Annexes to COM(2013)603 - Promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors

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dossier COM(2013)603 - Promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors.
document COM(2013)603 EN
date November 26, 2013
Annex, which will form part of the questionnaire to be addressed to the focal points by the WHO.


Proposed indicators to evaluate HEPA levels and HEPA policies in the EU, taking into account the EU Physical Activity Guidelines (EU PA GL) (1)

Thematic areas of the EU PA GLProposed indicators and variables/unitsData availability
International PA recommendations and guidelines

(EU PA GL 1-2)
1.National recommendation on physical activity for health

2.Adults reaching the minimum WHO recommendation on physical activity for health or equivalent national recommendations

Percentage of adults reaching a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or an equivalent combination
3.Children and adolescents reaching the minimum WHO recommendation on physical activity for health or equivalent national recommendations

Percentage of children and adolescents reaching at least 60 minutes of mode-rate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily or on at least five days/week
Cross-sectoral approach

(EU PA GL 3-5)
4.National coordination mechanism on HEPA promotion

Yes/no; if yes, further details
5.Funding allocated specifically to HEPA promotion

By sector (health, sport, transport etc.):

total funding,

per capita,

by gross domestic product at PPP per capita, in Euros.

(EU PA GL 6-13)
6.National sport for all policy and/or action plan

Yes/no; if yes, further details
7.Health-oriented sport clubs (Sport Clubs for Health Programme)

Implementation of the guidelines developed by HEPA Europe/TAFISA project: yes/no; if yes, description
8.Framework to support opportunities to increase access to recreational or exercise facilities for low socio-economic groups

Existence of a framework: yes/foreseen within the next two years/no; and, if yes, description
9.Target groups addressed by the national HEPA policy

By target group (groups in particular need of physical activity (e.g. low socio-economic groups, people with low levels of PA, elderly, ethnic minorities etc.))

(EU PA GL 14-20)
10.Monitoring and surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour included in the national health monitoring system: yes/no; if yes, further details
11.Counselling on physical activity performed by health professionals

Counselling on physical activity: yes/no; if yes: reimbursed as part of primary health care services: yes/no
12.Training on physical activity in curriculum for health professionals

number of hours for nurses, doctors,

mandatory or optional,

clear assessment and accreditation structures to reflect the learning outcomes of the subject.

(EU PA GL 21-24)
13.Physical education in primary and secondary schools

number of hours per school level,

mandatory or optional,

national or sub-national regulation.
14.Schemes for school-related physical activity promotion

Existence of a national or sub-national scheme: yes/no; if yes, further details
15.HEPA in training of physical education teachers

HEPA being a module in training of PE teachers at bachelor's and/or master's degree level: yes/no; mandatory/optional
16.Schemes promoting active travel to school

National or sub-national (where relevant) schemes to promote active travel to school (e.g. walking buses, cycling): yes/no, if yes: description
‘Environment, urban planning, public safety’

(EU PA GL 25-32)
17.Level of cycling/walking

Main mode of transport used for your daily activities (car, motorbike, public transport, walking, cycling, other)
18.European Guidelines for improving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity

European Guidelines for improving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity being applied systematically to plan, build and manage infrastructures:

Yes/not yet but foreseen within the next two years/no
 (3)/ (4)
‘Working environment’

(EU PA GL 33-34)
19.Schemes to promote active travel to work

Existence of a national or sub-national (where relevant) incentive scheme for companies or employees to promote active travel to work (e.g. walking, cycling): yes/no, if yes: description
20.Schemes to promote physical activity at the work place

Existence of a national or sub-national (where relevant) incentive scheme for companies to promote physical activity at the work place (e.g. gyms, showers, walking stairs etc.): yes/no
‘Senior citizens’

(EU PA GL 35-37)
21.Schemes for community interventions to promote PA in elderly people

Existence of a scheme for community interventions to promote PA in elderly people: yes/no; if yes: description

(EU PA GL 38)
22.National HEPA policies that include a plan for evaluation

x out of y national HEPA policies (sport, health, transport, environment, by sector) include a clear intention or plan for evaluation
‘Public awareness’

(EU PA GL 39)
23.Existence of a national awareness raising campaign on physical activity

Yes/no, if yes: description

(1) The information and data that Member States are recommended to provide in the context of the light monitoring framework are expected to improve over time. Support for that framework is proposed to come from the cooperation and capacity building activities foreseen in this Recommendation.

(2) data not yet collected.

(3) data not yet collected but planned within NOPA.

(4) data available (i.e. included in country templates or through other available source) but not yet validated, or needs updating.

(5) data available and validated within NOPA.