Annexes to COM(2019)146 - EU position at the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP18)

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Union Position on key issues to be discussed at the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP 18)

(Geneva, Switzerland, 17-28 August 2019)

A. General considerations

1.The Union considers the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) a key international convention for species protection and biodiversity conservation and against wildlife trafficking.

2.The Union should adopt an ambitious position for the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CITES CoP 18), in line with relevant Union policies and international commitments in these fields, in particular the targets relating to wildlife under Sustainable Development Goal 15, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011‐2020 and the Aichi Targets agreed under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the CITES Strategic Vision (1) and UN General Assembly Resolution 71/326 on wildlife trafficking. The Union’s position should also serve to attain the relevant objectives set out at Union level through the Council Conclusions of 21 June 2011 on the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the Council Conclusions of 20 June 2016 on the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking, and through the EU Action Plan on the Conservation and Management of Sharks.

3.The priorities for the Union at CITES CoP 18 should be to:
fully use the CITES instruments to regulate international trade in endangered animals and plants species which are subject to unsustainable levels of trade, pursuing a science‐based approach; and

reinforce the response by the international community against wildlife trafficking.

4.The Union’s position on proposals for amendments of the CITES Appendices should be based on the conservation status of the species concerned and on the impact that trade has or may have on the status of that species. To this end, the most relevant and robust scientific advice should be taken into consideration for the assessment of listing proposals in accordance with the provisions in Resolution Conf. 9.24 on the criteria for amendment of CITES Appendices I and II.

5.The Union’s position should take account of the contribution that CITES controls can make towards improvement of species’ conservation status, while acknowledging the efforts of those countries that have implemented effective conservation measures. The Union should ensure that the decisions taken at CITES CoP 18 maximise the efficiency of CITES, by minimising unnecessary administrative burdens and by achieving practical, cost-effective and workable solutions to implementation and monitoring issues.

6.The Conference of the Parties (CoP) is the governing body of CITES and a number of decisions adopted at CITES CoP 18 will be implemented by the Standing Committee, which is the main CoP subsidiary body. The Union’s position adopted for CITES CoP 18 should therefore also guide the Union’s approach at the 71st and 72nd meetings of the Standing Committee, taking place directly before and after CITES CoP 18.

B. Specific issues

7.57 proposals for amending the CITES Appendices have been tabled for consideration at CITES CoP 18. 12 of these proposals have been submitted by the Union as the main proponent or as co-proponent, and their adoption should naturally also be supported by the Union. The views of the range States of the species concerned by the proposals should receive particular attention. The Union also considers that, as a general rule, support should be given to proposals to amend CITES Appendices which are the result of work by the CITES Animals and Plants Committees and the Standing Committee. The assessment of the proposals by the CITES Secretariat and by IUCN/Traffic (2) and, in the case of commercially exploited marine species, the assessment by the FAO dedicated expert panel will be reviewed.

8.In line with its well-established position, the Union reaffirms that CITES is an appropriate instrument to regulate international trade in marine species when the conservation status of such species is affected by trade and when the species are or may become threatened with extinction. The Union specifically advocates, inter alia, the inclusion in CITES Appendix II of three species of teatfish of the genus Holothuria (Microthele), given the excessive exploitation and significant volumes of international trade in those species.

9.The Union notes that considerable work has been done in recent years to build capacity for the implementation of CITES, not least with regard to marine species, including through the Union’s financial support. The Union supports better coordination between CITES, other organisations and multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), acting within their respective mandates, with the aim of improving governance and increasing complementarity. Specifically, the Union co-sponsored the proposals for inclusion of certain species of sharks (shortfin mako and longfin mako – Isurus oxyrinchus and I. paucus) and rays (giant guitarfishes – Glaucostegus spp. – and wedgefishes – Rhinidae spp.) in CITES Appendix II.

10.At CITES CoP 17, additional rosewood species (Pterocarpus erinaceus, three Guibourtia species and Dalbergia spp.) were inserted into CITES Appendix II, to better control international trade in these tropical timber species. It is important for the Union to ensure that the current annotation #15 be amended to focus on those specimens which first appear in international trade and to avoid unnecessary administrative and enforcement burdens. The Union therefore supports the consensus amendment to annotation #15 reached at the 70th meeting of the Standing Committee, as reflected in its listing proposal No 52 to CITES CoP 18. The Union will remain open to potential final improvements which may emerge from consultations with other parties to CITES. In line with its commitment to better control imports of timber from Central Africa, the Union co-proposed broadening the scope of the current CITES listing of afrormosia (Pericopsis elata) in CITES Appendix II.

11.The Union should also support cross-cutting efforts for more effective regulation of international trade in endangered wildlife, including the proposed Resolution on the verification of legal acquisition, which builds on the outcomes of a dedicated workshop hosted by the Union in June 2018. The adoption by CITES CoP 18 of a new Strategic Vision for CITES for the years 2021 to 2030 provides an opportunity to consolidate, and where necessary clarify, the role of CITES in the broader context of international environmental governance, including the post‐2020 biodiversity framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity.

12.The Union’s position on proposals related to wildlife trafficking should be consistent with the three priorities identified in the Council Conclusions of 20 June 2016 on the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking, namely:
preventing wildlife trafficking and addressing its root causes;

implementing and enforcing existing rules and combating organised wildlife crime more effectively; and

strengthening the global partnership of source, consumer and transit countries against wildlife trafficking.

The position should also take into account the Commission’s Progress report on the implementation of the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking.

Consistent with the first priority, the Union is supportive of a better protection through CITES of species currently imported into the Union at unsustainable levels or illegally (notably for the exotic pet trade). Therefore, the Union co-sponsored certain proposals to amend the CITES Appendices in relation to various species of reptiles and amphibians, in particular several species of geckos and newts, and is supportive of other proposals as appropriate.

13.In line with the second and third priorities, the Union supports strong measures for the implementation of CITES by its Parties. It advocates a clear timeline with monitoring mechanisms (including possible trade sanctions) in respect of those Parties which repeatedly fail to implement their obligations under CITES. This is particularly important in order to address poaching and trafficking affecting elephants, rhinoceros, Asian big cats, rosewood and pangolins.

14.Several proposals presented to CITES CoP 18 focus on issues related to sustainable use, livelihoods and rural communities. The Union should support such proposals to the extent that they help ensure that relevant information is reflected in existing processes, in line with CITES. The creation of additional processes or structures with significant costs and uncertain benefits should be avoided.

15.Elephant poaching and ivory trafficking continue at alarmingly high levels. Also, the level of rhinoceros poaching and rhino horn trafficking continues to be high, undermining conservation efforts and posing a serious threat to rhinoceros populations. Both the Union and its Member States have provided considerable support to African countries in order to improve wildlife conservation and tackle wildlife trafficking. The Union is committed to continuing to stand by its African partners and to increasing its efforts in that regard, in line with the Council Conclusions concerning the Commission Communication on the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking. The Union recognises the conservation efforts made by certain African range States, but the high levels of poaching and trafficking remain of considerable concern for the Union. The Union’s priority for all CITES CoP 18 agenda items relating to these species should be to support action directly addressing those problems.

16.The Union notes that several, partly conflicting, proposals have been tabled by Parties in relation to legal trade in elephant ivory. International trade in ivory is currently banned under the CITES framework. The Union considers that the conditions for re-authorising such trade are not met and will oppose any change to the current CITES regime which could result in relaxing the current ban on international trade in elephant ivory or resumption of international trade in elephant ivory. With regard to domestic ivory markets, the Union should continue to support proportionate, effective measures based on the best available evidence, within the scope of CITES.

17.The Union considers that the Rules of Procedure for the CoP must not deviate from the text of CITES, including paragraphs 2 to 6 of Article XXI thereof. Any attempts to add provisions which would subject the exercise of the Union’s rights as a Party to conditions not foreseen in CITES should be firmly rejected.

18.The wildlife trafficking crisis, combined with the extension of the scope of CITES to new species and Parties, means that more activities have been brought under the CITES umbrella in recent years and that the workload of the CITES Secretariat has considerably increased. The Union should take these developments into account when deciding on its priorities at CITES CoP 18 and on its contribution to the CITES Trust Fund.

(1) CITES Resolution Conf. 14.2, due to be updated at CoP 18 (see paragraph 5, below).

(2) The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and TRAFFIC are specialised in wildlife trade issues and provide a thorough assessment of proposals to amend CITES Appendices before each CITES CoP.




‘+’ indicates a position in favour‘–’ indicates a position against‘0’ indicates an open position
‘(+)’ indicates support conditional on amendments to the proposal
‘(–)’ indicates opposition to be reconsidered if the proposal is significantly amended

Working Documents

NoAgenda itemProponent (1)CommentsPosition
Opening ceremonyNo document
Administrative and financial matters
1.Election of Chair, Alternate Chair and Vice-Chairs of the meeting and of Chairs of Committees I and IINo document
2.Adoption of the agenda
3.Adoption of the working programme
4.Rules of Procedure
4.1Rules of Procedure for the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties

CoP18 Doc. 4.1
Sec.Take note of doc. containing current RoP, which will remain valid unless and until amended by CoP (cf. Rule 32).
4.2Review of the Rules of Procedure

CoP18 Doc. 4.2
SCSupport for keeping RoP unchanged at CoP 18; also support new mandate for SC to review Rule 25 (Procedure for deciding on amendments to Appendices) by CoP 19.+
5.Credentials Committee
5.1Establishment of the Credentials Committee (no document)No document
5.2Report of the Credentials Committee (no document)No document
6.Admission of observers
7.Administration, finance and budget of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties
7.1Administration of the Secretariat

CoP18 Doc. 7.1
7.2Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on administrative and other matters
7.3Financial reports for 2016-2019

CoP18 Doc. 7.3
Annex 1: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2016

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A1
Annex 2: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2016

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A2
Annex 3: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2016

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A3
Annex 4: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2017

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A4
Annex 5: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2017

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A5
Annex 6: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2017

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A6
Annex 7: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2018

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A7
Annex 8: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2018

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A8
Annex 9: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 December 2018

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A9
Annex 10: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2018

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A10
Annex 11: Statement of financial performance and position for the year ended 31 December 2017

CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A11
Annex 12: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2019 (up to 31 March 2019)
Annex 13: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 March 2019
Annex 14: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 March 2019
7.4Budget and work programme for 2020 to 2022

CoP18 Doc. 7.4
Annex 1: Draft Resolution on Financing and the costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2020‐2022

CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A1
Annex 2: Budget scenario – zero real growth

CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A2
Annex 3: Budget scenario – zero nominal growth

CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A3
Annex 4: Budget scenario – incremental growth

CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A4
7.5Access to funding, including GEF funding

CoP18 Doc. 7.5
7.6Sponsored delegates project

CoP18 Doc. 7.6
Sec.Support for keeping current selection criteria; Secretariat to explore extension of the project from CoP to Committee meetings.+
8.Draft resolution on language strategy for the Convention

CoP18 Doc. 8
IQUnclear why Arabic should be added as official CITES language but not other UN languages (Chinese, Russian). Budgetary implications and potential further delays in document production militate against the proposal.
Strategic matters
9.Committee reports and recommendations
9.1Standing Committee
9.1.1Report of the Chair

CoP18 Doc. 9.1.1
9.1.2Election of new regional and alternate regional members (no document)
9.2Animals Committee
9.2.1Report of the Chair
9.2.2Election of new regional and alternate regional members (no document)
9.3Plants Committee
9.3.1Report of the Chair

CoP18 Doc. 9.3.1
9.3.2Election of new regional and alternate regional members (no document)
10.CITES Strategic Vision post-2020

CoP18 Doc. 10
SCSupport for adoption of revised Strategic Vision as amended by the Secretariat; also support amended draft decisions to task Secretariat to compare objectives with existing decisions, resolutions; mandate SC to work on indicators.+
11.Review of the ConventionCO, NA, ZWRaises some relevant issues as regards livelihoods and review of Appendices. However, the proposal seems biased in its current form and scope, as well as insufficiently prepared, based on historical deliberations without in-depth reflection of increasingly complex wildlife trade and conservation challenges, and given the potentially far-reaching consequences. Addressees of draft Decisions are not specified.(–)
12.Securing better implementation of marine fish species listings in the Appendices

CoP18 Doc. 12
AGAcknowledge that support for more effective implementation of marine listings is still needed. However, review of the effectiveness of previous listings should focus on particular cases, with clear justification, and make use of existing mechanisms and recommendations from previous reviews rather than establish a new ad-hoc process. Oppose an ‘embargo’ on new listings of any group of species; what matters is whether listing criteria are fulfilled.
13.Revision of Resolution Conf. 11.1 (Rev. CoP17) on Establishment of committees

CoP18 Doc. 13
SC/Sec.Support proposed new Resolution as amended by the Sec. and the SC Chair.+
14.Potential conflicts of interest in the Animals and Plants Committees

CoP18 Doc. 14
SCSC70 adopted standard disclosure form for declarations of interest; support for deletion of Decisions 16.09 and 16.10.+
15.Cooperation with organizations and multilateral environmental agreements
15.1Cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions

CoP18 Doc. 15.1
SCSupport renewal of Decisions 17.55 and 17.56 as amended by the Sec. and the Sec.’s proposal to prepare a report summarizing existing practices in other biodiversity-related conventions.

Synergies among biodiversity MEAs should continue to be strengthened and it is appropriate for the SC to keep matters under review.
15.2Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( CCAMLR )

CoP18 Doc. 15.2
Sec.Support amendments to Res. Conf. 12.4 jointly proposed by CITES and CCAMLR Secretariats.+
15.3Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

CoP18 Doc. 15.3
SCSupport new draft Decisions to replace Decisions 17.53 and 17.54.+
15.4Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ( IPBES )

CoP18 Doc. 15.4
SC/Sec.Support the draft resolution on Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.+
15.5The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime ( ICCWC )

CoP18 Doc. 15.5
Sec.Support call on Parties to continue funding ICCWC activities. Invite ICCWC partners to ensure effective transparency mechanisms.+
15.6Cooperation between CITES and the World Heritage Convention

CoP18 Doc. 15.6
NOSupport the draft Resolution (which calls for developing a Memorandum of Understanding between the WHC and CITES) as amended by the Sec. Support the draft Decisions as proposed by Norway, with changes to reflect that any proposed joint programme of work should be approved by SC.(+)
16.CITES tree species programmeSec.Support the draft Decisions, including the Decision which calls for the Sec. to collect information, report progress made and continue cooperation with forest-related organizations and strengthen the support for Parties to implement the Convention for listed tree species. Invite other Parties to financially contribute to the programme.+
17.Rural communitiesPropose that all documents under 17 and 18 are considered as a package in an in-session working group which will, inter alia, consider the elements for discussion in the inter-sessional working group. Consider jointly with related proposals under Item 18.
17.1Report of the Standing Committee

CoP18 Doc. 17.1
SC/Sec.Support Sec.’s proposal to amend Res. Conf. 16.6 on Livelihoods. Proposal to delete CoP 17 Decisions would be premature; further inter-sessional work is warranted (join up with Livelihoods WG?).(+)
17.2Proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 4.6 (Rev. CoP17) [Submission of draft resolutions] and Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17)

CoP18 Doc. 17.2
NA, ZWSuggested amendment to Res. 4.6 as drafted seems out of place, because the resolution is otherwise focused on formalities and procedures for submission of proposals.

The proposed amendments to Annex 6 section C of Res. Conf. 9.24 would at least need to clarify the geographical scope of consultations with rural communities, i.e. each Party within its own territory; any changes should be non-binding. Consider jointly with doc. 18.3.
17.3Participatory mechanism for rural communitiesBW, CO, NA, ZWOppose the establishment of a permanent Rural Communities Committee. Consider alternative ways of making the voice of rural communities heard.
18.CITES and livelihoodsPropose that all documents under 17&18 are considered as a package in an in-session working group which will, inter alia, consider the elements for discussion in the inter-sessional working group. Consider jointly with related proposals under Item 17.
18.1Report of the Secretariat

CoP18 Doc. 18.1 (Rev. 1)
Sec.Support re-establishment of WG, development of guidance through consultancy, for consideration by CoP 19. Consider additional draft Decisions proposed by the Secretariat.(+)
18.2Proposal by Peru

CoP18 Doc. 18.2
PERegarding draft Dec. 18.AA (a) providing guidance on how to maximize trade benefits from CITES species, and (b) evaluating registered marks of trade for community-made products, consider jointly with Doc. 18.1 (Rev. 1) and propose a drafting group to find a common approach between these two documents, taking into account the Sec.’s comments on both documents.

Generally open for establishment of an ‘International Day for Livelihoods of Rural Communities’ but specific Resolution might not be needed for that purpose; also consider resource implications.
18.3Proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17)

CoP18 Doc. 18.3
CNIdea of including some kind of ‘Livelihood analyses’ in supporting statement for listing proposals (Res. Conf. 9.24, Annex 6) could be considered but does not seem ripe for decision at CoP 18; proposed wording partly unclear.

Consider jointly with doc. 17.2.
19.Food security and livelihoods

CoP18 Doc. 19
SCOppose renewal of decisions, as WG has not progressed and very similar issues are addressed under ‘Rural communities’ and ‘Livelihoods’; support Sec. comments.
20.Demand reduction strategies to combat illegal trade in CITES-listed species

CoP18 Doc. 20
SCSupport adoption of the draft Decisions as amended by the Sec. and agree to deletion of Decisions 17.44 to 17.48.+
21.Capacity building and identification materials
21.1Capacity-building and identification materials

CoP18 Doc. 21.1
AC/PCSupport draft Decisions to establish joint AC/PC working group on identification materials; also support Sec.’s proposal to delete Decisions covered under 54.1.+
21.2Capacity-building activities specified in Resolutions and Decisions

CoP18 Doc. 21.2
SCSupport adoption of the draft Decisions (revision, enhancement of CITES website, Virtual College online courses) with the Sec.’s proposed changes.

Consider jointly with 21.3, 28, 29.
21.3Framework to facilitate coordination, transparency and accountability of CITES capacity-building efforts

CoP18 Doc. 21.3
USValuable initiative but adoption of the draft Resolution and framework at CoP 18 seems premature. Support integration of relevant elements into 21.2 instead, as proposed by Sec., for consideration by SC and CoP 19.

Consider jointly with docs. 21.2, 28.
22.United Nations World Wildlife DaySupport draft amendments to Resolution Conf. 17.1 inviting Parties and non-Party States to designate one focal point for coordinating the celebration of World Wildlife Day in the country.+
23.Youth engagement

CoP18 Doc. 23
SCSupport suggested revisions to Resolution Conf. 17.5 on youth engagement (Annex 1) and delete Decisions 17.26 and 17.27.+
Interpretation and implementation matters
Existing Resolutions and Decisions
24.Review of Resolutions

CoP18 Doc. 24
Sec.Generally support amendments to Resolutions Conf. 4.6, Submission of documents (incl. on centralised funding decision); review suggested incorporation of Dec. 14.19. Support amendments to Resolutions 12.8, Review of Significant Trade (as per SC70) and 14.3, Compliance procedures (incl. Res. 10.10 and Res. 17.7).+
25.Review of DecisionsSupport the recommendations of the Sec. as presented in 22 separated items under the annex of document 25.+
General compliance and enforcement
26.National laws for implementation of the ConventionSec.Support set of Decisions but call for more clarity on the timelines. Consider proposing additional measures for Parties with legislation in category 2 or 3 to submit to the Sec. details of measures for the effective implementation of the Convention.(+)
27.CITES compliance mattersSec.Support proposed amendment to Res. Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP17). Generally support the draft Decisions, but ask for more justification – and potentially a more cautious approach – in particular in relation to the development of a new CITES permit policy and of an ‘integrated compliance electronic platform’.(+)
28.Compliance Assistance ProgrammeSec.Generally support set of Decisions aiming at establishing a Compliance Assistance Programme with a view to assisting Parties with long‐standing difficulties in achieving compliance with the Convention and related recommendations of the SC. Question nonetheless budget implications related to the creation of the Programme.

Consider jointly with doc. 21 and with budget documents.
29.Country-wide Significant Trade Reviews

CoP18 Doc. 29
AC/PCSupport mandate, as amended by the Sec., for the Sec. to analyse and Committees to consider options and make recommendations to CoP 19.+
30.Compliance in relation to Malagasy ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)
30.1Report of MadagascarTake note.

Consider jointly with doc. 30.2.
30.2Report of the Standing Committee

CoP18 Doc. 30.2
SCSupport but remain vigilant on the need not to focus all discussions on the use plan proposed by Madagascar. Call for strong focus on the need for more robust enforcement efforts to tackle illegal logging and dismantle trafficking networks. Propose to amend draft decision 18.BB to take account of the 2017 UNODC recommendations on the matter, and insert precautionary wording to ensure that any future use plan is sufficiently secure.(+)
31.Domestic markets for frequently illegally traded specimens

CoP18 Doc. 31
SCGenerally support proposed amendment to Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) and draft revised Decisions 17.87-17.88, including on domestic controls of wildlife products other than elephant ivory.(+)
32.Enforcement matters

CoP18 Doc. 32
Sec.Support proposed draft Decisions and proposed amendment to Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP17). Agree with deletion of Decisions 17.83 to 17.85.+
33.Combating wildlife cybercrime
33.1Report of the Secretariat

CoP18 Doc. 33.1
Sec.Support proposed draft Decisions.+
33.2Report of the Standing Committee

CoP18 Doc. 33.2
SCSupport proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP17) and adoption of draft Decisions as modified by the Sec. Agree with deletion of Decisions 17.94 to 17.96.+
34.Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central AfricaSec.Welcome the report and acknowledge importance of the issue. Support adoption of all recommendations, including draft Decisions in Annex 1.+
35.Disposal of confiscated specimens

CoP18 Doc. 35
SCSupport deletion of Decisions 17.118 and 17.119 and adoption of proposed draft Decisions. Oppose any additions that would compromise sensitive information about rescue centres, or would result in additional obligations for Parties. Also oppose potential resumption of SC working group.+
36.Storage and management of illegal trade data collected through the Parties’ annual illegal trade reports

CoP18 Doc. 36
SCOverall support the principle of more systematic storage and management of illegal trade data collected through annual illegal trade reports. Share the Sec.’s concerns as to the limited added value of such a database if only a limited number of Parties actually report and provide data. Consider proposing language to encourage Parties to more systematically submit annual illegal trade reports. Invite the Sec. and UNODC to consider funding the database via the external budget of the Convention for the time being.

Consider jointly with budget documents.
37.Working conditions of wildlife rangers and their implications for implementation of CITES

CoP18 Doc. 37
NPWelcome the report and acknowledge importance of the issue.
Regulation of trade
38.Designation and roles of Management Authorities

CoP18 Doc. 38
Sec.Generally support proposed Resolution with changes. Changes of some aspects of the text are needed, including: to make the proposals workable in different regulatory regimes (from an administrative and legal perspective), and to avoid creating new legal duties which are not in the Convention, and including accommodating the need to have one Management Authority per country that is responsible for international communication.(+)
39.Guidance for making legal acquisition findings

CoP18 Doc. 39
SCSupport draft resolution.

Consider jointly with doc. 40.
40.Due diligence by CITES Parties and obligations of importing countriesUSGenerally support the intention and approach. Closer scrutiny of some aspects of the proposed amendments to Res. Conf. 11.3 is needed.(+)
41.Electronic systems and information technologies

CoP18 Doc. 41
SCSupport the proposed draft Decisions, as amended by the Sec.+

CoP18 Doc. 42
Sec., Chair of SC, MX and CH as Chairs of the intersessional working group on traceabilityAgree with the working definition of CITES traceability and support the adoption of draft decisions in Annex 1, including the proposed amendments by the Sec.+
43.Specimens produced from synthetic or cultured DNA

CoP18 Doc. 43
SCSupport the draft Decisions as amended by the Sec., and replacing Decisions 17.89-17.91, to continue assessing the implications of specimens produced through biotechnology that may have an impact on the interpretation and implementation of the Convention. Suggest amendment for draft Decision 18.CC.(+)
44.Definition of the term ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’
44.1Report of the Standing Committee

CoP18 Doc. 44.1
SCSupport the adoption of non-binding guidance for determining whether a proposed recipient of a living specimen is suitably equipped to house and care for it, as amended by the Sec. in Annex 4, and the draft decisions on the definition of ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’ as amended in Annex 5.+
44.2International trade in live African elephants: Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 11.20 (Rev. CoP17) on Definition of the term ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’

CoP18 Doc. 44.2
BF, JO, LB, LR, NE, NG, SD, SYThe document proposes amendments to Res. Conf. 11.20 in such a way that live African elephants are only moved to in-situ conservation programmes within their natural range, thus excluding any trade in wild-caught African elephants to destinations for the purpose of ex-situ captive use, even where this would be beneficial for conservation purposes. Also consider in relation to the current regime for App. I-listed specimens.

The Union opposes the recommendations in document 44.2 and encourages further inter-sessional work towards CoP 19.
45.Non-detriment findings

CoP18 Doc. 45
ACSupport proposed draft Decisions aiming at addressing gaps and Parties’ needs in making non‐detriment findings and supporting the implementation of Resolution Conf. 16.7 (Rev. CoP17). Support for a second international workshop on NDFs.+
46.Quotas for leopard hunting trophiesSupport the proposed amendments to Res. Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP16) proposed by the SC (removing Kenya and Malawi from the table in paragraph 1, a) of the Res.).

Support to prolong draft decisions in Annex 3 for CAR, Botswana and Ethiopia, but to suspend their quotas until reviewed by the Animals Committee and SC.

Support the set of draft decisions as proposed by the Sec. in Annex 3. General support for the amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.21 (Rev. CoP13), as proposed by the Sec. in Annex 2; however, a formal review process should be established within a specified time frame, and it should direct the range States or the Animals and Standing Committees to report to the CoP when concerns arise or changes to the ‘approved quota’ are deemed necessary.

Further discussion needed on the export quotas maintained in Res. Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP16).
47.Enhancement of quotas for markhor hunting trophies

CoP18 Doc. 47
PKSupport the increase of hunting trophies quota for markhor in Pakistan from 12 to 20 animals per year, if Pakistan provides more information demonstrating that the guidelines on Appendix I hunting trophies in Resolution Conf. 17.9 are met, including information on:
the source of the 2017 population estimates which form the basis of Pakistan’s NDF;

new communities / areas which will join the community‐based trophy-hunting programme; and

how the quotas will be distributed (including for which sub‐species).
48.Black rhinoceros hunting trophies: Export quota for South AfricaZAProposed increase of quota from 5 adult male black rhinos to max. 0,5 % of the country’s total population appears reasonable, if translated into annual publication by South Africa of a specific quota (absolute number of specimens).(+)
49.Implications of the transfer of a species to Appendix I
49.1Report of the Secretariat

CoP18 Doc. 49.1
Sec.Support amendments to Res. Conf. 12.3 to clarify that, after uplisting of a species, applicable rules are those valid at the time of trading (not harvesting), and to Res. Conf. 13.6. Further analyse proposal to include a new paragraph (11) in Res. Conf. 12.3 and draft Decision for SC to consider need for guidance during transition period, including between listing decision and entry into force, and for SC to look into special conditions for annotated plants including timber species.(+)
49.2Trade in ‘pre-Appendix-I’ specimens

CoP18 Doc. 49.2
CI, NG, SNSupport Sec.’s proposal to consider 49.1 and the recommendations contained therein as our starting point, instead of the recommendation in 49.2. Open to incorporate drafting elements into 49.1.(–)
50.Amendments to Resolution Conf. 10.13 (Rev. CoP15) on Implementation of the Convention for timber species

CoP18 Doc. 50
SCSupport but propose to include reference to the need to base NDFs on adequate conversion factors, and other minor amendments.(+)
51.Stocks and stockpiles

CoP18 Doc. 51
SCSupport continuation of inter-sessional work with more clearly defined mandate, excluding management of stockpiles.+
52.Introduction from the sea

CoP18 Doc. 52
SCSupport renewed mandate for the Sec. to monitor implementation of Res. Conf. 14.6 and report on BBNJ negotiations; SC to review information.+
53.Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates

CoP18 Doc. 53
SCSupport draft amendments to Res. Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP17) on Permits and certificates. Support the new set of draft decisions proposed by the Sec. instead of the draft amendments to Decision 14.54 in Annex 1 of the document.(+)
54.Identification of specimens in trade
54.1Identification Manual

CoP18 Doc. 54.1
AC, PC, Sec.Support.

Consider jointly with 21.1.
54.2Identification of CITES-listed tree species

CoP18 Doc. 54.2
PCSupport new set of Decisions and deletion of previous decisions.+
54.3Identification of sturgeons and paddlefish specimens in trade

CoP18 Doc. 54.3
Support renewal of Decisions. Consider whether any EU Member State can commit to funding the long-overdue study.+
55.CITES implementation for trade in medicinal plant speciesSupport the draft decision to liaise with key players in the medicinal plants trade and report it to the PC as a first step to get information about the trade and its volume.+
Exemptions and special trade provisions
56.Simplified procedure for permits and certificates

CoP18 Doc. 56
SCGenerally support the proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 11.15 (Rev. CoP12), Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP17) and the draft Decisions directed to the Sec.; take into account the Sec.’s observations and consider need for further amendments.(+)
57.Implementation of the Convention relating to captive-bred and ranched specimens

CoP18 Doc. 57
SCSupport draft Decisions as suggested by the SC and amended by the Sec.+
58.Implementation of Resolution Conf. 17.7 on Review of trade in animal specimens reported as produced in captivity

CoP18 Doc. 58
SCSupport draft Decisions and suggested amendment of Resolution Conf. 17.7 as suggested by the SC and endorsed by the Sec.

Consider jointly with budget documents.
59.Definition of the term ‘artificially propagated’
59.1Guidance on the term ‘artificially propagated’

CoP18 Doc. 59.1
PCSupport draft decision. Open to amendments proposed by the Sec. Suggest that publication of guidance should only happen after its review by the PC. Highlight the need for an update of the ‘Guide to the application of CITES source codes’ in order to reflect the creation of a new source code for plants.+
59.2Source codes for plant specimens in trade

CoP18 Doc. 59.2
SCSupport creation of source code Y through amendments to Resolution Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP17) and Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP17), as well as draft Decisions as proposed by the SC. Consider opposing some of the additional amendments proposed by the Sec., in particular regarding agarwood and the need for NDFs.+
Species specific matters
60.Illegal trade in cheetahs

(Acinonyx jubatus)

CoP18 Doc. 60
Sec.Support the draft Decision calling upon the Sec. to make available the final version of the CITES cheetah trade resource kit, subject to availability of resources. Agree to deletion of decisions 17.124, 17.126, 17.127, 17.128 and 17.130; Decisions 17.125 and 17.129 being renewed as revised by the Sec. as set out in Doc. 25.+
61.Sturgeons and paddlefish (Acipenseriformes spp.)Sec.Support renewed mandate for the SC to look into caviar labelling.+
62.Draft decisions on the conservation of amphibians (Amphibia)CRBroad range of draft Decisions addressed to Parties, Committees and Sec., proposed without supporting statement or prior consideration by the AC or SC. The information required is not specific for amphibians but would apply to all taxa. The proposal as it stands will not be supported, but more focused proposal with concrete actions could be considered favourably.(–)
63.Eels (Anguilla spp.)

CoP18 Doc. 63
AC, SC, Sec.Support draft Decisions as amended by the Sec. and suggest a short drafting group to refine these Decisions.+
64.Precious corals (Order Antipatharia and family Coralliidae)SCSupport the draft decision mandating the AC and SC to analyse and draw conclusions from the precious corals survey and the FAO study.+
65.Implementation of Resolution Conf. 16.10 on Implementation of the Convention for agarwood -producing taxa [Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.]

CoP18 Doc. 65
PCSupport adoption of draft decisions on agarwood-producing taxa and deletion of previous decisions.+
66.Trade in Boswellia spp. (Burseraceae)

CoP18 Doc. 66
LK, USSupport set of draft decisions as amended by the Sec.+
67.Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus)

CoP18 Doc. 67
SCAgree with the draft Decision aiming at providing assistance to the main exporting and importing countries to address remaining implementation challenges.+
68.Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
68.1Report of the Animals CommitteeACNote the report.
68.2Report of the SecretariatSupport the set of draft decisions and the draft amendments to the Res. 12.6 (Rev. CoP17).+
69.Elephants (Elephantidae spp.)
69.1Implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on Trade in elephant specimensSec./ SCStocks and stockpiles: support Decision for SC to review guidance prepared by the Sec.+
Asian elephants: open to support renewal of Decisions but need greater buy-in from range States for this to be effective.+
NIAPs: support proposed revisions to Res. Conf. 10.10, para. 26 g) and Annex III (NIAP process guidelines) and to Res. Conf. 14.3 on Compliance (see doc. 24);

consider the Sec.’s request for creation of new post (and consider budgetary implications).
ETIS review: support ToR as agreed at SC70.+
MIKE, ETIS financial and operational sustainability: support draft Dec. for the Sec. to develop proposal (costs: 30 000 USD), SC to review.+
Domestic ivory markets: support proposed amendment to Res. Conf. 10.10 as contained in doc. 31.+
69.2Report on Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants ( MIKE )

CoP18 Doc. 69.2
Sec.Take note of the report.
69.3Report on the Elephant Trade Information System ( ETIS )

CoP18 Doc. 69.3 (Rev. 1)
Sec.Take note of the report; consider implications for NIAP process (specific countries identified by ETIS not currently under NIAP).
69.4Ivory stockpiles : proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on Trade in elephant specimens

CoP18 Doc. 69.4
BF, TD, CI, GA, JO, KE, LR, NE, NG, SD, SYAcknowledge importance of having the guidance finalised but question the feasibility and suitability of an in-session WG for that purpose. Consider alternative Sec.’s suggestions.(–)
69.5Implementing aspects of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on the closure of domestic ivory marketsBF, CI, ET, GA, KE, LR, NE, NG, SYContest conclusions regarding EU ivory market (para. 28); highlight ongoing EU efforts.

Oppose proposed changes to Res. Conf. 10.10 and associated draft Decisions as disproportionate and partly unclear.
70.Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and other marine turtles (Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae)Sec.Support to continue the work through draft decisions proposed by the Sec. and to establish an inter-sessional working group on marine turtles.+
71.Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
71.1Report of the SecretariatSec.Support the document with amendments aiming to strengthen the Sec.’s draft decisions.

Support the Sec.’s recommendation to retain Dec. 14.69.
71.2Draft decisions on Asian big cats

CoP18 Doc. 71.2
INSupport in general efforts to monitor and better manage trade in Asian big cats. Before the suggested draft Decisions can be supported, they need substantial analysis and amendments, including to avoid duplication with document 71.1. The link to Res. Conf. 12.5 (Rev. 17) should also be considered.0
72.Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) on CITES – a roadmap to successMV, MC, LK, USSupport the set of Decisions as amended by the Sec. to initiate discussion about management and sustainable use of seahorses in the AC and SC.+
73.Great apes (Hominidae spp.)

CoP18 Doc. 73
SC, Sec.Support amendments to Resolution Conf. 13.4 (Rev. CoP16) on Conservation of and trade in great apes as proposed by the Sec., as well as deletion of Decisions 17.232 and 17.233. The proposal is based on the report on the status of great apes and the relative impact of illegal trade and other pressures on their status, which was prepared through collaboration between the Sec., IUCN, GRASP and other partners, and has been considered by AC30 and SC70. Some editorial changes might be desirable, in particular to change references from ‘bushmeat’ to ‘wild meat’ to be consistent with Doc. 95.+
74.Rosewood timber species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]

CoP18 Doc. 74
PCSupport adoption of draft decisions.+
75.Pangolins (Manis spp.)

CoP18 Doc. 75
Sec., incorporating SC proposalSupport the set of draft decisions as recommended by the SC (SC69), with amendments suggested by the Sec., and support deletion of Decisions 17.239-17.240.+
76.African lion (Panthera leo)
76.1Report of the SecretariatSupport the set of draft Decisions on African lions (Panthera leo) and big cats and support deletion of Decisions 17.241-17.245.+
76.2Conservation of and trade in African lionsNG, TGThe set of draft Decisions suggested under 76.1, which take into account the concerns highlighted in this document and the accompanying draft Resolution, are likely to be more successful in achieving meaningful and targeted action within a specified time‐frame.-
77.Jaguar (Panthera onca)
77.1Jaguar tradeCR, MXSupport in general the set of draft Decisions calling for a study on illegal trade in jaguars; and support the recommendations and amendments to Annex 1 by the Sec. to merge the document with the document under 77.2.(+)
77.2Illegal trade in jaguar

CoP18 Doc. 77.2
PEOppose adoption of a species-specific Resolution. However, some of the activities identified could be included in set of decisions and considered in the context of 77.1 (or proponents could merge their documents into one set of Decisions as proposed by the Sec. in Doc. 77.1).(–)
78.Illegal trade in Tibetan antelope

(Pantholops hodgsonii)

CoP18 Doc. 78
SCSupport the draft recommendation and the proposal by the Sec. to amend para 2b) of Resolution Conf. 11.8 (Rev. CoP17).+
79.Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes)US, LKGenerally support the proposal for the AC to consider the conservation implications of songbird trade, preferably based on a review commissioned by the Sec., subject to external funding. The draft decisions will need to be amended to address these changes and the concerns expressed by the Sec.+
80.African cherry ( Prunus africana )

CoP18 Doc. 80
PCSupport adoption of draft decisions.+
81.African grey parrots

(Psittacus erithacus)
ZAOpen to prolonging the deadline for registrations of breeding facility.

Suggest to add new paragraph f) to Decision 17.256 referencing the IUCN reintroduction and repopulation guidelines.
82.Banggai cardinalfish

(Pterapogon kauderni)
ACSupport the set of draft decisions; the EU is ready to support Indonesia in implementing Decision 18.AA.+
83.Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
83.1Report of the Standing Committee and the SecretariatSupport the draft decisions with some amendments to introduce time frames for actions.

Support deletion of Decisions 17.135-17.144, and replacement of Decisions 17.133 and 17.134 by a new draft decision 18.AA.
83.2Revisions to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP17) on Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses, and associated decisionsKEOppose draft decisions and amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.14 as they stand, since they exceed the Convention’s mandate and duplicate existing resolutions and decisions.(–)
84.Helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil)

CoP18 Doc. 84
SCSupport draft Decisions in Annex 1, including the Sec.’s proposed amendments, and delete Decisions 17.264, 17.265 and 17.266.+
85.Queen conch (Strombus gigas)Support the draft Decisions in Annex 1 which will replace the decisions 17.285 to 17.287 and 17.289 and delete Decisions 17.288 and 17.290 which have been fully implemented.+
86.Saiga antelope (Saiga spp.)

CoP18 Doc. 86
SCSupport the document which is based on the outcome of discussions in the SC and which targets the saiga range States in order to improve management of stockpiles of parts and derivatives of the species, to improve their capacities to tackle illegal trade, and to enhance in situ and ex situ conservation efforts; support the proposal by the Sec. to involve the AC in implementation of one decision. The decisions may need some modifications depending on the outcome of the proposed changes of the listing.+
87.Conservation of the Titicaca water frog (Telmatobius culeus)PEThe species was listed in Appendix I at CoP 17. The impact of international trade on the conservation status of this species remains unclear, probably due to insufficient data. The adoption of a dedicated resolution on the conservation of the Titicaca water frog seems to be premature.(–)
88.Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)

CoP18 Doc. 88
SC, Sec.Generally support the draft revised version of Resolution Conf. 11.9 on Conservation of and trade in tortoises and freshwater turtles and the draft decisions proposed by the Sec.; consider the need to focus future work on practical needs.(+)
89.Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi)

CoP18 Doc. 89
Sec.Support draft Decisions on further collecting of information from Parties; awareness-raising and enforcement measures; study on vaquita and totoaba (outline agreed by SC) to be carried out by Sec.+
90.Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus)

CoP18 Doc. 90
ACSupport draft Decision for Sec. to cooperate with the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS).+
91.Conservation of vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) and trade in its fibre and productsARGenerally support the draft resolution on conservation of vicuna and trade in its fibre and products, and the recommendations by the Sec.; the document was prepared under the Convention for the Conservation and Management of Vicuña.+
92.Appendix-I listed species

CoP18 Doc. 92
Sec., AC, PCSupport adoption of draft decisions and deletion of Decisions 17.22 to 17.25.+
93.Neotropical tree species

CoP18 Doc. 93
PCSupport adoption of draft decisions.+
94.Conservation management of and trade in marine ornamental fishes

CoP18 Doc. 94
CH, US, EUSupport draft Decisions (co‐proposed by the Union) as amended by the Sec., especially with regard to inviting fishery stakeholders and industry representatives to contribute to the workshop.+
95.Guidance materials, activities and tools aimed at enhancing Parties’ capacity to regulate bushmeat tradeSec.Generally support the draft revised version of Res. Conf. 13.11 (Rev. CoP17) and the deletion of decisions proposed by the Sec. (Dec. 14.73, 14.74, 17.112 and 17.113).

Suggest amendments to recognise that CBD guidance for a sustainable wild meat sector refers only to the tropics and sub-tropics and that the current definition of wild meat (bushmeat) in the CITES glossary should be retained.
96.African Carnivore InitiativeSupport the draft decisions.+
97.West African vulture trade and conservation management

CoP18 Doc. 97
BF, NE, SNSupport the set of decisions that will promote synergies with the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), as amended by the Sec. Addressing illegal poisoning and the belief-based trade is very important, and there are strong links between the elephant/rhino poaching and the vulture-poisoning events. One of the species addressed in the document, the Egyptian vulture, breeds regularly in the EU and winters in Africa.+
Maintenance of the Appendices
98.Reservations with respect to amendments to Appendices I and II

CoP18 Doc. 98
Sec.Support proposed amendments to Res. Conf. 4.25 on Reservations, to confirm the 90-day deadline for reservations to App. I and II listings, and to clarify when the withdrawal of a reservation becomes effective.+
99.Standard nomenclature

CoP18 Doc. 99
AC, PC, Sec.Support proposed amendments to Annex to Res. Conf. 12.11 and associated draft Decisions.

Support extending Decision 17.312 to require the AC to consider the review and make recommendations to CoP 19.
Annex 5: Proposed New CITES Standard References for Nomenclature of Birds (Class Aves)

CoP18 Doc. 99 A5
Take note of consultant’s report on standard references for nomenclature of birds.
Annex 6: Proposed changes in the published literature concerning nomenclature of CITES-listed animal species for which the Animals Committee, at the time of CoP 18 document submission, has not yet reached a recommendation on adoption or rejection for CITES purposes

CoP18 Doc. 99 A6
100.Inclusion of species in Appendix IIIAgree with the proposed draft decisions and the proposed changes to Resolution Conf. 9.25 (Rev. CoP17).+

CoP18 Doc. 101
SCSupport proposed amendment to Res. Conf. 11.21 (Rev. CoP17), revision to Paragraph 7 of the Interpretation Section of the CITES Appendices, and draft decisions contained in Annex 4. Support proposed amendments to Decision 16.162 (Rev. CoP17) but remain open to potential changes depending on the outcome on annotation #15.+
102.Annotations for Appendix-II orchids

CoP18 Doc. 102
SCSupport draft definition of the term ‘cosmetics’, and adoption of proposed decisions.+
103.Guidance for the publication of the Appendices

CoP18 Doc. 103
CASupport the draft decisions to develop guidance on the presentation of annotations and support the proposed amendments by the Sec. to avoid restricting prematurely the scope of the guidance.+
104.Review of Resolution Conf. 10.9 on Consideration of proposals for the transfer of African elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II

CoP18 Doc. 104
SCSupport proposed repeal of the Resolution and deletion of associated Decision.+
Proposals to amend the Appendices
105.Proposals to amend Appendices I and IIListing proposals are addressed in Part 2 of this document, below.
Conclusion of the meeting
106.Determination of the time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties (no document)No document
107.Closing remarks (Observers, Parties, CITES Secretary-General, Host Government) (no document)No document

1. Listing Proposals

NoTaxon / DetailProposalProponentCommentsPosition
1.Capra falconeri heptneri

(Heptner’s markhor)

(population of Tajikistan)
I – II

Transfer the population of Tajikistan from App. I to App. II
TajikistanPopulation seems to be increasing and hunting management under the CITES provisions for Appendix I species has generated revenues going back into the communities and conservation. However, the proposal does not contain strong evidence to demonstrate that the precautionary measures in Annex 4 of Res. Conf. 9.24 are satisfied. A downlisting would lead to increased volume of trade without guarantees that the revenues would be returned to conservation. IUCN recommended to continue and reinforce the current management.
2.Saiga tatarica

(Saiga antelope)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
Mongolia, United States of AmericaThe proposal considers all recent Saiga to be one species, in line with the IUCN Red List. However, the currently valid CITES taxonomic reference separates the Mongolian populations as S. borealis. The Union will support the interpretation of the scope of the listing suggested by the US. If this interpretation is accepted, the CoP will consider listing of the two species S. borealis and S. tatarica.

S. borealis meets the Appendix I listing criteria and the Union will support its listing in Appendix I.

The Union will support listing in Appendix I of S. tatarica, provided that all principal range States agree with the listing, and only if S. borealis is listed in Appendix I as well.

The Union will oppose the listing in Appendix I of S. tatarica if S. borealis is not uplisted as well, to avoid any negative impact on the population of S. borealis.
3.Vicugna vicugna


(population of the Province of Salta)
I – II

Transfer the population of the Province of Salta (Argentina) from App. I to App. II with annotation 1
ArgentinaSince 2006, the population size is increasing considerably, population monitoring seems to be good and 41 % (14 000 km2) of the habitat is protected. The only form of planned utilisation is shearing of wild specimens.

Consider jointly with working document no. 91.
4.Vicugna vicugna


(population of Chile)
Amend the name of the population of Chile from ‘population of the Primera Región’ to ‘populations of the region of Tarapacá and of the region of Arica and Parinacota’ChileSupport – the proposal does not contain any substantive change to the listing and only adjusts a geographical name.+
5.Giraffa camelopardalis

0 – II

Include in App. II
Central African Republic, Chad, Kenya, Mali, Niger and SenegalThe current conservation status of the nine subspecies and the presence and severity of main threats show large regional variations. Taking into account overall declines recorded over the last three generations and decreasing trends of the Giraffe population, an Appendix II listing has merits in preventing this species from becoming threatened in the future. Therefore, considering the precautionary approach and acting in the best interest of the conservation of the species, the listing in Appendix II is supported by the Union.+
6.Aonyx cinereus

(Small-clawed otter)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
India, Nepal and the PhilippinesAccording to IUCN, pet trade on the internet contributes to the recent rapid decline of the species.

There are some indications that the level of this trade is growing in recent years.
7.Lutrogale perspicillata

(Smooth-coated otter)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
Bangladesh, India and NepalThere are low levels of recorded legal international trade, but uplisting could help protect the species as the volume of illegal trade is significant.+
8.Ceratotherium simum simum

(Southern white rhinoceros)

(population of Eswatini)
Remove the existing annotation for the population of EswatiniEswatiniOppose. The population continues to meet App. II listing criteria, but removal of the annotation as proposed would not meet the precautionary safeguards set out in Para A. 2. a) in Annex 4 of Res. Conf. 9.24. Resumption of rhino horn trade would send the wrong signal at this point in time, given the high level of poaching and illegal trade. It would also undermine demand reduction action by many Parties for this species.
9.Ceratotherium simum simum

(Southern white rhinoceros)

(population of Namibia)
I – II

Transfer of the population of Ceratotherium simum simum of Namibia from Appendix I to Appendix II with the following annotation:

‘For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in: animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations; and

b.hunting trophies.

All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.’
NamibiaThe high levels of poaching and trafficking for this species remain of considerable concern for the Union. Successful conservation of the species in Namibia needs to be recognized, however, we should also note that more than a third part of the whole Namibian population was imported and two thirds belong to private owners, and the trade in hunting trophies and live animals for non-commercial purposes, to destinations suitably equipped to house and care for them, is already possible under Annex I.

If the proposal is adopted by the CoP, the Union would request that it be accompanied by a set of decisions to monitor and report periodically on the possible impact of this downlisting.
10.Loxodonta africana

(African elephant)
I – II

Transfer the population of Zambia from Appendix I to Appendix II subject to:

1.1.Trade in registered raw ivory (tusks and pieces) for commercial purposes only to CITES-approved trading partners who will not re‐export.

2.Trade in hunting trophies for non‐commercial purposes.

3.Trade in hides and leather goods.

4.All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.
ZambiaThe annotation suggested by Zambia would re-open international ivory trade and cannot be supported as it stands.
11.Loxodonta africana

(African elephant)

(populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe)

Amendment of annotation 2
Amendment of annotation 2:

‘For the exclusive purpose of allowing:

[...] in registered raw ivory (for Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, whole tusks and pieces) subject to the following:

i.only registered government-owned stocks, originating in the State (excluding seized ivory and ivory of unknown origin);

ii.only to trading partners that have been verified by the Secretariat, in consultation with the Standing Committee, to have sufficient national legislation and domestic trade controls to ensure that the imported ivory will not be re‐exported and will be managed in accordance with all requirements of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) concerning domestic manufacturing and trade;

iii.not before the Secretariat has verified the prospective importing countries and the registered government-owned stocks;

iv.raw ivory pursuant to the conditional sale of registered government-owned ivory stocks agreed at CoP12, which are 20,000 kg (Botswana), 10,000 kg (Namibia) and 30,000 kg (South Africa); addition to the quantities agreed at CoP12, government-owned ivory from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe registered by 31 January 2007 and verified by the Secretariat may be traded and despatched, with the ivory in paragraph (g) iv) above, in a single sale per destination under strict supervision of the Secretariat;

vi.the proceeds of the trade are used exclusively for elephant conservation and community conservation and development programmes within or adjacent to the elephant range; and

vii.the additional quantities specified in paragraph g) v) above shall be traded only after the Standing Committee has agreed that the above conditions have been met; and

h)no further proposals to allow trade in elephant ivory from populations already in Appendix II shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties for the period from CoP14 and ending nine years from the date of the single sale of ivory that is to take place in accordance with provisions in paragraphs g) i), g) ii), g) iii), g) vi) and g) vii). In addition such further proposals shall be dealt with in accordance with Decisions 16.55 and 14.78 (Rev. CoP16). […]’
Botswana, Namibia and ZimbabweThe requested change would result in opening up international ivory trade, and therefore does not meet the precautionary measures in Annex 4 to Res. Conf. 9.24 and is premature.
12.Loxodonta africana

(African elephant)

(populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe)
II – I

Transfer the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe from App. II to App. I
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and TogoThese four populations do not meet App. I criteria and the range States in question do not agree with the uplisting.
13.Mammuthus primigenius

(Woolly mammoth)
0 – II

Include in App. II
IsraelThe purpose of CITES is to protect species from overexploitation and extinction. Look-alike issues do not seem to be a sufficient argument for listing mammoth. Evidence for misidentification and laundering on a large scale has not been provided, and elephant and mammoth ivory dentine display unique characteristics which can be readily distinguished by a non-expert. Listing on App. II would not be proportionate with the scale of the risk posed (potentially generating numerous permits with no, or limited, conservation benefit).
14.Leporillus conditor

(Greater stick-nest rat)
I – II

Transfer from App. I to App. II
AustraliaTransfer to Appendix II recommended by the AC. The species does not occur in international trade.+
15.Pseudomys fieldi praeconis

(Shark Bay mouse)
I – II

Transfer from App. I to App. II
AustraliaTransfer to Appendix II and a nomenclature change recommended by the AC. The species does not occur in international trade.+
16.Xeromys myoides

(False swamp rat)
I – II

Transfer from App. I to App. II
AustraliaTransfer to Appendix II recommended by the AC. The species does not occur in international trade.+
17.Zyzomys pedunculatus

(Central rock rat)
I – II

Transfer from App. I to App. II
AustraliaTransfer to Appendix II recommended by the AC. The species does not occur in international trade.+
18.Syrmaticus reevesii

(Reeves’s pheasant)
0 – II

Include in App. II
CNOnly the population of China meets the listing criteria for inclusion in Appendix II. Open to supporting the inclusion of the species in Appendix II, and will request the proponent to restrict the scope of the listing to the Chinese population only.(+)
19.Balearica pavonina

(Black crowned-crane)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and SenegalAs IUCN/TRAFFIC recognises, since the species is affected by international trade and the estimated population decline may be close to and could exceed 50 % over the last 45 years, B. pavonina is likely to meet the criteria for inclusion in Appendix I and the Union will support the proposal.+
20.Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis

(Lesser rufous bristlebird)
Transfer from App. I to App. IIAustraliaThe proposal results from the CITES Periodic Review and concerns a species that is not in trade (considered as extinct, last observation in 1906).+
21.Dasyornis longirostris

(Long-billed bristlebird)
I – II

Transfer from App. I to App. II
AustraliaThe proposal results from the CITES Periodic Review and concerns a species that is not in trade.+
22.Crocodylus acutus

(American crocodile)

(population of Mexico)
I – II

Transfer the population of Mexico from App. I to App. II
MexicoSupport transfer from App. I to App. II if Mexico sets a 0 quota for specimens from the wild (source code W).(+)
23.Calotes nigrilabris and Calotes pethiyagodai

(Garden lizards)
0 – I

Include in App. I
Sri LankaBiological criteria for listing in CITES Appendices appear to be met but insufficient evidence to demonstrate that current or anticipated levels of trade are detrimental to its survival in the wild. The Union will encourage the proponent to list the two species in Appendix III, but oppose Appendix I listing. The Union is open to consider further information on listing in Appendix II if presented by the proponent.(–)
24.Ceratophora spp.

(Horned lizards)
0 – I

Include in App. I
Sri LankaOppose the genus listing in Appendix I, but agree to include C. erdeleni, C. karu, and C. tennenti in Appendix I and C. stoddartii and C. aspera in Appendix II.

Biological criteria for Appendix I are met for the three species (out of five species in the genus): C. karu, C. erdeleni and C. tennentii. Appendix II seems more warranted for C. aspera and C. stoddartii.

The Union will consider on the spot any further information on the proposed listing if presented by the proponent.
25.Cophotis ceylanica and Cophotis dumbara

(Pygmy lizards)
0 – I

Include in App. I
Sri LankaThe proposal appears to meet biological criteria; offtakes of even small numbers may have a significant impact on remaining populations. These are the only two species in this genus, and both are endemic to Sri Lanka and listed as highly threatened on Sri Lanka’s National Red List (2012).+
26.Lyriocephalus scutatus

(Hump-nosed lizard)
0 – I

Include in App. I
Sri LankaSupport an Appendix II listing, since Appendix I listing criteria are not met but App. II criteria are.(–)
27.Goniurosaurus spp.

(Leopard geckos)

(populations of China and Vietnam)
0 – II

Include species of China and Vietnam in App. II
China, European Union, VietnamCo-proposed by the Union.+
28.Gekko gecko

(Tokay gecko)
0 – II

Include in App. II
European Union, India, Philippines, United States of AmericaCo-proposed by the Union.+
29.Gonatodes daudini

(Grenadines clawed gecko)
0 – I

Include in App. I
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesThe species meets the biological criteria for listing in Appendix I. International trade reported shortly after discovery of the species and still ongoing, even though collecting in the natural habitat is not allowed.+
30.Paroedura androyensis

(Grandidier’s Madagascar ground gecko)
0 – II

Include in App. II
European Union, MadagascarCo-proposed by the Union.+
31.Ctenosaura spp.

(Spiny-tailed iguanas)
0 – II

Include in App. II
El Salvador and MexicoThe proposal meets the listing criteria; several species of the genus could become eligible for inclusion in Appendix I in the future if trade is not regulated as they have small populations, restricted areas of distribution or have experienced population declines, or a combination of these three criteria, and are highly vulnerable to either intrinsic or extrinsic factors.+
32.Pseudocerastes urarachnoides

(Spider-tailed horned viper)
0 – II

Include in App. II
IranMore information needed to demonstrate that the trade criterion is met. There is limited information available in the proposal on the extent of collection from the wild and international trade of the species (with evidence of only a small handful of individuals appearing in trade outside of its range State), and although the species is classed as ‘nationally endangered’, there is a lack of data to indicate population size, distribution, or whether the species is in decline.0
33.Cuora bourreti

(Bourret’s box turtle)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
VietnamSupport transfer to App. I; a ‘critically endangered’ species that meets at least criterion C. i) in Annex 1 of Res. Conf. 9.24 and is heavily traded.+
34.Cuora picturata

(Vietnamese box turtle)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
VietnamSupport transfer to App.I; a ‘Critically Endangered’ species that meets all biological criteria of Res. Conf. 9.24 for Appendix I listing and is heavily traded. The proposal is arising from a Periodic Review recommendation.+
35.Mauremys annamensis

(Annam leaf turtle)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
VietnamSupport transfer to App. I; a ‘Critically Endangered’ species that it meets at least criterion C. i) in Annex 1 of Res. Conf. 9.24 and is heavily traded. The proposal is arising from a Periodic Review recommendation.+
36.Geochelone elegans

(Star tortoise)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I
Bangladesh, India, Senegal and Sri LankaThe listing is proposed jointly by the majority of range States. The illegal trade is of great concern, although harvest and trade in wild specimens is already prohibited in the range States. The concerns around mis-use of source code C and potential laundering of wild specimens through captive breeding operations is already being addressed by CITES under Resolution Conf. 17.7.+
37.Malacochersus tornieri

(Pancake tortoise)
II – I

Transfer from App. II to App. I

United States of America
Support to the proposal. Most recent Red List Assessment (2018) has assessed the species as ‘Critically Endangered’. Proposal seems to be proportionate to the anticipated risks to the species, which is in considerable demand from the trade sector and affected by illegal trade. Overexploitation is reported as a main factor currently affecting populations of the species. The species seems to meet the Appendix I listing criteria.+
38.Hyalinobatrachium spp., Centrolene spp., Cochranella spp., and Sachatamia spp.

(Glass frogs)
0 – II

Include in App. II
Costa Rica,

El Salvador
The Union could support a narrower proposal if the proponents decide to limit it to those species for which it can be demonstrated that they meet the listing criteria. However, due to lack of population data, and as reported trade occurs mostly in species of ‘Least Concern’, the inclusion in App. II of all 104 species belonging to four genera does not seem proportionate. Further information is needed on those species for which trade is most prevalent.(–)
39.Echinotriton chinhaiensis and Echinotriton maxiquadratus

(Spiny newts)
0 – II

Include in App. II
ChinaThe species meet the biological criteria for listing in Appendix I. Their conservation would benefit from international protection. Even though international trade levels appear to be low, any trade in wild specimens could be detrimental to the survival of populations, as populations are extremely small and decreasing.

Echinotriton has been split from Tylototriton (listing proposal No 41) only in 1982. Therefore, listing both genera is also appropriate on the basis of the look-alike criterion.
40.Paramesotriton spp.

(Asian warty newts)
0 – II

Include in App. II
China, European UnionCo-proposed by the Union.+
41.Tylototriton spp.

(Crocodile newts)
0 – II

Include in App. II
China, European UnionCo-proposed by the Union.+
42.Isurus oxyrinchus and Isurus paucus

(Mako sharks)
0 – II

Include in App. II
Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Egypt, European Union, Gabon, Gambia, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, Maldives, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Palau, Samoa, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, TogoCo-proposed by the Union.+
43.Glaucostegus spp.

0 – II

Include in App. II
Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, European Union, Gabon, Gambia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Palau, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, UkraineCo-proposed by the Union.+
44.Rhinidae spp.

0 – II

Include in App. II
Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, India, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Maldives, Mali, Mexico, Monaco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Palau, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo and UkraineCo-proposed by the Union.+
45.Holothuria (Microthele) fuscogilva, Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis, Holothuria (Microthele) whitmaei

(Sea cucumbers)
0 – II

Include in App. II
European Union, Kenya, Senegal, Seychelles, United States of AmericaCo-proposed by the Union.+
46.Poecilotheria spp.

(Ornamental spiders)
0 – II

Include in App. II
Sri Lanka, United States of AmericaAs there is insufficient evidence that international trade contributes significantly to the decline of the species, the Union will encourage the range State to list the species in Appendix III, but would not oppose the listing in Appendix II, if agreed by the CoP by consensus. The Union will consider any further information provided by the proponents on the spot. There could be difficulties in implementation with regard to identification of captive-bred specimens.0
47.Achillides chikae hermeli

(Mindoro peacock swallowtail)
0 – IEuropean Union, PhilippinesCo-proposed by the Union.+
48.Parides burchellanus

(Riverside swallowtail)
0 – I

Include in App. I
BrazilSupport the proposal. This species meets Appendix I listing criteria. The species occurs in trade numbers and, due to the small population size, any trade could be detrimental.+
49.Handroanthus spp.,

Tabebuia spp. and

Roseodendron spp.

(Trumpet trees)
0 – II

Include in App. II with annotation #6
BrazilProposal withdrawn.n/a
50.Widdringtonia whytei

(Mulanje Cedar)
0 – II

Include in App. II
MalawiOppose unless Malawi presents evidence of international trade detrimental to the conservation of the species. The species may benefit from an Appendix III listing instead. The EU would nonetheless not oppose the listing in Appendix II in case of consensus at the CoP 18.(–)
51.Dalbergia sissoo

(North Indian rosewood)
II – 0

Delete from App. II
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and NepalThe species is common and does not meet the biological criteria for App. II, but most likely still meets the look‐alike criterion of Res 9.24 (criterion A of Annex 2b). This proposal should also be seen in conjunction with proposed amendments to annotation #15.
52.Dalbergia spp., Guibourtia demeusei, Guibourtia pellegriniana, Guibourtia tessmannii

(Rosewoods, Palisanders and Bubingas)

Amendment of Annotation #15

Amend annotation #15 as follows:

‘All parts and derivatives, except:

a.leaves, flowers, pollen, fruits, and seeds;

b.finished products to a maximum weight of wood of the listed species of 500 g per item;

c.finished musical instruments, finished musical instrument parts and finished musical instrument accessories; and derivatives of Dalbergia cochinchinensis, which are covered by annotation #4;

parts and derivatives of Dalbergia spp. originating and exported from Mexico, which are covered by annotation #6.’
Canada, European UnionCo-proposed by the Union.+
53.Pericopsis elata

(African rosewood)

Amendment of Annotation #5
Expand the scope of the annotation for Pericopsis elata (currently #5) to include plywood and transformed wood as follows:

‘Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood, and transformed wood (2).
Côte d’Ivoire, European UnionCo-proposed by the Union.+
54.Pterocarpus tinctorius

(African padauk)
0 – II

Include in App. II
MalawiSupport preferably with an annotation (potentially the new annotation as proposed for Pericopsis elata in Prop. 53). The species meets the biological criteria for listing in Appendix II as well as the trade criterion (exploitation is a significant threat to the conservation of the species, with illegal logging having boomed over recent years to meet the Asian demand). Inclusion in Appendix II would provide leverage to combat illegal trade.(+)
55.Aloe ferox

(Bitter aloe)

Amendment of Annotation #4

‘Amend annotation #4 for Aloe ferox as follows: All parts and derivatives, except:


f.finished products (3) of Aloe ferox and Euphorbia antisyphilitica packaged and ready for retail trade.
South AfricaSupport but propose draft decision(s) tasking the PC to monitor the impact of the proposed amendment and implementation of management measures. The criteria of Resolution 11.21 are met.+
56.Adansonia grandidieri

(Grandidier’s baobab)

Amendment of Annotation #16

‘Seeds, fruits, oils and living plants’ to the listing of Adansonia grandidieri in Appendix II by deleting reference to live plants, so as to read: ‘#16 Seeds, fruits and oils’
SwitzerlandSupport. The criteria of Resolution 11.21 are met.+
57.Cedrela spp.

0 – II

Include in App. II
EcuadorSupport only if an annotation is included in the proposal with a view to restricting CITES controls to those commodities that first appear in international trade as exports from range States (to be assessed and discussed with proponents whether e.g. the new annotation as proposed for Pericopsis elata in Prop. 53 would be appropriate). Invite Ecuador to consider restricting the scope of the proposal to the populations of the Neotropics. The taxon meets the biological as well as the trade criteria for listing in Appendix II. The Union is a minor importer worldwide.(+)

(1) Sec. = CITES Secretariat, SC = Standing Committee, AC = Animals Committee, PC = Plants Committee. For country codes, see ISO 3166.