Annexes to COM(2008)332 - Establishment of the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) in application of Article 11 of Framework Decision 2008/XX/JHA

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Common table of offences categories referred to in Article 4

Level of completion:Completed actC
Attempt or preparationA
Non-transmitted elementØ
Level of participation:PerpetratorM
Aider and abettor or instigator/organiser, conspiratorH
Non-transmitted elementØ
Exemption from criminal responsibility:Insanity or diminished responsibilityS

CodeCategories and sub-categories of offences
0100 00

open category
Crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
0101 00Genocide
0102 00Crimes against humanity
0103 00War crimes
0200 00

open category
Participation in a criminal organisation
0201 00Directing a criminal organisation
0202 00Knowingly taking part in the criminal activities of a criminal organisation
0203 00Knowingly taking part in the non-criminal activities of a criminal organisation
0300 00

open category
0301 00Directing a terrorist group
0302 00Knowingly participating in the activities of a terrorist group
0303 00Financing of terrorism
0304 00Public provocation to commit a terrorist offence
0305 00Recruitment or training for terrorism
0400 00

open category
Trafficking in human beings
0401 00Trafficking in human beings for the purposes of labour or services exploitation
0402 00Trafficking in human beings for the purposes of the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation
0403 00Trafficking in human beings for the purposes of organ or human tissue removal
0404 00Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of slavery, practices similar to slavery or servitude
0405 00Trafficking in human beings for the purposes of labour or services exploitation of a minor
0406 00Trafficking in human beings for the purposes of the exploitation of the prostitution of minors or other forms of their sexual exploitation
0407 00Trafficking in human beings for the purposes of organ or human tissue removal of a minor
0408 00Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of slavery, practices similar to slavery or servitude of a minor
0500 00

open category
Illicit trafficking (1) and other offences related to weapons, firearms, their parts and components, ammunition and explosives
0501 00Illicit manufacturing of weapons, firearms, their parts and components, ammunition and explosives
0502 00Illicit trafficking of weapons, firearms, their parts and components ammunition and explosives at national level (2)
0503 00Illicit exportation or importation of weapons, firearms, their parts and components, ammunition and explosives
0504 00Unauthorised possession or use of weapons, firearms, their parts and components, ammunition and explosives
0600 00

open category
Environmental crime
0601 00Destroying or damaging protected fauna and flora species
0602 00Unlawful discharges of polluting substances or ionising radiation into air, soil or water
0603 00Offences related to waste, including hazardous waste
0604 00Offences related to illicit trafficking (1) in protected fauna and flora species or parts thereof
0605 00Unintentional environmental offences
0700 00

open category
Offences related to drugs or precursors, and other offences against public health
0701 00Offences related to illicit trafficking (3) in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors not exclusively for own personal consumption
0702 00Illicit consumption of drugs and their acquisition, possession, manufacture or production exclusively for own personal consumption
0703 00Aiding or inciting others to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances illicitly
0704 00Manufacture or production of narcotic drugs not exclusively for personal consumption
0800 00

open category
Crimes against the person
0801 00Intentional killing
0802 00Aggravated cases of intentional killing (4)
0803 00Unintentional killing
0804 00Intentional killing of a new-born by his/her mother
0805 00Illegal abortion
0806 00Illegal euthanasia
0807 00Offences related to committing suicide
0808 00Violence causing death
0809 00Causing grievous bodily injury, disfigurement or permanent disability
0810 00Unintentionally causing grievous bodily injury, disfigurement or permanent disability
0811 00Causing minor bodily injury
0812 00Unintentionally causing minor bodily injury
0813 00Exposing to danger of loss of life or grievous bodily injury
0814 00Torture
0815 00Failure to offer aid or assistance
0816 00Offences related to organ or tissue removal without authorisation or consent
0817 00Offences related to illicit trafficking (3) in human organs and tissue
0818 00Domestic violence or threat
0900 00

open category
Offences against personal liberty, dignity and other protected interests, including racism and xenophobia
0901 00Kidnapping, kidnapping for ransom, illegal restraint
0902 00Unlawful arrest or deprivation of liberty by public authority
0903 00Hostage-taking
0904 00Unlawful seizure of an aircraft or ship
0905 00Insults, slander, defamation, contempt
0906 00Threats
0907 00Duress, pressure, stalking, harassment or aggression of a psychological or emotional nature
0908 00Extortion
0909 00Aggravated extortion
0910 00Illegal entry into private property
0911 00Invasion of privacy other than illegal entry into private property
0912 00Offences against protection of personal data
0913 00Illegal interception of data or communication
0914 00Discrimination on grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or ethnic origin
0915 00Public incitement to racial discrimination
0916 00Public incitement to racial hatred
0917 00Blackmail
1000 00

open category
Sexual offences
1001 00Rape
1002 00Aggravated rape (5) other than rape of a minor
1003 00Sexual assault
1004 00Procuring for prostitution or sexual act
1005 00Indecent exposure
1006 00Sexual harassment
1007 00Soliciting by a prostitute
1008 00Sexual exploitation of children
1009 00Offences related to child pornography or indecent images of minors
1010 00Rape of a minor
1011 00Sexual assault of a minor
1100 00

open category
Offences against family law
1101 00Illicit sexual relations between close family members
1102 00Polygamy
1103 00Evading the alimony or maintenance obligation
1104 00Neglect or desertion of a minor or a disabled person
1105 00Failure to comply with an order to produce a minor or removal of a minor
1200 00

open category
Offences against the State, public order, course of justice or public officials
1201 00Espionage
1202 00High treason
1203 00Offences related to elections and referendum
1204 00Attempt against life or health of the Head of State
1205 00Insult of the State, Nation or State symbols
1206 00Insult or resistance to a representative of public authority
1207 00Extortion, duress, pressure towards a representative of public authority
1208 00Assault or threat on a representative of public authority
1209 00Public order offences, breach of the public peace
1210 00Violence during sports events
1211 00Theft of public or administrative documents
1212 00Obstructing or perverting the course of justice, making false allegations in the course of criminal or judicial proceedings, perjury
1213 00Unlawful impersonation of a person or an authority
1214 00Escape from lawful custody
1300 00

open category
Offences against public property or public interests
1301 00Public, social security or family benefit fraud
1302 00Fraud affecting European benefits or allowances
1303 00Offences related to illegal gambling
1304 00Obstructing of public tender procedures
1305 00Active or passive corruption of a civil servant, a person holding public office or public authority
1306 00Embezzlement, misappropriation or other diversion of property by a public official
1307 00Abuse of a function by a public official
1400 00

open category
Tax and customs offences
1401 00Tax offences
1402 00Customs offences
1500 00

open category
Economic and trade related offences
1501 00Bankruptcy or fraudulent insolvency
1502 00Breach of accounting regulation, embezzlement, concealment of assets or unlawful increase in a company’s liabilities
1503 00Violation of competition rules
1504 00Laundering of proceeds from crime
1505 00Active or passive corruption in the private sector
1506 00Revealing a secret or breaching an obligation of secrecy
1507 00‘Insider trading’
1600 00

open category
Offences against property or causing damage to goods
1601 00Unlawful appropriation
1602 00Unlawful appropriation or diversion of energy
1603 00Fraud, including swindling
1604 00Dealing in stolen goods
1605 00Illicit trafficking (6) in cultural goods, including antiques and works of art
1606 00Intentional damage or destruction of property
1607 00Unintentional damage or destruction of property
1608 00Sabotage
1609 00Offences against industrial or intellectual property
1610 00Arson
1611 00Arson causing death or injury to persons
1612 00Forest arson
1700 00

open category
Theft offences
1701 00Theft
1702 00Theft after unlawful entry into property
1703 00Theft, using violence or weapons, or using threat of violence or weapons against person
1704 00Forms of aggravated theft which do not involve use of violence or weapons, or use of threat of violence or weapons, against persons.
1800 00

open category
Offences against information systems and other computer-related crime
1801 00Illegal access to information systems
1802 00Illegal system interference
1803 00Illegal data interference
1804 00Production, possession, dissemination of or trafficking in computer devices or data enabling commitment of computer-related offences
1900 00

open category
Forgery of means of payment
1901 00Counterfeiting or forging currency, including the euro
1902 00Counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment
1903 00Counterfeiting or forging public fiduciary documents
1904 00Putting into circulation/using counterfeited or forged currency, non-cash means of payment or public fiduciary documents
1905 00Possession of a device for the counterfeiting or forgery of currency or public fiduciary documents
2000 00

open category
Falsification of documents
2001 00Falsification of a public or administrative document by a private individual
2002 00Falsification of a document by a civil servant or a public authority
2003 00Supply or acquisition of a forged public or administrative document; supply or acquisition of a forged document by a civil servant or a public authority
2004 00Using forged public or administrative documents
2005 00Possession of a device for the falsification of public or administrative documents
2006 00Forgery of private documents by a private individual
2100 00

open category
Offences against traffic regulations
2101 00Dangerous driving
2102 00Driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs
2103 00Driving without a licence or while disqualified
2104 00Failure to stop after a road accident
2105 00Avoiding a road check
2106 00Offences related to road transport
2200 00

open category
Offences against labour law
2201 00Unlawful employment
2202 00Offences relating to remuneration, including social security contributions
2203 00Offences relating to working conditions, health and safety at work
2204 00Offences relating to access to or exercise of a professional activity
2205 00Offences relating to working hours and rest time
2300 00

open category
Offences against migration law
2301 00Unauthorised entry or residence
2302 00Facilitation of unauthorised entry and residence
2400 00

open category
Offences against military obligations
2500 00

open category
Offences related to hormonal substances and other growth promoters
2501 00Illicit importation, exportation or supply of hormonal substances and other grown promoters
2600 00

open category
Offences related to nuclear materials or other hazardous radioactive substances
2601 00Illicit importation, exportation, supply or acquisition of nuclear or radioactive materials
2700 00

open category
Other offences
2701 00Other intentional offences
2702 00Other unintentional offences

(1) Unless otherwise specified in this category, ‘trafficking’ means import, export, acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer.

(2) For the purpose of this sub-category trafficking includes acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer.

(3) For the purpose of this sub-category trafficking includes import, export, acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer.

(4) For example: particularly grave circumstances.

(5) For example rape with particular cruelty.

(6) Trafficking includes import, export, acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer.


Common table of penalties and measures categories referred to in Article 4

CodeCategories and sub-categories of offences

open category
Deprivation of freedom
1002Life imprisonment

open category
Restriction of personal freedom
2001Prohibition from frequenting some places
2002Restriction to travel abroad
2003Prohibition to stay in some places
2004Prohibition from entry to a mass event
2005Prohibition to enter in contact with certain persons through whatever means
2006Placement under electronic surveillance (1)
2007Obligation to report at specified times to a specific authority
2008Obligation to stay/reside in a certain place
2009Obligation to be at the place of residence on the set time
2010Obligation to comply with the probation measures ordered by the court, including the obligation to remain under supervision

open category
Prohibition of a specific right or capacity
3001Disqualification from function
3002Loss/suspension of capacity to hold or to be appointed to public office
3003Loss/suspension of the right to vote or to be elected
3004Incapacity to contract with public administration
3005Ineligibility to obtain public subsidies
3006Cancellation of the driving licence (2)
3007Suspension of driving licence
3008Prohibition to drive certain vehicles
3009Loss/suspension of the parental authority
3010Loss/suspension of right to be an expert in court proceedings/witness under oath/juror
3011Loss/suspension of right to be a legal guardian (3)
3012Loss/suspension of right of decoration or title
3013Prohibition to exercise professional, commercial or social activity
3014Prohibition from working or activity with minors
3015Obligation to close an establishment
3016Prohibition to hold or to carry weapons
3017Withdrawal of a hunting/fishing license
3018Prohibition to issue cheques or to use payment/credit cards
3019Prohibition to keep animals
3020Prohibition to possess or use certain items other than weapons
3021Prohibition to play certain games/sports

open category
Prohibition or expulsion from territory
4001Prohibition from national territory
4002Expulsion from national territory

open category
Personal obligation
5001Submission to medical treatment or other forms of therapy
5002Submission to a social-educational programme
5003Obligation to be under the care/control of the family
5004Educational measures
5005Socio-judicial probation
5006Obligation of training/working
5007Obligation to provide judicial authorities with specific information
5008Obligation to publish the judgment
5009Obligation to compensate for the prejudice caused by the offence

open category
Penalty on personal property

open category
Placing in an institution
7001Placing in a psychiatric institution
7002Placing in a detoxification institution
7003Placing in an educational institution

open category
Financial penalty
8002Day-fine (4)
8003Fine for the benefit of a special recipient (5)

open category
Working penalty
9001Community service or work
9002Community service or work accompanied with other restrictive measures

open category
Military penalty
10001Loss of military rank (6)
10002Expulsion from professional military service
10003Military imprisonment

open category
Exemption/deferment of sentence/penalty, warning

open category
Other penalties and measures

Parameters (to be specified where applicable)
aSuspended penalty/measure
bPartially suspended penalty/measure
cSuspended penalty/measure with probation/supervision
dPartially suspended penalty/measure with probation/supervision
eConversion of penalty/measure
fAlternative penalty/measure imposed as principal penalty
gAlternative penalty/measure imposed initially in case of non-respect of the principal penalty
hRevocation of suspended penalty/measure
iSubsequent formation of an overall penalty
jInterruption of enforcement/postponement of the penalty/measure (7)
kRemission of the penalty
lRemission of the suspended penalty
nEnd of penalty
qRelease on parole (liberation of a person before end of the sentence under certain conditions)
rRehabilitation (with or without the deletion of penalty from criminal records)
sPenalty or measure specific to minors
tNon-criminal ruling (8)

(1) Fixed or mobile placement.

(2) Reapplication in order to obtain a new driving licence is necessary.

(3) Legal guardian for a person who is legally incompetent or for a minor.

(4) Fine expressed in daily units.

(5) E.g.: for an institution, association, foundation or a victim.

(6) Military demotion.

(7) Does not lead to avoidance of enforcement of penalty.

(8) This parameter will be indicated only when such information is provided in reply to the request received by the Member State of nationality of the person concerned.