Annexes to COM(2007)339 - Community position within the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community on the 2007 budget of the Energy Community - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2007)339 - Community position within the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community on the 2007 budget of the Energy Community. |
document | COM(2007)339 ![]() |
date | June 14, 2007 |
2006/07/MC-EnC: Ministerial Council Decision of …… 2007 on adoption of the Budget of the Energy Community for 2007
The Ministerial Council of the Energy Community,
Having regard to the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community, and in particular Article 74 thereof,
Having regard to Article 88 of the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community,
1. 2007 constitutes a transitional period in terms of financing of the Energy Community, as the legal status and functioning of the Energy Community Secretariat under the laws of the Republic of Austria will only be formalized through the entry into force of the Headquarters Agreement of 29 May 2007 with the Republic of Austria with effect as of 1st of July 2007.
2. The interim Secretariat and the activities of the Energy Community are currently financed 100% through a CARDS Grant Contract by the Commission and the Austrian Ministry of Industry and Labour. This grant contract will expire on 30 June 2007.
3. As regards the second half of the year 2007, the subscriptions to the budget should follow the provisions of Article 73 of the Energy Community Treaty.
4. In accordance with Article 88 of the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community the European Commission puts forward the detailed budget proposal set forth in Annex 1 to this decision. Following the financing mechanism explained above, the budget proposal for the year 2007 consists of two components:
5. Component 1: 1-1-2007 until 30-6-2007: costs financed by the European Commission EC and the Ministry of Employment and Industry of the Republic of Austria through the existing grant contract. This part of the budget will be 100% financed by the two parties to the grant contract;
6. Component 2: 1-7-2007 until 31-12-2007, costs financed in accordance with Article 73 of the Treaty; the relevant subscriptions due by the parties of the Energy Community Treaty shall apply.
Article 1
The Energy Community Budget, covering the calendar year 2007, set forth in Annex 1, is hereby adopted.
Article 2
In the period covered by the component 1 of the budget referred to in Article 1, the interim Energy Community Secretariat shall continue to apply its interim rules and procedures for the use of the funds made available through the European Commission and the Ministry of Employment and Industry of the Republic of Austria until the Procedures for the Establishment and Implementation of the Budget of the Energy Community, Auditing and Inspection are applicable.
In the period covered by the component 2 of the budget referred to in Article 1, the Energy Community Secretariat shall apply the Procedures for the Establishment and Implementation of the Budget of the Energy Community, Auditing and Inspection.
Article 3
The Director of the Energy Community Secretariat shall be responsible for the implementation of this Procedural Act.
Article 4
This decision is addressed to all Parties and institutions under the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community.
Article 5
The Director of the Energy Community Secretariat shall make this decision and its annex available to all Parties and institutions under the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community within 7 days after its adoption.
Done in …………..on ……..
For the Ministerial Council
Narration note
Energy Community
Budget 2007
The proposed budget is divided into two components:
- Component 1: 1-1-2007 until 30-6-2007: costs financed by the European Commission EC and the Ministry of Employment and Industry of the Republic of Austria through the existing grant contract. This part of the budget will be 100% financed by the two parties to the grant contract;
- Component 2: 1-7-2007 until 31-12-2007, costs financed in accordance with Article 73 of the Treaty; the relevant subscriptions due by the parties of the Energy Community Treaty shall apply.
Component 1:
The presented format of the Energy Community Budget for the period of 1-1-2007 until 30-6-2007 is in compliance with the format of Annex III of the Grant Contract (ref.: 100-231).
Component 2:
The presented format of the Energy Community Budget for the period of 1-7-2007 until 31-12-2007 is in compliance with art 74 of the Energy Community Treaty. In general, human resources allocations level considered in the presented Budget 2007 draft proposal has been consulted with the European Commission and is based on external (other international organisations seated in Austria, like IEA, OPEC, UN, ICMPD) and internal benchmarking (level of Unit within a Directorate of EC has been considered, see Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, Art 66).
Energy Community Budget 2007: details of Subtotals
This budget figure for the year 2007 amounting to EUR 2.032 Mio differs from the initial Commission’s budget 2007 proposal of EUR 2.450 Mio concluded on 17 November 2007 by the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community.
The split of the overall budget 2007 of EUR 2.032Mio in accordance with the presented format is as follows:
- Subtotal Human Resources EUR 858 372
- Subtotal Travel EUR 48 958
- Subtotal Equipment and Supplies EUR 41 605
- Subtotal Office EUR 187 030
- Subtotal Other Costs, Services EUR 896 765
Energy Community Budget 2007: details of institutional expenditures split
Based on the requirements of Article 74 of the Treaty establishing the Energy Community, the presented budget 2007 refers to the details of expenditures of each institution established under the Treaty. In general, the overall budget of the Energy Community for the year 2007 presented in accordance with the institutional split shows the following distributions:
- Ministerial Council EUR 49 000
- Permanent High Level Group EUR 40 619
- Energy Community Regulatory Board EUR 248 712
- Athens Forum EUR 23 533
- Gas Forum EUR 29 650
- Energy Community Secretariat EUR 1 641 215
The envisaged overall expenses for the budget year 2007 equal EUR 2.032Mio.
Out of this EUR 788 630 will be covered 100% by the funds available in the Grant Contract 100 321 between the EC and the Austrian Ministry, and EUR 1 244 100 will be covered by the subscriptions of the members of the Energy Community.
ANNEX III: Proposed organigramme for the Energ Community Secretariat
Fig. 1: Proposed organigramme for the Energy Community Secretariat.
ANNEX IV: Breakdown of the budget for the Energy Community for 2007