendments to that Convention - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2024)71 - EU position in the EU-CTC Joint Committee established by the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure as ... |
document | COM(2024)71 |
date | February 20, 2024 |
to the
on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the EU-CTC Joint Committee established by the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure as regards amendments to that Convention
Annex A
Appendix I to the Convention is amended as follows:
Article 3 (d) is amended as follows:
The term ‘printed’ is replaced by the word ‘produced’.
Article 41 is amended as follows:
paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
‘1. The customs office of departure shall provide a transit accompanying document to the declarant, or to the person who presented the goods at the office of departure, at the request of that person. The transit accompanying document shall be provided using the form set out in Annex A3 to Appendix III and shall include the particulars set out in Annex A4 to Appendix III.’
paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
‘3. As of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, the customs office of departure shall provide to the declarant, or to the person who presented the goods at the office of departure, a transit accompanying document at the request of that person, supplemented by a List of items. The List of items shall form an integral part of the transit accompanying document.’
in paragraph 3, the third subparagraph is deleted.
Article 42 is replaced by the following:
‘Article 42
Presentation of the transit accompanying document or of the MRN of the transit declaration
The transit accompanying document with the MRN of the transit declaration or the MRN of the transit declaration and other documents accompanying the goods shall be presented when prescribed or whenever the customs authorities so require.
Until the deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, the transit accompanying document and the List of items shall be presented in printed form.’
Article 42a is added as follows:
‘Article 42a
Means of communication of the MRN of a transit operation to the customs authorities
The MRN of the transit declaration shall be submitted to the customs authorities by electronic data-processing techniques only.
Where the submission of the MRN by electronic data-processing techniques is not possible, the receiving customs authority shall accept the submission of the MRN by means of a transit accompanying document or a barcode and may allow other means of communication of the MRN.
Until the dates of the deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, the MRN of a transit declaration shall be submitted to the customs authorities by a transit accompanying document.’
Article 43 is amended as follows:
paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
‘1. The goods together with the MRN of the transit declaration, in accordance with Article 42a, shall be presented at each customs office of transit.’
Article 44 is amended as follows:
The introductory first paragraph of the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
‘As of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, the carrier shall present without undue delay after the incident the goods and the MRN of the transit declaration to the nearest customs authority of the country in whose territory the means of transport is located in situation referred to in points (a) to (f) of the first subparagraph.’
In paragraph 1 the following second and third subparagraphs are added:
‘In the cases referred to in the first subparagraph, points (c) and (f), where goods are carried in one and the same intermodal transport unit, the mode of transport is changed without handling the goods themselves and the intermodal transport unit bears a unique ID number, that change shall not be considered an incident for the purposes of the first subparagraph.
For the purposes of the second subparagraph, an intermodal transport unit is, for example, a container, swap body or a semi-trailer. The second subparagraph also applies to a loaded vehicle which is, itself, transported on an active means of transport.’
Last subparagraph of paragraph 2 (c) is replaced by the following:
‘As of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, the carrier shall not be required to present the goods and the MRN of the transit declaration to the customs authority referred to in paragraph 1, provided that the holder of the procedure or the carrier on behalf of the holder of the procedure provides relevant information concerning the incident to that customs authority in the following cases:’
Article 45 is amended as follows:
Paragraph 1(b) is replaced by the following:
‘(b) the MRN of the transit declaration in accordance with Article 42a’.
Paragraph 3, subparagraph 1 is replaced by the following:
3. Where a transit accompanying document on paper is presented to the customs office of destination the office shall keep it.
Article 46, paragraph 1 is amended as follows:
‘The reference ‘and of the transit accompanying document’ is deleted.
Article 47 is amended as follows:
Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
‘1. The customs office of destination shall notify the customs office of departure of the arrival of the goods on the day the goods and the MRN of the transit declaration are presented in accordance with Article 45(1).’
Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Where the common transit operation is ended at a customs office other than that declared in the transit declaration, the customs office considered to be the customs office of destination in accordance with Article 45(5) shall notify the arrival to the customs office of departure on the day the goods and the MRN of the transit declaration are presented in accordance with Article 45(1).’
In the last subparagraph of paragraph 5 the reference to ‘2016/578’ is replaced by ‘2019/2151’.
Article 79, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
‘On the basis of the authorisation and upon request of the holder of the procedure, the customs office of guarantee will issue to the holder of the procedure one or more comprehensive guarantee certificates drawn up using the form set out in Annex C5 to Appendix III or one or more guarantee waiver certificates drawn up using the form set out in Annex C6 to Appendix III to enable the holder of the procedure to provide proof of a comprehensive guarantee or a guarantee waiver within the framework of Article 26(1)(b)’
Article 86, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
‘As of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, the authorised consignor may print a transit accompanying document, provided that he has received the notification of the release of the goods for the common transit procedure from the customs office of departure.’
Article 111 a (1) corrigendum:
The reference to “Article 57(4)” shall be replaced by the reference to “Article 57(5).
Annex B
Appendix IIIa to the Convention is amended as follows:
Annex A1a is replaced by the following:
This Annex shall apply as of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, or any subsequent updates of that decision, with the exception of the provisions on data elements relating to an electronic transport document as a transit declaration as referred to in Article 55(1)(h) of Appendix I, which shall apply at the latest as of 1 May 2018.
Introductory notes to the data requirements table
(1) The data elements, formats, codes and, if applicable, the structure of the data elements, defined in this Annex shall apply to transit declarations made by using an electronic data processing techniques as well as to paper-based declarations.
(2) The data elements, which may be provided for each transit procedure and the formats of the data elements, are set out in the data requirements table in Title II. The specific provisions concerning each data element as they are described in Title III apply without prejudice to the status of the data elements as defined in the data requirements table.
The data elements are listed in the order of their data element number.
(3) The ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ symbols in the table in Title II have no bearing on the fact that certain data is collected only where circumstances warrant it. For example, the D.E. 18 09 057 000 Combined Nomenclature code (status ‘A’) will only be collected where required by the Contracting Parties’ legislation.
They may be complemented by conditions or clarifications listed in the numbered notes attached to the data requirements in Chapter II, Title II and in the notes of Title III.
(4) Without affecting in any way, the obligations to provide data according to this Annex and without prejudice to Article 29 of Appendix I, the content of the data provided to customs for a given data requirement will be based on the information, as it is known by the economic operator that provides it at the time it is provided to Customs.
(5) Whenever the information in a transit declaration dealt with in this Annex takes the form of codes, the code-list provided for in Title III or national codes, where foreseen, shall be applied.
(6) National codes may be used by the countries for data elements, 12 01 000 000 Previous document (sub-element 12 01 002 000 Type and sub-element 12 01 005 000 Measurement unit and qualifier), 12 02 000 000 Additional information (sub-element 12 02 008 000 Code), 12 03 000 000 Supporting document (sub-elements 12 03 002 000 Type), 12 04 000 000 Additional reference (sub-element 12 04 002 000 Type), certificates and authorisations.
For Member States of the European Union, they shall notify the Commission of the list of national codes used for these data elements. The Commission shall publish the list of those codes.
(7) Maximum cardinalities for each transit procedure:
D 1x
MC 1x (per declaration header)
HC 999x (per MC for transit)
HI 9,999x (per HC)
(8) The following references to code lists defined in international standards or in the Contracting Parties’ legal acts are used:
1. | Package Type Code | UN/ECE Recommendation 21 | Package Type Code as defined in the latest version of Annex IV to UN/ECE Recommendation 21 |
2. | Currency Code | ISO 4217 | Three-letter alphabetic code defined by International Standard ISO 4217 |
3. | Country Code | ISO 3166- alpha-2 country code | In the context of transit operations, the ISO 3166- alpha-2 country code shall be used, and the code “XI” shall be used for Northern Ireland. |
4. | UN/LOCODE | UNECE Recommendation No. 16 | UN/LOCODE as defined in UNECE Recommendation No. 16 |
6. | Code for Types of Means of Transport | UNECE Recommendation No. 28 | Code for types of means of transport as defined in UNECE Recommendation No. 28 |
9. | CUS codes | ECICS (European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances) | Customs Union and Statistics (CUS) number assigned within the European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances (ECICS) to mainly chemical substances and preparations. |
(9) The codes as specified in Title III that can be found in the TARIC database shall be defined in common agreement with the Contracting Parties.
Table legend
Section 1
Column headings
Columns | Declarations/notifications/proof of the customs status of Union goods | Legal Basis |
D.E. No. | Order number allocated to the data element concerned. | |
Old Box No. | Box number in ANNEX B6 of Appendix III as laid down by Decision No 1/2008 of the EU-EFTA Joint Committee on common transit of 16 June 2008. | |
Data element/ class name | Name of the data element/class concerned. | |
Data sub-element/ sub-class name | Name of the data sub-element/sub-class concerned. | |
Data sub-element name | Name of the data sub-element concerned | |
D1 | Transit declaration. | Articles 25 and 26 of Appendix I |
D2 | Transit declaration with reduced dataset – (Transport by rail, air and sea). | Article 55(1)(i) of Appendix I |
D3 | Transit – Use of an electronic transport document as customs declaration – (Transport by air). | Article 55(1)(h) of Appendix I |
D4 | Presentation Notification in relation to the pre-lodged transit declaration. | Article 29a of Appendix I |
D | The cardinality indicates how many times the data element may be used at the level of the declaration header within a transit declaration. | |
Format | Data type and data length. | |
Codes in Title III | Indicates if complementary notes on the format and codes are available in Title III. |
Section 2
Column headings
Group | Title of the group |
Group 11 | Message information (including procedure codes) |
Group 12 | References of messages, documents, certificates, authorisations |
Group 13 | Parties |
Group 16 | Places/Countries/Regions |
Group 17 | Customs offices |
Group 18 | Goods identification |
Group 19 | Transport information (modes, means and equipment) |
Group 99 | Other data elements (statistical data, guarantees, tariff related data) |
Section 3
Symbols in the columns Declaration
Symbol | Symbol description |
A | Mandatory: data required by every country without prejudice to introductory note 3. |
B | Optional for the countries: data that countries may decide to waive. |
C | Optional for economic operators: data which economic operators may decide to supply but which cannot be demanded by the countries. Where an economic operator decides to supply the information, all required sub elements have to be declared. Where “C” is used for a data element/data class all the data sub-elements/data sub-class that belongs to this data element/data class are mandatory where declarant decides to supply the information unless this is specified differently in Title II Chapter I. |
D | Data element required at the level of the transit declaration header. The data elements of the declaration level contain information that applies to the entire declaration. |
MC | Data element required at the Master Consignment level. The data elements of the Master consignment level contain information that applies to a transport contract issued by a carrier and direct contracting party. This header information is applicable for every Master Consignment Item in case of declarations and notifications referred to in Title II Chapter I. |
HC | Data element required at the House Consignment level. The data elements of the House consignment level contains information that applies to the lowest transport contract issued by a freight forwarder, non-vessel or aircraft operating common carrier or his agent or a postal operator. This header information is valid for every House Consignment Item in case of declarations and notifications referred to in Title II Chapter I. |
HI | Data element required at the House Consignment Goods Item level. The House consignment goods item level is a sub-level to the House consignment level. The data elements of the House consignment item level contain information that originate from different positions in the transport document referred to in the current House consignment. This Item information is applicable in case of declarations and notifications referred to in Title II Chapter I. |
* | Applicable as from 21 January 2025 |
*** | Shall apply as from 1 March 2027 |
° | Shall be discontinued to apply as from 21 January 2025 |
°°° | Shall be discontinued to apply as from 1 March 2027 |
*^) | The cardinality for the Number of seals has to be understood in relation to the transport equipment, i.e. 1x per container. |
Section 4
Symbols in the column Format
The term ‘type/length’ in the explanation of an attribute indicates the requirements for the data type and the data length. The codes for the data types are as follows:
a alphabetic
n numeric
an alphanumeric
The number following the code indicates the admissible data length. The following applies.
The optional two dots before the length indicator mean that the data has no fixed length, but it can have up to a number of digits, as specified by the length indicator. A comma in the data length means that the attribute can hold decimals, the digit before the comma indicates the total length of the attribute, the digit after the comma indicates the maximum number of digits after the decimal point.
Examples of field lengths and formats:
a1 1 alphabetic character, fixed length
n2 2 numeric characters, fixed length
an3 3 alphanumeric characters, fixed length
a..4 up to 4 alphabetic characters
n..5 up to 5 numeric characters
an..6 up to 6 alphanumeric characters
n..7,2 up to 7 numeric characters including maximum 2 decimals, a delimiter being allowed to float.
D.E. No. | Old Box No | Data element/class name | Data sub-element/sub-class name | Data sub-element name | Declaration | Cardinality | Format | Codes in Title III | ||||||
D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D | MC | HC | HI | |||||||
Group 11 - Message information (including procedure codes) | ||||||||||||||
11 02 000 000 | New | Additional declaration type | A | A | A | 1x | a1 | Y | ||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
11 03 000 000 | 32 | Goods item number | A | A | 1x | n..5 | N | |||||||
HI | HI | |||||||||||||
11 07 000 000 | New | Security | A | A | 1x | n1 | Y | |||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
11 08 000 000 | New | Reduced dataset indicator | A | A | A | 1x | n1 | Y | ||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
11 11 000 000 | New | Declaration goods item number | A | A | A | 1x | n.5 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
Group 12 - References of messages, documents, certificates, authorisations | ||||||||||||||
12 01 000 000 | 40 | Previous document | A | A | A | 9,999x | 99x | 99x | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..70 | Y | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 002 000 | Type | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an4 | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 003 000 | Type of packages | A | A | A | 1x | an..2 | N | |||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 004 000 | Number of packages | A | A | A | 1x | n..8 | N | |||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 005 000 | Measurement unit and qualifier | A | A | A | 1x | an..4 | N | |||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 006 000 | Quantity | A | A | A | 1x | n..16,6 | N | |||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 007 000 | Goods item identifier°°° Goods item number*** | A | A | A | 1x | n..5 | N | |||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
12 01 079 000 | Complement of information | C | C | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | |||||||||||||
12 02 000 000 | 44 | Additional information | C | C | C | 99x | 99x | N | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 02 008 000 | Code | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an5 | Y | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 02 009 000 | Text | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an..512 | N | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 03 000 000 | 44 | Supporting document | A | A | A | 99x | 99x | N | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 03 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 03 002 000 | Type | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an4 | N | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 03 013 000 | Document line-item number | C | C | C | 1x | 1x | n..5 | N | ||||||
MC HI | MC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
12 03 079 000 | Complement of information | C | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||||
MC HI | ||||||||||||||
12 04 000 000 | 44 New | Additional reference | A | A | A | 99x | 99x | 99x | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 04 001 000 | Reference number | C | C | C | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 04 002 000 | Type | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an4 | Y | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 05 000 000 | 44 New | Transport document | A [8] | A [8] | A [8] | 99x | 99x | N | ||||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | ||||||||||||
12 05 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | ||||||||||||
12 05 002 000 | Type | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an4 | N | ||||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | ||||||||||||
12 08 000 000 | Reference number/UCR | C | C | C | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
12 09 000 000 | New | LRN | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..22 | N | |||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
12 12 000 000 | 44 New | Authorisation | A [60] | A [60] | A [60] | 9x | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
12 12 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
12 12 002 000 | Type | A | A | A | 1x | an..4 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
Group 13 – Parties | ||||||||||||||
13 02 000 000 | 2 | Consignor | C | 1x | 1x | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 016 000 | Name | A [6] | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 017 000 | 2(no) | Identification number | A | 1x | 1x | an..17 | Y | |||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 018 000 | Address | A [6] | 1x | 1x | N | |||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 018 019 | Street and number | A | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 018 020 | Country | A | 1x | 1x | a2 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 018 021 | Postcode | A | 1x | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 018 022 | City | A | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 074 000 | Contact person | C | 9x | 9x | N | |||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 074 016 | Name | A | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 074 075 | Phone number | A | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 02 074 076 | E-mail address | C | 1x | 1x | an..256 | N | ||||||||
MC HC | ||||||||||||||
13 03 000 000 | 8 | Consignee | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | N | |||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 016 000 | Name | A [6] | A [6] | A [6] | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 017 000 | 8 (no) | Identification number | A [8] | A [8] | A [8] | 1x | 1x | an..17 | Y | |||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 018 000 | Address | A [6] | A [6] | A [6] | 1x | 1x | N | |||||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 018 019 | Street and number | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..70 | N | |||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 018 020 | Country | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | a2 | Y | |||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 018 021 | Postcode | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..17 | N | |||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 03 018 022 | City | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||
MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | MC HC HI° | ||||||||||||
13 06 000 000 | 14 | Representative | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 06 017 000 | 4 (no) | Identification number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | |||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 06 030 000 | 14 | Status | A | A | A | A | 1x | n1 | Y | |||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 06 074 000 | Contact person | C | C | C | C | 9x | N | |||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 06 074 016 | Name | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 06 074 075 | Phone number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 06 074 076 | E-mail address | C | C | C | C | 1x | an..256 | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 07 000 000 | 50 | Holder of the transit procedure | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 07 016 000 | Name | A [6] [7] | A [6] [7] | A [6] [7] | 1x | an..70 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 017 000 | 50 (no) | Identification number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | |||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
13 07 018 000 | Address | A [6] [7] | A [6] [7] | A [6] [7] | 1x | N | ||||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 018 019 | Street and number | A | A | A | 1x | an..70 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 018 020 | Country | A | A | A | 1x | a2 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 018 021 | Postcode | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 018 022 | City | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 074 000 | Contact person | C | C | C | 1x | N | ||||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 074 016 | Name | A | A | A | 1x | an..70 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 074 075 | Phone number | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 07 074 076 | E-mail address | C | C | C | 1x | an..256 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
13 14 000 000 | 44 | Additional supply chain actor | C | C | C | 99x | 99x | 99x | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
13 14 017 000 | Identification number | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | an..17 | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
13 14 031 000 | Role | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | a..3 | Y | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
Group 15 – Dates/Times/Periods | ||||||||||||||
15 11 000 000 | New | Limit date | A [82] | A [82] | A [82] | 1x | an..19 | N | ||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
Group 16 – Places/Countries/Regions | ||||||||||||||
16 03 000 000 | 17a | Country of destination | A | A | A | 1x | 1x* | 1x | a2 | N | ||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HI | ||||||||||||
16 06 000 000 | 15 | Country of dispatch | A | C | 1x | 1x | 1x | a2 | N | |||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | |||||||||||||
16 12 000 000 | New | Country of routing of consignment | A | A | 99x | N | ||||||||
MC | MC | |||||||||||||
16 12 020 000 | Country | A | A | 1x | a2 | Y | ||||||||
MC | MC | |||||||||||||
16 13 000 000 | 27 | Place of loading | A [61] | A [61] | A | A | 1x | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 13 020 000 | Country | A | A | A | A | 1x | a2 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 13 036 000 | UN/LOCODE | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 13 037 000 | Location | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 000 000 | 30 | Location of goods | A [61[ [75] | A [61[ [75] | A [61[ [75] | A [61] [75] | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 036 000 | UN/LOCODE | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 045 000 | Type of location | A | A | A | A | 1x | a1 | Y | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 046 000 | Qualifier of identification | A | A | A | A | 1x | a1 | Y | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 047 000 | Customs office | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 047 001 | Reference number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an8 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 048 000 | GNSS | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 048 049 | Latitude | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 048 050 | Longitude | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 051 000 | Economic operator | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 051 017 | Identification number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 052 000 | Authorisation number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 053 000 | Additional identifier | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..4°°° an..8*** | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 018 000 | Address | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 018 019 | Street and number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 018 020 | Country | A | A | A | A | 1x | a2 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 018 021 | Postcode | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 018 022 | City | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 081 000 | Postcode address | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 081 020 | Country | A | A | A | A | 1x | a2 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 081 021 | Postcode | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 081 025 | House number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 074 000 | Contact person | C | C | C | C | 9x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 074 016 | Name | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..70 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 074 075 | Phone number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 15 074 076 | E-mail address | C | C | C | C | 1x | an..256 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
16 17 000 000 | New | Prescribed itinerary *** | A | A | 1x | n1 | Y | |||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
Group 17 – Customs Offices | ||||||||||||||
17 03 000 000 | New | Customs office of departure | A | A | A | A | 1x | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
17 03 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an8 | N | ||||||
D | D | D | D | |||||||||||
17 04 000 000 | 51 | Customs office of transit | A | A | 9x | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
17 04 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | 1x | an8 | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
17 05 000 000 | 53 | Customs office of destination | A | A | A | 1x | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
17 05 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | A | 1x | an8 | N | |||||||
D | D | D | ||||||||||||
17 06 000 000 | Customs office of exit for transit | A | A | 9x | N | |||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
17 06 001 000 | Reference number | A | A | 1x | an8 | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
Group 18 – Goods identification | ||||||||||||||
18 01 000 000 | 38 | Net mass | A | 1x | n..16,6 | N | ||||||||
HI | ||||||||||||||
18 02 000 000 | Supplementary units°°° Supplementary unit*** | C | 1x | n..16,6 | N | |||||||||
HI | ||||||||||||||
18 04 000 000 | 35 | Gross mass | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | 1x | n..16,6 | N | ||||
MC HC HI | MC HC HI | MC HC HI | ||||||||||||
18 05 000 000 | 31 | Description of goods | A | A | A | 1x | an..512 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 06 000 000 | New | Packaging | A | A | A | 99x | N | |||||||
HI | HI | |||||||||||||
18 06 003 000 | 31 | Type of packages | A | A | A | 1x | an2 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 06 004 000 | 31 | Number of packages | A | A | A | 1x | n..8 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 06 054 000 | 31 | Shipping marks | A [8] | A [8] | A [8] | 1x | an..512 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 07 000 000 | Dangerous goods | C | C | 99x | N | |||||||||
HI | HI | |||||||||||||
18 07 055 000 | UN number for dangerous goods | A | A | 1x | an.4 | N | ||||||||
HI | HI | |||||||||||||
18 08 000 000 | 31 | CUS code | C | C | C | 1x | an..512 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 09 000 000 | Commodity code | A | A | C | 1x | N | ||||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 09 056 000 | New | Harmonized System sub-heading code * | A | A | A | 1x | an6 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
18 09 057 000 | 33 | Combined nomenclature code | B | B | C | 1x | an2 | N | ||||||
HI | HI | HI | ||||||||||||
Group 19 – Transport information (modes, means and equipment) | ||||||||||||||
19 01 000 000 | 19 | Container indicator | A [61] | A [61] | A | A | 1x | n1 | Y | |||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 02 000 000 | Conveyance reference number | B | B | B | 9x | 9x | an..17 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 03 000 000 | 25 | Mode of transport at the border | A [30] | A [30] | 1x | n1 | Y | |||||||
MC | MC | |||||||||||||
19 04 000 000 | 26 | Inland mode of transport | B | B | B | 1x | n1 | Y | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 05 000 000 | 18(1) | Departure transport means | A [34] [35] [36] [61] | A [34] [35] [36] [61] | A [34] [35] [36] | A [34] [35] [36] | 999x | 999x | N | |||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | |||||||||||
19 05 017 000 | Identification number | A | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | |||||||||||
19 05 061 000 | Type of identification | A | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | n2 | Y | |||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | |||||||||||
19 05 062 000 | 18(2) | Nationality | A | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | a2 | N | ||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | |||||||||||
19 07 000 000 | New | Transport equipment | A [61] | A [61] | A | A | 9,999x | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
19 07 044 000 | Goods reference | A | A | A | 9,999x | n..5 | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 07 063 000 | 31 | Container identification number | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..17 | N | |||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
19 08 000 000 | New | Active border transport means | A [34] [35] [36] [61] [70] [71] | A [34] [35] [36] [61] [70] [71] | A [34] [35] [36] [70] [71] | 9x | N | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 08 017 000 | 21(1) | Identification number | A | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 08 061 000 | Type of identification | A | A | A | 1x | n2 | Y | |||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 08 062 000 | 21(2) | Nationality | A | A | A | 1x | a2 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 08 084 000 | New | Customs office at border | A | A | A | 1x | an8 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | ||||||||||||
19 10 000 000 | D | Seal | A [61] | A [61] | A [65] | A | 99x | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
19 10 068 000 | Number of seals | A | A | A | A | 1x*^) | n..4 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
19 10 015 000 | Identifier | A | A | A | A | 1x | an..20 | N | ||||||
MC | MC | MC | MC | |||||||||||
19 05 062 000 | 18(2) | Nationality | A | A | A | A | 1x | 1x | a2 | N | ||||
MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | MC HC | |||||||||||
Group 99 – Other data elements (statistical data, guarantees, tariff related data) | ||||||||||||||
99 02 000 000 | 52 | Guarantee type | A | A | 9x | an1 | Y | |||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
99 03 000 000 | 52 | Guarantee reference | A | A | 99x | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
99 03 069 000 | GRN | A | A | 1x | an..24 | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
99 03 070 000 | Access code | A | A | 1x | an..4 | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
99 03 012 000 | Currency | A | A | 1x | a3 | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
99 03 071 000 | Amount to be covered | A | A | 1x | n..16,2 | N | ||||||||
D | D | |||||||||||||
99 04 000 000 | New | Specific guarantee reference | A | A | 1x | an..35 | N | |||||||
D | D |
^*) The cardinality for the Number of seals has to be understood in relation to the transport equipment, i.e. 1x per container.
Note number | Note description |
[6] | Where the EORI number or a common transit country or third country unique identification number recognised by the customs office of departure is provided, the name and address shall not be provided. |
[7] | The Holder of the transit procedure Identification number is mandatory only in the cases where the EORI number or a third country unique identification number recognised by the Union of the person concerned is not provided. Where the EORI number or a third country unique identification number recognised by the Union is provided, the name and address shall not be provided. |
[8] | This information shall only be provided where available |
[30] | Countries may waive this requirement for modes of transport other than rail in case the transit movement does not cross the external border of the Contracting Parties. |
[34] | Not for use in the case of postal consignments or carriage by fixed transport installations. |
[35] | Where goods are carried in intermodal transport units, such as, but not limited to, containers, swap bodies and semi trailers, the holder of the transit procedure does not have to provide this information where the logistical pattern at the point of departure may prevent the identity and nationality of the means of transport from being provided at the time the goods are released for transit. The intermodal transport units shall bear unique ID numbers and such numbers are indicated in D.E. 19 07 063 000 Container identification number. |
[36] | In the following cases, countries shall waive the obligation to enter this information on a transit declaration lodged at the customs office of departure in relation with the means of transport on which the goods are directly loaded: - where the logistical pattern does not allow this data element to be provided and the holder of the transit procedure has the AEOC status in the Union or a similar status in a common transit country, and - where the relevant information may be traced where needed by the customs authorities via the records of the holder of the transit procedure. |
[60] | This data element is to be provided when an authorisation exists according to Article 55 of Appendix I. |
[61] | This data element is optional when the declaration is submitted prior to presentation of goods. |
[65] | This information shall only be provided when customs authority decided to seal the goods. |
[70] | Not for use in the case there is no customs office of transit (D.E. 17 04 000 000) declared. |
[71] | This information shall not be provided if it is the same as the Departure transport means (D.E. 19 05 000 000). |
[75] | For completion only where Contracting Parties’ legislation so provides. |
[82] | This information shall be provided only when an authorised consignor is used for the declaration concerned |
The term ‘type/length’ in the explanation of an attribute indicates the requirements for the data type and the data length. The codes for the data types are as follows.
Group 11 –Message information (including procedure codes)
11 01 000 000 Declaration type
Enter the relevant code.
The codes to be used are:
Code | Description | Dataset in the data requirements table in Title II of this Annex |
C | Union goods not placed under a transit procedure in the context of the application of Article 55(1)(h) of Appendix I. | D3 |
T | Mixed consignments comprising both goods which are to be placed under the T1 procedure and goods which are to be placed under the T2 procedure, covered by Article 28 of Appendix I. | D1, D2 |
T1 | Goods not having the customs status of Union goods, which are placed under the transit procedure. | D1, D2, D3 |
T2 | Goods having the customs status of Union goods, which are placed under the transit procedure. | D1, D2, D3 |
T2F | Goods having the customs status of Union goods, which are moved between a part of the customs territory of the Union where the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC or Directive 2008/118/EC do not apply and a common transit country. | D1, D2, D3 |
TD | Goods already placed under a transit procedure in the context of the application of Article 55(1)(h) of Appendix I. | D3 |
X | Union goods for which the export was ended and exit confirmed and which are not placed under a transit procedure in the context of the application of Article 55(1)(h) of Appendix I. | D3 |
11 02 000 000 Additional declaration type
Enter the relevant code.
The codes to be used are:
A | for a standard customs declaration (under Articles 25 and 26 of Appendix I) |
D | for lodging a standard customs declaration (such as referred to under code A) in accordance with Article 29a of Appendix I |
11 03 000 000 Goods item number
Number of the item contained in the house consignment of the declaration, the summary declaration, notification or proof of the customs status of Union goods. This number is unique throughout each house consignment. The items shall be numbered in a sequential fashion, starting from '1' for the first item and increment the numbering by '1' for each following item per house consignment.
11 07 000 000 Security
Using the relevant codes, indicate if the declaration is combined with Exit summary declaration (EXS) or Entry summary declaration (ENS) in accordance with the legislation on the safety and security measures of the respective Contracting Parties.
The codes to be used are:
Code | Description | Explanation |
0 | No | Declaration is not combined with Exit summary declaration or Entry summary declaration. |
1 | ENS | Declaration is combined with Entry summary declaration. |
2 | EXS | Declaration is combined with Exit summary declaration. |
3 | ENS and EXS | Declaration is combined with Exit summary declaration and Entry summary declaration. |
11 08 000 000 Reduced dataset indicator
Using the relevant codes, indicate if the declaration contains the reduced dataset.
The codes to be used are:
0 | No (Goods are not declared using a reduced data set) |
1 | Yes (Goods are declared using a reduced data set) |
11 11 000 000 Declaration goods item number
All relevant data requirements table columns used:
This number is unique throughout the declaration. The items shall be numbered in a sequential fashion, starting from '1' for the first item and increment the numbering by '1' for each following item.
Group 12 – References of messages, documents, certificates, authorisations
12 01 000 000 Previous document
Indicate details relating to the previous document.
For the Member States of the European Union – Enter the details related to the writing-off of the goods declared in the declaration concerned, in relation with the ending of the temporary storage. Such details shall include the writing-off quantity and the respective measurement unit.
12 01 001 000 Reference number
Give the reference for the temporary storage or the previous customs procedure or corresponding customs documents.
For the Member States of the European Union – if the export is followed by transit, enter the MRN of the export declaration.
The codes to be used are:
The identification number or another recognisable reference of the document is inserted here.
In case the MRN is referred to as previous document, the reference number shall have the following structure:
Field | Content | Format | Examples |
1 | Last two digits of year of formal acceptance of the declaration (YY) | n2 | 21 |
2 | Identifier of the country where the declaration / notification is lodged (Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3) | a2 | RO |
3 | Unique identifier for message per year and country | an 12 | 9876AB889012 |
4 | Procedure identifier | a1 | B |
5 | Check digit | an1 | 1 |
Fields 1 and 2 as explained above.
Field 3 shall be filled in with an identifier for the message concerned. The way that field is used is under the responsibility of national administrations but each message handled during one year within the given country must have a unique number in relation to the procedure concerned.
National administrations that want to have the reference number of the competent customs office included in the MRN, may use up to the first 6 characters to represent it.
Field 4 shall be filled in with an identifier of the procedure as defined in the table below.
Field 5 shall be filled with a value that is a check digit for the whole MRN. This field allows for detection of an error when capturing the whole MRN.
Codes to be used in field 4 Procedure identifier:
Code | Procedure |
A | Export only |
B | Export and exit summary declaration |
C | Exit summary declaration only |
D | Re-export notification |
E | Dispatch of goods in relation with special fiscal territories |
J | Transit declaration only |
K | Transit declaration and exit summary declaration |
L | Transit declaration and entry summary declaration |
M | Transit declaration and exit summary declaration and entry summary declaration |
P | Proof of the customs status of Union goods/Customs goods manifest |
R | Import declaration only |
S | Import declaration and entry summary declaration |
T | Entry summary declaration only |
U | Temporary storage declaration |
V | Introduction of goods in relation with special fiscal territories |
W | Temporary storage declaration and entry summary declaration |
Z | Arrival notification |
12 01 002 000 Type
Using the relevant code, indicate the type of the document.
The codes to be used are:
The codes can be found in the TARIC database.
12 01 003 000 Type of package
Enter the code specifying the type of package relevant for writing-off the number of packages.
The codes to be used are:
Package type code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 1.
12 01 004 000 Number of packages
Enter the relevant writing-off number of packages.
12 01 005 000 Measurement unit and qualifier
Enter the relevant writing-off measurement unit and qualifier.
The codes and their formats to be used are:
The measurement units and qualifiers defined in TARIC shall be used. In such case, the format of the measurement units and qualifiers shall be an..4, but shall never be n..4 formats, reserved for national measurement units and qualifiers.
If no such measurement units and qualifiers are available in TARIC, national measurement units and qualifiers may be used. Their format shall be n..4.
12 01 006 000 Quantity
Enter the relevant writing-off quantity.
12 01 007 000 Goods item identifier °°°Goods item number***
Enter the goods item number as declared in the Previous document.
12 01 079 000 Complement of information
Enter complementary information concerning the Previous document.
This data element allows the economic operator to provide any complementary information related to the Previous document.
12 02 000 000 Additional information:
Use this data element in relation to information for which Contracting Parties’ legislation does not specify the field in which it is to be entered.
12 02 008 000 Code
Enter the relevant code, and, if applicable, the code provided for by the country concerned.
The codes and their formats to be used are:
A five-digit code is used to encode additional information of a customs nature:
Code 0xxxx - General category
Code 2xxxx - On transit
The codes ‘00200’, ‘20100’, ‘20200’ and ‘20300’ are used in case of paper-based and electronic transit declarations, if applicable.
Code | Legal basis | Subject | Additional information |
00200 | Annex A1a, Title III | Several occurrences of documents and parties | ‘Various’ |
20100 | Article 18 of the Convention | Export from one Contracting Party or from the Union subject to restriction | |
20200 | Article 18 of the Convention | Export from one Contracting Party or from the Union subject to duties | |
20300 | Article 18 of the Convention | Export | ‘Export’ |
Countries may define national codes.
National codes must have the format a1an4.
12 02 009 000 Text
Any explanatory text for the declared code may be provided if necessary.
12 03 000 000 Supporting document
12 03 001 000 Reference number
Identification or reference number of Contracting Parties' or international documents or certificates produced in support of the declaration.
Using the relevant codes, enter the details required by any specific rules applicable together with reference data of the documents produced in support of the declaration.
Identification or reference number of national documents or certificates produced in support of the declaration.
12 03 002 000 Type
Using the relevant codes, indicate the type of the document.
Enter the details related to the writing-off of the goods declared in the declaration concerned, in relation with the export and import licences and certificates.
The codes and their formats to be used are:
Contracting Parties’ or international documents, certificates and authorisations produced in support of the transit declaration, must be entered in the format a1an3. The list of documents, certificates and authorisations, and their respective codes can be found in the TARIC database.
National documents, certificates and authorisations produced in support of the transit declaration, must be entered in the format n1an3. The four characters represent codes based on that country’s own nomenclature.
12 03 013 000 Document line-item number:
Enter the sequential number of the item in the supporting document (e.g. certificate, licence, permit, entry document etc.), corresponding to the item in question.
12 03 079 000 Complement of information
Enter complementary information concerning the Supporting document.
This data element allows the economic operator to provide any complementary information related to the Supporting document.
12 04 000 000 Additional reference
12 04 001 000 Reference number
Reference number or another recognisable reference number which is not covered by Supporting document, Transport document or Additional information.
12 04 002 000 Type
Using the relevant codes, enter the details required by any specific rules applicable.
The codes and their formats to be used are:
Contracting Parties’ codes for Additional references must be entered in the format a1an3. The list of additional references and their respective codes can be found in the TARIC database.
Countries may define national codes. National Additional reference codes must be entered in the format n1an3, possibly followed either by an identification number or another recognisable reference. The four characters represent codes based on that country’s own nomenclature.
12 05 000 000 Transport document
This data element includes the type and reference of the transport document.
12 05 001 000 Reference number
Data requirements table column D1 and D2:
This data element includes the reference to the transport document(s) that covers the transport of goods when they are in transit.
For column D3:
This data element includes the reference of the transport document that is used as transit declaration.
12 05 002 000 Type
Using the relevant codes, indicate the type of the document.
The codes to be used are:
The codes can be found in the TARIC database.
12 08 000 000 Reference number/UCR
This entry concerns the unique consignment reference number assigned by the person concerned to the consignment in question.
It may take the form of WCO (ISO 15459) codes or equivalent. It provides access to underlying commercial data of interest to customs.
12 09 000 000 LRN
The local reference number (LRN) shall be used. It is nationally defined and allocated by the declarant in agreement with the competent authorities to identify each single declaration.
12 12 000 000 Authorisation
12 12 001 000 Reference number
Enter the reference number of all authorisations necessary for the declaration and notification.
12 12 002 000 Type
Using the relevant codes, indicate the type of the document.
The codes to be used are:
The codes can be found in the TARIC database.
Group 13 – Parties
13 02 000 000 Consignor
Party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering the transport.
This element must be provided when different from the declarant.
13 02 016 000 Name
Enter the full name and where applicable the legal form of the party.
13 02 017 000 Identification number:
Enter the EORI number of the consignor or the trader identification number in a common transit country.
Where facilitations are granted in the framework of a third country traders’ partnership programme which is recognised by the Contracting Party concerned, this information may take the form of a third country unique identification number which has been made available to the Contracting Party concerned by the third country concerned. That number may be used whenever available to the declarant.
The codes to be used are:
The structure of a third country unique identification number which has been made available to the Contracting Party concerned is as follows:
Field | Content | Format |
1 | Country code | a2 |
2 | Unique identification number in a third country | an..15 |
Country code: Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
13 02 018 000 Address:
13 02 018 019 Street and number
Enter the name of the street of the party’s address and the number of the building or facility.
13 02 018 020 Country
Enter the code of the country.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
13 02 018 021 Postcode:
Enter the relevant postcode for the related address particulars.
13 02 018 022 City
Enter the city name of the party’s address.
13 02 074 000 Contact person
13 02 074 016 Name
Enter the name of the contact person.
13 02 074 075 Phone number
Enter the phone number of the contact person.
13 02 074 076 E-mail address
Enter the e-mail address of the contact person.
13 03 000 000 Consignee
Party to whom goods are actually consigned.
This data element and its sub-elements may be declared at HI level until the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/578 by all the Contracting Parties.
13 03 016 000 Name
Enter the full name and where applicable the legal form of the party.
13 03 017 000 Identification number
Enter the EORI number or the trader identification number in a common transit country.
Where facilitations are granted in the framework of a third country traders’ partnership programme which is recognised by the Contracting Party concerned, this information may take the form of a third country unique identification number which has been made available to the Contracting Party concerned by the third country concerned. That number may be used whenever available to the declarant.
The codes to be used are:
The identification number as defined for D.E. 13 02 017 000 Consignor/Identification number shall be used.
13 03 018 000 Address:
13 03 018 019 Street and number
Enter the name of the street of the party’s address and the number of the building or facility.
13 03 018 020 Country
Enter the code of the country.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
For common transit countries - the code XI is optional.
13 03 018 021 Postcode
Enter the relevant postcode for the related address particulars.
13 03 018 022 City:
Enter the city name of the party’s address.
13 06 000 000 Representative
This information shall be required, if different from D.E. 13 05 000 000 Declarant or where appropriate D.E. 13 07 000 000 Holder of the transit procedure.
13 06 017 000 Identification number
Enter the EORI number of the person concerned or the trader identification number in a common transit country.
The codes to be used are:
The identification number as defined for D.E. 13 02 017 000 Consignor/Identification number shall be used.
13 06 030 000 Status
Enter the relevant code representing the status of the representative.
The codes to be used are:
Insert one of the following codes before the full name to designate the status of the representative:
2 | Direct representation (the customs representative acts in the name of and on behalf of another person) |
3 | Indirect representation (the customs representative acts in his or her own name, but on behalf of another person) |
The code 3 is irrelevant for customs transit procedures.
13 06 074 000 Contact person:
13 06 074 016 Name
Enter the name of the contact person.
13 06 074 075 Phone number
Enter the phone number of the contact person.
13 06 074 076 E-mail address
Enter the e-mail address of the contact person.
13 07 000 000 Holder of the transit procedure:
13 07 016 000 Name:
Enter the full name (person or company) and address of the holder of the transit procedure. Where appropriate, enter the full name (person or company) of the authorised representative lodging the transit declaration on behalf of the holder of the procedure.
13 07 017 000 Identification number
Enter the EORI number of the holder of the transit procedure or the trader identification number in a common transit country.
The codes to be used are:
The identification number as defined for D.E. 13 02 017 000 Consignor/Identification number shall be used.
13 07 018 000 Address:
13 07 018 019 Street and number
Enter the name of the street of the party’s address and the number of the building or facility.
13 07 018 020 Country
Enter the code of the country.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
13 07 018 021 Postcode
Enter the relevant postcode for the related address particulars.
13 07 018 022 City
Enter the city name of the party’s address.
13 07 074 000 Contact person:
13 07 074 016 Name
Enter the name of the contact person.
13 07 074 075 Phone number
Enter the phone number of the contact person.
13 07 074 076 E-mail address
Enter the e-mail address of the contact person.
13 14 000 000 Additional supply chain actor
Additional supply chain actors can be indicated here to demonstrate that the entire supply chain was covered by the economic operators holders of the AEO status.
If this data class is used Role and Identification number shall be provided, else this data element is optional.
13 14 017 000 Identification number
The EORI number or third country unique identification number shall be declared when such number was assigned to the party.
The codes to be used are:
The identification number as defined for D.E. 13 02 017 000 Consignor/Identification number shall be used.
13 14 031 000 Role
Enter the relevant role code specifying the role of the additional supply chain actors.
The codes to be used are:
The following parties can be declared:
Role Code | Party | Description |
CS | Consolidator | Freight forwarder combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger consignment (in a consolidation process) that is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator’s activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components |
FW | Freight Forwarder | Party undertaking forwarding of goods |
MF | Manufacturer | Party which manufactures goods |
WH | Warehouse Keeper | Party taking responsibility for goods entered into a warehouse |
15 11 000 000 Limit date
All relevant data requirements table columns used:
The date by which the goods shall be presented at the customs office of destination.
Group 16 – Places/Countries/Regions
16 03 000 000 Country of destination
Using the relevant code, enter the last country of destination of the goods.
The country of last known destination is defined as the last country to which it is known at the time of release into the customs procedure that the goods are to be delivered.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
For common transit countries - the code XI is optional.
16 06 000 000 Country of dispatch
Using the relevant code, enter the country from which the goods are dispatched/exported or where the transit movement started and the transit declaration was submitted.***
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
16 12 000 000 Country of routing of the consignment
This data element is required when a prescribed itinerary is defined by the customs office of departure (see 16 17 000 000 Prescribed itinerary). ***
Identification in a chronological order of the countries through which the goods are routed between the country of departure and destination. This comprises also the countries of departure and of destination of the goods.
16 12 020 000 Country
Enter the relevant country code(s) in correct sequence of the routing of the consignment.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
16 13 000 000 Place of loading
Identification of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage, including the country where it is located. Where available, coded information shall be provided for the identification of the location.
In case there is no UN/LOCODE available for the location concerned, the country code shall be followed by the name of the place, with the maximum level of precision available.
16 13 020 000 Country
Where the UN/LOCODE is not available, enter the country code for the place at which the goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used to cross the frontier of the Contracting Party.
The codes to be used are:
Where the place of loading is not coded according to the UN/LOCODE, the country where the place of loading is located is identified by the Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
16 13 036 000 UN/LOCODE
Enter the UN/LOCODE for the place at which the goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage to cross the frontier of the Contracting Party.
The codes to be used are:
UN/LOCODE as referred to in introductory note 8 number 4.
16 13 037 000 Location
Where the UN/LOCODE is not available, enter the name of the place at which the goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage to cross the frontier of the Contracting Party.
16 15 000 000 Location of goods
Using the relevant codes, enter the location where the goods may be examined. This location shall be precise enough to allow customs to carry out the physical control of the goods.
Only one Type of location is to be used at the same time.
16 15 036 000 UN/LOCODE
Use the codes defined in the UN/LOCODE Code List by Country.
The codes to be used are:
UN/LOCODE as referred to in introductory note 8 number 4.
16 15 045 000 Type of location
Enter the relevant code specified for type of location.
The codes to be used are:
For the type of location, use the codes specified below:
A | Designated location |
B | Authorised place |
C | Approved place |
D | Other |
16 15 046 000 Qualifier of identification
Enter the relevant code for the identification of the location. Based on the used qualifier only the relevant identifier shall be provided.
The codes to be used are:
For the identification of the location, use one of the identifiers below:
Qualifier | Identifier | Description |
T | Postcode address | Use the postal code with or without house number for the location concerned. |
U | UN/LOCODE | UN/LOCODE as referred to in introductory note 8 number 4. |
V | Customs office identifier | Use the codes specified under D.E. 17 05 001 000 Customs office of destination/Reference number. |
W | GNSS coordinates | Decimal degrees with negative numbers for South and West. Examples: 44.424896°/8.774792° or 50.838068°/ 4.381508° |
X | EORI number | The identification number as defined for D.E. 13 02 017 000 Consignor/Identification number shall be used. In case the economic operator has more than one premises, the number shall be completed by an identifier unique for the location concerned. |
Y | Authorisation number | Enter the authorisation number of the location concerned, i.e. authorisation for the status of authorised consignor. In case the authorisation concerns more than one premises, the authorisation number shall be completed by an identifier unique for the location concerned. |
Z | Address | Enter the address of the location concerned. |
In case code “X” (EORI number) or “Y” (authorisation number) is used for the identification of the location, and there are several locations associated with the EORI number or the authorisation number concerned, an additional identifier can be used to enable the unambiguous identification of the location.
16 15 047 000 Customs office
Enter the relevant customs office code where goods are available for further customs control.
16 15 047 001 Reference number
Using the relevant code, enter the reference number of the customs office where the goods are available for further customs control.
The codes to be used are:
The identifier of the customs office shall follow the structure defined for D.E. 17 05 001 000 Customs office of destination/Reference number.
16 15 048 000 GNSS
Enter relevant coordinates from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) where goods are available.
16 15 048 049 Latitude
Enter the latitude of the location where the goods are available.
16 15 048 050 Longitude
Enter the longitude of the location where the goods are available.
16 15 051 000 Economic operator
Use the identification number of the economic operator in whose premises the goods can be controlled.
16 15 051 017 Identification number
Enter the EORI number or the trader identification number in a common transit country of the holder of the authorisation.
The codes to be used are:
The identification number as defined for D.E. 13 02 017 000 Consignor/Identification number shall be used.
16 15 052 000 Authorisation number
Enter the authorization number of the location concerned.
16 15 053 000 Additional identifier
In case of several premises, in order the location to be specified more precisely related to an EORI, a trader identification in a common transit country or an authorisation, enter the relevant code where available.
16 15 018 000 Address:
16 15 018 019 Street and number
Enter the relevant street and number.
16 15 018 020 Country
Enter the code of the country.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
16 15 018 021 Postcode
Enter the relevant postcode for the related address particulars.
16 15 018 022 City
Enter the city name of the party’s address.
16 15 081 000 Postcode address
This sub class may be used where it is possible to determine the location of the goods with the postcode complemented by the house number if necessary.
16 15 081 020 Country
Enter the code of the country.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
16 15 081 021 Postcode
Enter the relevant postcode for the related location of goods.
16 15 081 025 House number
Enter the house number for the related location of goods.
16 15 074 000 Contact person
16 15 074 016 Name
Enter the name of the contact person.
16 15 074 075 Phone number
Enter the phone number of the contact person.
16 15 074 076 E-mail address
Enter the e-mail address of the contact person.
16 17 000 000 Prescribed itinerary***
Using the relevant codes, indicate if the Prescribed itinerary is applied.
Prescribed itinerary defines the route along which the goods shall be moved from the customs office of departure to the customs office of destination along an economically justified itinerary.
The codes to be used are:
The relevant codes are given below:
0 | Goods do not have to be moved from the customs office of departure to the customs office of destination along a prescribed itinerary |
1 | Goods shall be moved from the customs office of departure to the customs office of destination along a prescribed itinerary |
Group 17 – Customs offices
17 03 000 000 Customs office of departure
17 03 001 000 Reference number
Using the relevant code, enter the reference number of the office where the transit operation shall start.
The codes to be used are:
The identifier of the customs office shall follow the structure defined for D.E. 17 05 001 000 Customs office of destination/Reference number.
17 04 000 000 Customs office of transit
17 04 001 000 Reference number
Enter the code for the intended customs office competent for the point of entry into the territory of a Contracting Party when the goods move under the transit procedure, or the customs office competent for the point of exit from the territory of a Contracting Party when the goods are leaving that territory in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between that Contracting Party and a third country.
Using the relevant code, enter the reference number of the custom office concerned.
The codes to be used are:
The identifier of the customs office shall follow the structure defined for D.E. 17 05 001 000 Customs office of destination / Reference number.
17 05 000 000 Customs office of destination
17 05 001 000 Reference number
Using the relevant code, enter the reference number of the office where the transit operation shall end.
The codes and their formats to be used are:
Use (an8) codes structured as follows:
– the first two characters (a2) serve to identify the country by means of the Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3,
– the next six characters (an6) stand for the office concerned in that country. It is suggested that the following structure be adopted:
The first three characters (an3) would be taken up by the UN/LOCODE location name and the last three by a national alphanumeric subdivision (an3). If this subdivision is not used, the characters ‘000’ should be inserted.
Example: BEBRU000: BE = ISO 3166 for Belgium, BRU = UN/LOCODE location name for the city of Brussels, 000 for the unused subdivision.
17 06 000 000 Customs office of exit for transit
17 06 001 000 Reference number
Using the relevant code, enter the reference number of the office concerned.
This data element is required when the transit declaration is combined with exit summary declaration. Enter the code for the intended customs office where the transit movement leaves the safety and security area.
For Member States of the European Union – this data element is not required when the transit movement follows the export procedure.
The codes to be used are:
The identifier of the customs office shall follow the structure defined for D.E. 17 05 001 000 Customs office of destination/Reference number.
Group 18 – Goods identification
18 01 000 000 Net mass
Enter the net mass, expressed in kilograms, of the goods concerned by the relevant declaration goods item. The net mass is the mass of the goods without any packaging.
Where a net mass greater than 1 kg includes a fraction of a unit (kg), it may be rounded off in the following manner:
from 0.001 to 0.499: rounding down to the nearest kg;
from 0.5 to 0.999: rounding up to the nearest kg.
A net mass of less than 1 kg should be entered as “0.” followed by a number of decimals up to 6, discarding all “0” at the end of the quantity (e.g. 0.123 for a package of 123 grams, 0.00304 for a package of 3 grams and 40 milligrams or 0.000654 for a package of 654 milligrams).
18 02 000 000 Supplementary units°°° Supplementary unit*** :
Where necessary, enter the quantity of the item in question, expressed in the unit laid down in Union legislation, as published in TARIC.
18 04 000 000 Gross mass
The gross mass is the weight of goods including packaging, but excluding the carrier’s equipment for the declaration.
Where a gross mass greater than 1 kg includes a fraction of a unit (kg), it may be rounded off in the following manner:
from 0.001 to 0.499: rounding down to the nearest kg;
from 0.5 to 0.999: rounding up to the nearest kg.
A gross mass of less than 1 kg should be entered as “0.” followed by a number of decimals up to 6, discarding all “0” at the end of the quantity (e.g. 0.123 for a package of 123 grams, 0.00304 for a package of 3 grams and 40 milligrams or. 0.000654 for a package of 654 milligrams).
Enter the gross mass, expressed in kilograms, of the goods concerned by the relevant item of goods.
Where the declaration comprises several goods items, which concern goods that are packed together in such a way that it is impossible to determine the gross mass of the goods pertaining to any goods item, the total gross mass needs only to be entered on header level.
18 05 000 000 Description of goods
Where the declarant or the holder of the transit procedure provides the CUS code for chemical substances and preparations, countries may waive the requirement of providing a precise description of the goods.
It means the normal trade description. Where the commodity code is to be provided, the description must be precise enough to allow the goods to be classified.
18 06 000 000 Packaging
This data element relates to details of the packaging of the goods subject to the declaration or notification.
18 06 003 000 Type of packages
Code specifying the type of package.
The codes to be used are:
Package type code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 1.
18 06 004 000 Number of packages
Total number of packages based on the smallest external packing unit. This is the number of individual items packaged in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing, or the number of pieces, if unpackaged.
This information shall not be provided where goods are in bulk.
18 06 054 000 Shipping marks
Free form of description of the marks and numbers on transport units or packages.
18 07 000 000 Dangerous goods
18 07 055 000 UN number for dangerous goods
The United Nations Dangerous Goods identifier (UNDG) is the serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.
18 08 000 000 CUS code
The Customs Union and Statistics (CUS) number is assigned within the European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances (ECICS).
The codes to be used are:
CUS Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 9.
18 09 000 000 Commodity code
At least the Harmonised System sub-heading code shall be used where required.
18 09 056 000 Harmonised System sub-heading code *
Enter the Harmonised System sub-heading code (six-digit HS code).
The codes to be used are:
The codes can be found in the TARIC database.
18 09 057 000 Combined Nomenclature code
Enter the two additional digits of the Combined nomenclature code where required by the Contracting Parties’ legislation.
The codes to be used are:
The codes can be found in the TARIC database.
Group 19 – Transport information (modes, means and equipment)
19 01 000 000 Container indicator
Enter the presumed situation when crossing the external frontier of the Contracting Party, based on the information available at the time of completion of the transit formalities, using the relevant code.
The codes to be used are:
The codes applicable are given below:
0 | Goods not transported in containers |
1 | Goods transported in containers |
19 02 000 000 Conveyance reference number
Identification of the journey of the means of transport, for example voyage number, the IATA flight number, trip number, if applicable.
For air transport, in situations where the operator of the aircraft transports goods under code-sharing or similar contracting agreement with partners, the partners' flight numbers shall be used.
19 03 000 000 Mode of transport at the border
Using the relevant code, enter the mode of transport corresponding to the active means of transport which it is expected will be used on exit from the customs territory of the Contracting Party.
The codes to be used are:
The codes applicable are given below:
Code | Description |
1 | Maritime transport |
2 | Rail transport |
3 | Road transport |
4 | Air transport |
5 | Mail (Active mode of transport unknown) |
7 | Fixed transport installations |
8 | Inland waterway transport |
9 | Other mode of transport (i.e. own propulsion) |
19 04 000 000 Inland mode of transport
Using the relevant code, enter the mode of transport upon departure.
The codes to be used are:
The codes provided for in this Title as regards D.E. 19 03 000 000 Mode of transport at the border shall be used.
19 05 000 000 Departure transport means
19 05 017 000 Identification number
This information shall take the form of the IMO ship identification number or the unique European Vessel Identification Number (ENI code) for transport by sea or inland waterways.
For other modes of transport, the method of identification shall be:
Means of transport | Method of identification |
Inland waterway transport | IMO ship identification number or unique European Vessel Identification Number (ENI) |
Air transport | Number and date of flight (where there is no flight number, enter the aircraft’s registration number) |
Road transport | Vehicle and/or trailer registration number |
Rail transport | Wagon number |
Where goods are transported by way of a trailer and a tractor, enter registration numbers of both trailer and tractor. Where the registration number of the tractor is not known, enter the trailer registration number.
19 05 061 000 Type of identification
Using the relevant code, enter the type of the identification number.
The codes to be used are:
The codes applicable are given below:
Code | Description |
10 | IMO ship identification number |
11 | Name of the sea-going vessel |
20 | Wagon number |
21 | Train number |
30 | Registration number of the road vehicle |
31 | Registration number of the road trailer |
40 | IATA flight number |
41 | Registration number of the aircraft |
80 | European Vessel Identification Number (ENI code) |
81 | Name of the inland waterways vessel |
19 05 062 000 Nationality
Enter the nationality of the means of transport (or that of the vehicle propelling the others if there are several means of transport) on which the goods are directly loaded at the time of transit formalities, in the form of the relevant code.
Where goods are transported by way of a trailer and a tractor, enter the nationality of both trailer and tractor. Where the nationality of the tractor is not known, enter the nationality of the trailer.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
19 07 000 000 Transport equipment
19 07 044 000 Goods reference
For each container, enter the goods item number(s) for the goods transported in this container.
19 07 063 000 Container identification number
Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify the container.
For modes of transport other than air, a container is a special box to carry freight, strengthened and stackable and allowing horizontal or vertical transfers.
In the air mode, containers are special boxes to carry freight, strengthened and allowing horizontal or vertical transfers.
In the context of this data element, the swap bodies and semi-trailers used for road and rail transport shall be considered as containers.
If applicable, for containers covered by the standard ISO 6346, the identifier (prefix) allocated by the International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport (BIC) shall also be provided in addition to the container identification number.
For swap bodies and semi-trailers the ILU (Intermodal Loading Units) code as introduced by the European EN 13044 standard shall be used.
19 08 000 000 Active border transport means
19 08 084 000 Customs office at border
Using the relevant code, enter the reference number of the office where the active means of transport crosses the Contracting Party frontier.
The codes to be used are:
The identifier of the customs office shall follow the structure defined for D.E. 17 05 001 000 Customs office of destination/Reference number.
19 08 017 000 Identification number
Enter the identity of the active means of transport crossing the Contracting Party frontier.
In the case of combined transport or where several means of transport are used, the active means of transport is the one that propels the whole combination. For example, in the case of a lorry on a sea-going vessel, the active means of transport is the ship. In the case of a tractor and trailer, the active means of transport is the tractor. Depending on the means of transport concerned, the following details concerning identity shall be entered:
Means of transport | Method of identification |
Sea and inland waterway transport | Name of vessel |
Air transport | Number and date of flight (where there is no flight number, enter the aircraft’s registration number) |
Road transport | Vehicle and/or trailer registration number |
Rail transport | Wagon number |
19 08 061 000 Type of identification
Using the relevant code, enter the type of identification number.
The codes to be used are:
The codes defined in this Title for D.E. 19 05 061 000 Departure transport means/Type of identification shall be used for the type of identification.
19 08 062 000 Nationality
Using the relevant code, enter the nationality of the active means of transport crossing the Contracting Party frontier.
In the case of combined transport or where several means of transport are used, the active means of transport is the one that propels the whole combination. For example, in the case of a lorry on a sea-going vessel, the active means of transport is the ship. In the case of a tractor and trailer, the active means of transport is the tractor.
The codes to be used are:
Country Code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 3.
19 02 000 000 Conveyance reference number
Identification of the journey of the means of transport, for example voyage number, the IATA flight number, trip number, if applicable.
For air transport, in situations where the operator of the aircraft transports goods under code-sharing or similar contracting agreement with partners, the partners' flight numbers shall be used.
19 10 000 000 Seal:
19 10 068 000 Number of seals
Enter the number of seals affixed to the transport equipment, where applicable.
19 10 015 000 Identifier
The information shall be provided, if an authorised consignor lodges a declaration for which his authorisation requires the use of seals of a special type or a holder of the transit procedure is granted the use of seals of a special type.
Group 99 – Other data elements (statistical data, guarantees, tariff related data)
99 02 000 000 Guarantee type
Using the relevant codes, enter the type of guarantee used for the transit operation.
The codes to be used are:
The codes applicable are given below:
Code | Description |
0 | For guarantee waiver (Article 75(2)(c) of Appendix I). |
1 | For comprehensive guarantee (Article 75(1) and (2)(a) and (b) of Appendix I). |
2 | For individual guarantee in the form of an undertaking by a guarantor (Article 20 of Appendix I). |
3 | For individual guarantee in cash or other means of payment recognised by the customs authorities as being equivalent to a cash deposit, made in euro or in the currency of the country in which the guarantee is required (Article 19 of Appendix I). |
4 | For individual guarantee in the form of vouchers (Article 21 of Appendix I). |
8 | For guarantee not required for certain public bodies*. |
9 | For individual guarantee of the type under point 3 of Annex I to Appendix I. |
A | For guarantee waiver by agreement (Article 10(2)(a) of the Convention). |
R | For guarantee not required for goods carried on the Rhine, the Rhine waterways, the Danube or the Danube waterways (Article 13(1)(b) of Appendix I). |
C | For guarantee not required for goods carried by fix transport installations (Article 13(1)(c) of Appendix I). |
H | For guarantee not required for goods placed under the transit procedure in accordance with Article 13(1)(a) of Appendix I. |
J | Guarantee not required for the journey between customs office of departure and customs office of transit (Article 10(2)(b) of the Convention). |
* For Member States of the European Union.
99 03 000 000 Guarantee reference:
99 03 069 000 GRN
Enter the guarantee reference number.
99 03 070 000 Access code
Enter the access code.
99 03 012 000 Currency
Using the relevant code, enter the currency in which amount to be covered is established.
The codes to be used are:
Currency code as referred to in introductory note 8 number 2.
99 03 071 000 Amount to be covered
Enter the amount of customs debt that can incur or has incurred in relation to the particular declaration, thus to be covered by the guarantee.
99 03 073 000 Other guarantee reference
Enter the guarantee reference other than Guarantee Reference Number (GRN).
99 04 000 000 Specific guarantee reference
All relevant data requirements table columns used:
Enter the guarantee reference other than Guarantee Reference Number (GRN).
Linguistic reference | Description | ||
| N packaging - 98200 | ||
BG Ограничена валидност CS Omezená platnost DA Begrænset gyldighed DE Beschränkte Geltung EE Piiratud kehtivus EL Περιορισμένη ισχύς EN Limited validity ES Validez limitada FI Voimassa rajoitetusti FR Validité limitée GA Bailíocht theoranta HR Ograničena valjanost HU Korlátozott érvényű IS Takmarkað gildissvið IT Validità limitata LT Galiojimas apribotas LV Ierobežots derīgums MK Ограничено важење MT Validità limitata NL Beperkte geldigheid NO Begrenset gyldighet PL Ograniczona ważność PT Validade limitada RO Validitate limitată RS Ограничена важност SK Obmedzená platnosť SL Omejena veljavnost SV Begränsad giltighet TR Sınırlı Geçerli UA Дія обмежена | Limited validity — 99200 | ||
BG Освободено CS Osvobození DA Fritaget DE Befreiung EE Loobutud EL Απαλλαγή EN Waiver ES Dispensa FI Vapautettu FR Dispense GA Tarscaoileadh HR Oslobođeno HU Mentesség IS Undanþegið IT Dispensa LT Leista neplombuoti LV Derīgs bez zīmoga MK Изземање MT Tneħħija NL Vrijstelling NO Fritak PL Zwolnienie PT Dispensa RO Derogarea RS Ослобођење SK Upustenie SL Opustitev SV Befrielse TR Vazgeçme UA Звільнення | Waiver – 99201 | ||
BG Алтернативно доказателство CS Alternativní důkaz DA Alternativt bevis DE Alternativnachweis EE Alternatiivsed tõendid EL Εναλλακτική απόδειξη EN Alternative proof ES Prueba alternativa FI Vaihtoehtoinen todiste FR Preuve alternative GA Cruthúnas malartach HR Alternativni dokaz HU Alternatív igazolás IS Önnur sönnun IT Prova alternativa LT Alternatyvusis įrodymas LV Alternatīvs pierādījums MK Алтернативен доказ MT Prova alternattiva NL Alternatief bewijs NO Alternativt bevis PL Alternatywny dowód PT Prova alternativa RO Probă alternativă RS Алтернативни доказ SK Alternatívny dôkaz SL Alternativno dokazilo SV Alternativt bevis TR Alternatif Kanıt UA Альтернативне підтвердження | Alternative proof – 99202 | ||
BG Различия: митническо учреждение, където стоките са представени…………….. .................. (наименование и страна) CS Nesrovnalosti: úřad, kterému bylo zboží předloženo ..................... (název a země) DA Forskelle: det sted, hvor varerne blev frembudt ............................. (navn og land) DE Unstimmigkeiten: Stelle, bei der die Gestellung erfolgte ......... ……(Name und Land) EE Erinevused: asutus, kuhu kaup esitati ……............................................. (nimi ja riik) EL Διαφορές: εμπορεύματα προσκομισθέντα στο τελωνείο ........ (Όνομα και χώρα) EN Differences: office where goods were presented .......................... (name and country) ES Diferencias: mercancías presentadas en la oficina ..................... (nombre y país) FI Muutos: toimipaikka, jossa tavarat esitetty ................................... (nimi ja maa) FR Différences: marchandises présentées au bureau ........................... (nom et pays) GA Difríochtaí: oifig inár cuireadh na hearraí i láthair …...... (ainm agus tír) HR Razlike: Carinarnica kojoj je roba podnesena ............................. (naziv i zemlja) HU Eltérések: hivatal, ahol az áruk bemutatása megtörtént .............. (név és ország) | Differences: office where goods were presented ... (name and country) – 99203 | ||
IS Breyting: tollstjóraskrifstofa þar sem vörum var framvísað ......... (nafn og land) IT Differenze: ufficio al quale sono state presentate le merci ........ (nome e paese) LT Skirtumai: įstaiga, kuriai pateiktos prekės .................. (pavadinimas ir valstybė) LV Atšķirības: muitas iestāde, kurā preces tika uzrādītas .................. (nosaukums un valsts) MK Разлики: Испостава каде стоките се ставени на увид .......... (назив и земја) MT Differenzi: uffiċċju fejn l-oġġetti kienu ppreżentati (isem u pajjiż) NL Verschillen: kantoor waar de goederen zijn aangebracht ........... (naam en land) NO Forskjell: det tollsted hvor varene ble fremlagt ........................... (navn og land) PL Niezgodności: urząd, w którym przedstawiono towar .................. (nazwa i kraj) PT Diferenças: mercadorias apresentadas na estância ........................ (nome e país) RO Diferențe: mărfuri prezentate la biroul vamal .............................. (nume și țara) RS Разлике: царински орган којем је предата роба .................. (назив и земља) SK Rozdiely: úrad, ktorému bol tovar predložený ........................ (názov a krajina) SL Razlike: urad, pri katerem je bilo blago predloženo ............... (naziv in država) SV Avvikelse: tullkontor där varorna anmäldes .............................. (namn och land) TR Değişiklikler: Eşyanın sunulduğu idare ...................................... (adı ve ülkesi). UA Розбіжності: митниця, де товари були пред’явлені ………… (назва і країна) | |||
BG Излизането от ........................ подлежи на ограничения или такси съгласно Регламент/Директива/Решение № …, CS Výstup ze ............................................. podléhá omezením nebo dávkám podle nařízení/směrnice/rozhodnutí č. … DA Udpassage fra ........................ undergivet restriktioner eller afgifter i henhold til forordning/direktiv/afgørelse nr. … DE Ausgang aus ........................ — gemäß Verordnung/Richtlinie/Beschluss Nr. … Beschränkungen oder Abgaben unterworfen. EE ....................... territooriumilt väljumise suhtes kohaldatakse piiranguid ja makse vastavalt määrusele/direktiivile/otsusele nr … EL Η έξοδος από ......................... υποβάλλεται σε περιορισμούς ή σε επιβαρύνσεις από τον κανονισμό/την οδηγία/την απόφαση αριθ. … EN Exit from ............................................... subject to restrictions or charges under Regulation/Directive/Decision No … ES Salida de ............ sometida a restricciones o imposiciones en virtud del (de la) Reglamento/Directiva/Decisión no … FI ......... ........ vientiin sovelletaan asetuksen/direktiivin/päätöksen N:o … mukaisia rajoituksia tai maksuja FR Sortie de ...... soumise à des restrictions ou à des impositions par le règlement ou la directive/décision n° … GA Scoir faoi réir srianta nó muirir faoin Uimhir Rialachán/ Treoir/Cinneadh … HR Izlaz iz ................................... podliježe ograničenjima ili pristojbama temeljem Uredbe/Direktive/Odluke br … HU A kilépés ................ területéről a ................. rendelet/irányelv/határozat szerinti korlátozás vagy teher megfizetésének kötelezettsége alá esik | Exit from subject to restrictions or charges under Regulation/ Directive/Decision No … – 99204 | ||
IS Breyting: tollstjóraskrifstofa þar sem vörum var framvísað ......... (nafn og land) IT Differenze: ufficio al quale sono state presentate le merci ........ (nome e paese) LT Skirtumai: įstaiga, kuriai pateiktos prekės .................. (pavadinimas ir valstybė) LV Atšķirības: muitas iestāde, kurā preces tika uzrādītas .................. (nosaukums un valsts) MK Разлики: Испостава каде стоките се ставени на увид .......... (назив и земја) MT Differenzi: uffiċċju fejn l-oġġetti kienu ppreżentati (isem u pajjiż) NL Verschillen: kantoor waar de goederen zijn aangebracht ........... (naam en land) NO Forskjell: det tollsted hvor varene ble fremlagt ........................... (navn og land) PL Niezgodności: urząd, w którym przedstawiono towar .................. (nazwa i kraj) PT Diferenças: mercadorias apresentadas na estância ........................ (nome e país) RO Diferențe: mărfuri prezentate la biroul vamal .............................. (nume și țara) RS Разлике: царински орган којем је предата роба .................. (назив и земља) SK Rozdiely: úrad, ktorému bol tovar predložený ........................ (názov a krajina) SL Razlike: urad, pri katerem je bilo blago predloženo ............... (naziv in država) SV Avvikelse: tullkontor där varorna anmäldes .............................. (namn och land) TR Değişiklikler: Eşyanın sunulduğu idare ...................................... (adı ve ülkesi). UA Розбіжності: митниця, де товари були пред’явлені ………… (назва і країна) | |||
BG Одобрен изпращач CS Schválený odesílatel DA Godkendt afsender DE Zugelassener Versender EE Volitatud kaubasaatja EL Εγκεκριμένος αποστολέας EN Authorised consignor ES Expedidor autorizado FI Valtuutettu lähettäjä FR Expéditeur agréé GA Coinsíneoir údaraithe HR Ovlašteni pošiljatelj HU Engedélyezett feladó IS Viðurkenndur sendandi IT Speditore autorizzato LT Įgaliotas gavėjas LV Atzītais nosūtītājs MK Овластен испраќач MT Awtorizzat li jibgħat NL Toegelaten afzender NO Autorisert avsender PL Upoważniony nadawca PT Expedidor autorizado RO Expeditor agreat RS Овлашћени пошиљалац SK Schválený odosielateľ SL Pooblaščeni pošiljatelj SV Godkänd avsändare TR İzinli Gönderici UA Авторизований вантажовідправник | Authorised consignor – 99206 | ||
BG Освободен от подпис CS Podpis se nevyžaduje DA Fritaget for underskrift DE Freistellung von der Unterschriftsleistung EE Allkirjanõudest loobutud EL Δεν απαιτείται υπογραφή EN Signature waived ES Dispensa de firma FI Vapautettu allekirjoituksesta FR Dispense de signature GA Tharscaoileadh an síniú HR Oslobođeno potpisa HU Aláírás alól mentesítve IS Undanþegið undirskrift IT Dispensa dalla firma LT Leista nepasirašyti LV Derīgs bez paraksta MK Изземање од потпис MT Firma mhux meħtieġa NL Van ondertekening vrijgesteld NO Fritatt for underskrift PL Zwolniony ze składania podpisu PT Dispensada a assinatura RO Dispensă de semnătură RS Ослобођено од потписа SK Upustenie od podpisu SL Opustitev podpisa SV Befrielse från underskrift TR İmzadan Vazgeçme UA Звільнено від підпису | Signature waived – 99207 | ||
BG Издаден впоследствие CS Vystaveno dodatečně DA Udstedt efterfølgende DE Nachträglich ausgestellt EE Välja antud tagasiulatuvalt EL Εκδοθέν εκ των υστέρων EN Issued retroactively ES Expedido a posteriori FI Annettu jälkikäteen FR Délivré a posteriori GA Eisithe go haisghníomhach HR Izdano naknadno HU Kiadva visszamenőleges hatállyal IS Útgefið eftir á IT Rilasciato a posteriori LT Retrospektyvusis išdavimas LV Izsniegts retrospektīvi MK Дополнително издадено MT Maħruġ b'mod retrospettiv NL Achteraf afgegeven NO Utstedt i etterhånd PL Wystawione retrospektywnie PT Emitido a posteriori RO Eliberat ulterior RS Накнадно издато SK Vyhotovené dodatočne SL Izdano naknadno SV Utfärdat i efterhand TR Sonradan Düzenlenmiştir UA Видано згодом | Issued retroactively – 99210 | ||
BG Разни CS Různí DA Diverse DE Verschiedene EE Erinevad EL Διάφορα EN Various ES Varios FI Useita FR Divers GA Éagsúil HR Razni HU Többféle IS Ýmis IT Vari LT Įvairūs LV Dažādi MK Различни MT Diversi NL Diversen NO Diverse PL Różne PT Diversos RO Diverse RS Разно SK Rôzne SL Razno SV Flera TR Çeșitli UA Різне | Various – 99211 | ||
BG Насипно CS Volně loženo DA Bulk DE Lose EE Pakendamata EL Χύμα EN Bulk ES A granel FI Irtotavaraa FR Vrac GA Bulc HR Rasuto HU Ömlesztett IS Vara í lausu IT Alla rinfusa LT Nesupakuota LV Berams MK Рефус MT Bil-kwantitá NL Los gestort NO Bulk PL Luzem PT A granel RO Vrac RS Расуто SK Voľne ložené SL Razsuto SV Bulk TR Dökme UA Навалювальний вантаж | Bulk – 99212 | ||
BG Изпращач CS Odesílatel DA Afsender DE Versender EE Saatja EL Αποστολέας EN Consignor ES Expedidor FI Lähettäjä FR Expéditeur GA Coinsíneoir HR Pošiljatelj HU Feladó IS Sendandi IT Speditore LT Siuntėjas LV Nosūtītājs MK Испраќач MT Min jikkonsenja NL Afzender NO Avsender PL Nadawca PT Expedidor RO Expeditor RS Пошиљалац SK Odosielateľ SL Pošiljatelj SV Avsändare TR Gönderici UA Вантажовідправник | Consignor – 99213 |
Annex A3a is replaced by the following:
‘Annex A3a
This Annex shall apply as of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151, or any subsequent updates of that decision.
Specimen of transit accompanying document
Annex A4a is replaced by the following:
‘Annex A4a
This Annex shall apply as of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151 or any subsequent updates of such decisions.
The acronym ‘BCP’ (‘Business continuity plan’) used in this Annex refers to the business continuity procedure defined in Article 26 of Appendix I.
If the Transit Accompanying Document is printed, the paper to be used may be plain paper.
The transit accompanying document shall be produced on the basis of the data derived from the transit declaration, where appropriate, amended by the holder of the transit procedure and/or verified by the customs office of departure, and completed as follows:
(1)Box MRN
The MRN is to be entered on the first page and on all lists of items except where these forms are used in the context of the BCP in which cases no MRN is allocated.
The ‘MRN’ shall also be produced in bar code mode using the standard ‘code 128’, character set ‘B’.
(2)Box Forms:
— first subdivision: serial number of the current produced sheet,
— second subdivision: total number of sheets produced (incl. list of items),
(3)Box Security [11 07]
Where this Document does not contain security information, the box shall be left blank.
(4)Box Total items:
The sum of all goods items contained in one declaration.
(5)Box Total packages:
The sum of all packages contained in one declaration.
(6)Box “BCP – Return copy to be sent to the office”:
Name, address, and identification number of the customs office to which a copy of the transit accompanying document has to be returned where BCP is used.
(7)Box Guarantee not valid in:
In case BCP is used, the country codes where the provided guarantee cannot be used shall be indicated.
(8)Incidents during transport (BCP)
This section shall be used when BCP is used and incidents occurred during a transport.
Between the time when the goods leave the office of departure and the time they arrive at the office of destination, certain details may have to be added on the transit accompanying document accompanying the goods. The details relate to the transport operation and must be entered by the carrier responsible for the means of transport on which the goods are loaded as and when the corresponding activities are carried out. The particulars may be added legibly by hand, in which case the entries should be made in ink and in block letters.
Carriers are reminded that goods can be transhipped only under an authorisation of the customs authorities of the country in whose territory the transhipment is made, without prejudice to the exceptions foreseen/defined in Article 44 Appendix I.
Where goods are carried in intermodal transport units, such as, but not limited to, containers, swap bodies and semi-trailers, the holder of the transit procedure does not have to provide this information where the logistical pattern at the point of departure may prevent the identity and nationality of the means of transport from being provided at the time the goods are released for transit. The intermodal transport units shall bear unique ID numbers, such numbers are indicated in D.E. 19 07 063 000 (Container identification number) and without handling the goods themselves when changing modes.
Where those authorities consider that the Union transit operation concerned may continue in the normal way they shall, once they have taken steps that may be necessary, endorse the transit accompanying documents.
The boxes and activities involved are:
Box Customs office of incident registration:
Customs office reference number where the incident is registered.
Box Incident code:
Indicate the nature of the occurred incident as set out in Article 44 (1) Appendix I.
(9)Box Customs office of departure [17 03]
The name and the authorisation number of the authorised consignor (if any) shall also be provided in this box.
The transit accompanying document shall not be modified nor shall any addition or deletion be made thereto unless otherwise specified in this Regulation.’
Annex A5a is amended as follows:
This Annex shall apply as of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151.
Specimen of the list of items
Annex A6a is replaced by the following:
‘Annex A6a
This Annex shall apply as of the dates of deployment of the upgrading of the NCTS referred to in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2151 or any such subsequent decisions.
The acronym ‘BCP’ (‘Business continuity plan’) used in this Annex refers to situations in which the business continuity procedure defined in the Article 26 of Appendix I.
The boxes of the list of items are vertically expandable. In addition to the provisions in the explanatory notes of Annexes A1a and B6a, data has to be printed as follows, if appropriate using codes:
The boxes of the list of items are vertically expandable. In addition to the provisions in the explanatory notes of Annex A1a, data has to be printed as follows, if appropriate using codes:
1. Box MRN — as defined in Annex A3a. The MRN is to be printed on the first page and on all lists of items except where these forms are used in the context of the BCP in which cases no MRN is allocated.
2. The data of the different boxes at item level have to be printed as follows:
a. Box Type [11 01] – This box is only used in case of mixed consignments. Indicate the actual status of each item (T1, T2 or T2F).
b. Box Forms:
— First subdivision: serial number of the current printed sheet,
— Second subdivision: total number of sheets printed (List of Items).’
Timeline legend
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