Considerations on COM(2012)760 - RECOMMENDATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL on the renewal of the Agreement between Euratom (Euratom) and the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation (KEDO)

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

(1) KEDO was established pursuant to the Agreement of 9 March 1995 on the Establishment of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation, as amended on 19 September 1997, between the Governments of the Republic of Korea, Japan and the United States of America;

(2) The fifth Agreement concluded between the Community and KEDO expired on 31 May 2012;

(3) After its decision to terminate KEDO's nuclear light water reactor project and the 2007 decision to fulfil the responsibilities of the Secretariat with a greatly reduced staff and minimal office facilities, KEDO's Executive Board decided in 2011 to continue KEDO beyond 31 may 2012;

(4) Both the Community and KEDO have expressed the wish to continue their co­operation with the objective of implementing the termination of the LWR project and an orderly winding up of KEDO;


Article 1

Application of the provisions of previous Agreement

Unless otherwise specified in one of the articles here below, the provisions of the previous Agreement between the Community and KEDO, which expired on 31 May 2012, shall remain applicable under this Agreement.

Article 2

Community contribution

There shall be no financial contribution from the Community to KEDO's budget under this Agreement.

Article 3


This Agreement will expire on 31 May 2013. It will be automatically renewed each year for a period of another year, unless a party notifies the other party that it wishes to terminate the Agreement at least one month before the date of expiry. It may also be terminated with immediate effect after withdrawal from KEDO by any of the other Members currently represented in the Executive Board. This Agreement will not be renewed beyond 31 May 2015.

Article 4

Entry into force

This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the Community and KEDO and will take effect from 1 June 2012.

Done at Brussels this.................. day of..................... 2012, in two originals

For the European Atomic Energy Community

Done at New York this............... day of..................... 2012, in two originals

For the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation