Annexes to COM(2014)433 - Abrogation of Decision 2010/287/EU on the existence of an excessive deficit in the Netherlands

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annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community (OJ L 145, 10.6.2009, p. 1).

(4) In line with the ‘Specifications on the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and Guidelines on the format and content of stability and convergence programmes’ of 3 September 2012. See:

(5) The general government deficit of 2013 was significantly influenced by the nationalisation of SNS Reaal which, according to the most recent assessment by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), is assumed to have had no impact on the deficit outturn, yet a final decision on the classification by Eurostat is still pending. Based on currently available information, the impact may be an increase in the deficit of no more than 0,3 % of GDP.